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ITC Bridge > Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) > Dedicated SPIRICOM Forum > A simpler Spiricom device |
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Moderated by: Keith Clark, fratka, ArizonaEvp |
A simpler Spiricom device | Rating: ![]() |
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Posted: Dec 17th, 2007 07:07 AM |
1st Post |
Bruce Moderator ![]()
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To All, especially the electronics types among you, After seeing the photos of the device DavidR used in his experiments 12 years ago I got to wondering. . . Would it be possible to put together a simple, low cost, Spiricom device that could put such equipment into the hands of a larger group of experimenters? With a much larger group of people actively experimenting, actively attempting voice communication via equipment based on a known to be successfully technology, there could be an accelerated pace of developent. Can you say "hundredth monkey?" If we get down to the most basic requirements all we would need is: 1 . A low power AM radio transmitter. Ideally operating at 29 MHz, but maybe that is not an absolute requirement. Maybe we just tune to a "quiet" spot on the standard AM band? (What broadcast frequency was used in David's experiments in which it sure sounds like he was receiving voice communication.) 2. A source of 13 tones to be used as modulating source for the transmitter. Easy one, tone sets can be created and available for download as MP3 files, or come in a kit on a CD as music files any standard CD player can play output to the headphone jack. 3. Transmitter and receiver antennas. Simple. 4. An AM receiver, either at 29 Mhz or a standard little transistor radio. 5. A simple set of instructions, diagrams, video or something for how connect all the components and test that they are working properly. 6. A simple set of instructions about how to operate the system to attempt comminication With a simple system like this available, ideally as a kit, or at least as a list of inexpensive equipment to buy (maybe recommendations for off the shelf transmitter/receiver kits to buy for the serious experimenter) the number of experimenters could grow pretty fast. Maybe some of us here on this forum with the knowledge and capability could offer our services to analyze recordings experimenters make that appear to have voice recorded. I would be willing to use my website as a means of recruiting interested experimenters, write a little instruction manual for experimenters, and work at some of the analysis of some experimenter's recordings, filtering, cleanup or whatever. Maybe there are some here who could teach me more about how to do that? Anyway, just a thought that occurred to me that resulted in a "why not" conversation with myself that I thought I would share. What do you folks think? Hey, electronics types out there, what's possible for such a low cost system that already exists out there in the market place? Bruce
Posted: Dec 17th, 2007 06:45 PM |
2nd Post |
Jeff Moderator
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Bruce wrote: To All, especially the electronics types among you, It always has been the purpose of the Metascience Foundation to reduce the Spiricom device to something of a handheld unit that anyone could use. Having said that, here are some thoughts and responses: "If we get down to the most basic requirements all we would need is: 1 . A low power AM radio transmitter. Ideally operating at 29 MHz, but maybe that is not an absolute requirement. Maybe we just tune to a "quiet" spot on the standard AM band? (What broadcast frequency was used in David's experiments in which it sure sounds like he was receiving voice communication.) " The Metascience Foundation found that they required more power than thought to establish, and hold communication. In their conversations with their spiritual team, Metascience (Fab 3) found that the RF energy appears as a "swirling light" to the Spirits. Even at considerable power, the light was so faint, and unstable, that the Spirits said trying to impinge with it was "like shooting a small projectile (bullet) at a tiny object far away on the water." I must also mention that this test was at 1200 MHz, which has much more energy than 29 MHz. For those who don't know, 1200 MHz is the frequency of your microwave oven. The reason you don't get immediately burned to a cinder when you start the cooking timer, is because your microwave oven is a Farady cage. That RF energy cannot escape, unless the cage is damaged. You would be dead if the energy got out. Hence Frank's (Fratka) concern about powering up Gunnplexers in his house. If his calculations were incorrect, he would be dead before he could turn off the switch. Smart man, Frank! Getting back to the question at hand. Low power may, or may not be sufficient. Currently, Mark VI is slated for low power at 29 MHz, amplitude modulation (AM). I know all are wondering, "if he knows that 1200 MHz at a medium power level, and with it's greater energy than 29 MHz, had questionable results, why in the world would he consider 29 MHz?" Well, because that's the frequency that worked. Speaking for myself, I must start at a point that worked. There's the other thing, and please, friends, take no offence to this, but if one operates in a broadcast band without a Faraday cage around their antennas, or entire system, they are easy fodder for the skeptic debunkers. Without Faraday protection, anyone can say "You've just received a radio transmission, that's all!" And they would be correct in doing so. That's not to say actual contacts are not being made in those frequency bands. I truly believe David's work was genuine; I really do; especially knowing David has mediumistic tendencies. Those like David only need Spiricom to record their experiences. "2. A source of 13 tones to be used as modulating source for the transmitter. Easy one, tone sets can be created and available for download as MP3 files, or come in a kit on a CD as music files any standard CD player can play output to the headphone jack." The 13 tones are fine, and worked with Mark IV, but why would we use them today? We now have vocoders, and vocal generators. Now there are generators used in inexpensive synthesizers (music type) that would easily span the human voice; and can be set into constant generation without interruption during use. MP3's are fine, as long as the player can do an automatic repeat at the end of the file without interruption. It would just be my luck to establish contact, and have a file end while the contact is speaking. Same for the CD. "3. Transmitter and receiver antennas. Simple." Simple for the receiving antenna; but not so for the transmitting antenna. Impedances must be matched to the transmitter for efficient electromagnetism to happen. Otherwise, reflected power from the mismatched antenna can, and probably would, burn out the final devices in the transmitter. At 29 MHz, that antenna is 40 feet end to end if it is a 1/2 wave dipole. At 1/4 wave, 20 feet held 20 feet above the earth. OK, OK, my friends know I have gotten past this, but I still had to follow the laws of physics regarding the wavelength; and I have pioneered the dark and deep forests of electromagnetic relationships. Mark VI's transmiting antenna is based on a harmonic of 29 MHz. "4. An AM receiver, either at 29 Mhz or a standard little transistor radio." Just explained. "5. A simple set of instructions, diagrams, video or something for how connect all the components and test that they are working properly." Mark VI will not only include a user's manual, but a DVD with me demonstrating how to connect; power up; and tune the system. This was planned at the beginning. In conclusion, your questions are good Bruce. Maybe, after some research, the frequency for solid and stabil contacts will end up at 3 GHz. In which case, the system would end up the size of a cell phone. I hope it does! And I hope very little power will be required! Milliwatts instead of Watts. Safe energy for often use. But at this time, there are 20 years or so to catch up on... Jeff Last edited on Dec 17th, 2007 08:04 PM by Jeff |
Posted: Dec 19th, 2007 07:37 AM |
3rd Post |
Keith Clark Administrator ![]()
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Hello, What about trying something that hasnt been done before? Has a group ever worked together but independently - as in conducting their own experiments but bonding together in their desire to communicate via radio or a Spiricom device? I am of the impression that the electronics and technical setup is only about half of the entire picture, if that. I would like to discuss the other half. Jeff mentioned the "swirling light" that spirit saw in reference to the Spiricom setup. Now, the question to ask is whether that light was caused by a simple 29mhz radio signal (which occurs all around us every day) or whether that light was in reference to the medium's interaction with the equipment and was an extension of his own energy (O'Neil). While I don't have the technical expertise to discuss the hows and whys of Spiricom setup, I am still wholly an active participant. For the last several weeks now I have incorporated Spiricom attempts as part of my regular work. What I am excited about and hope continues is the renewed excitement and group gathering of discussion and experimentation of this topic. What do you think can happen if we, as a group energy, combine our thoughts and share our efforts? Can we not create our own "signal", our own "swirling light" that can be seen far above the mass of interpenetrating signals all around us? I think we can. Count me in on discussion and participation in Spiricom projects. If there is enough interest, we may start a group. I'm glad to see it here on the forum. The time has come to pull together. Keith
Posted: Dec 19th, 2007 01:04 PM |
4th Post |
Bruce Moderator ![]()
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Keith, From the nonphysical side of things I would say you are on the right track with your thinking about a group effort. For example if a person were to imagine, pretend or even fantasize that they were floating in the air between your transmitting and receiving antennas a nonphysical part of them would actually be located in that spot. I does not matter where that person is physically (or otherwise) located, if they imagine they are there, to the extent that they are able to imagine it, they are there. In terms of Spiricom communication if such a person had a strong, well defined intent to for example "be of service for successful voice communication" that person's contribution to the potential for success is greatly multiplied. So when you asked . . . "What do you think can happen if we, as a group energy, combine our thoughts and share our efforts? Can we not create our own 'signal', our own 'swirling light' that can be seen far above the mass of interpenetrating signals all around us? I think we can" my response would be an emphatic, YES. And if a human energy field is part of the Spiricom "apparatus" it will be a strong influence for success. This is for me part of what the "hundredth monkey" phenomenon is about. So, how would we go about doing this? From my experience here are some suggestions off the top of my head. !. Come up with an affirmation that each member of the group uses, or adapts to their liking, during sessions. I could be as simple as, "I deeply desire to be of service to successful voice communication during this session in whatever ways are possible, and I deeply desire that this service will be the best outcome for All." 2. Provide a means to assist participants in imagining that they are in the proper location between the two antennas. For example, put a photograph of the Spiricom setup showing the antennas in their locations. In the photo minimize any distracting background objects. Maybe drape a cloth behind the equipment, over the table (so the equipment can sit on it) and then down the front of the table. Kind of like a professional photographer would do when photographing some product for an advertisement. 3. Make up a regular schedule for listening sessions. Ideally the same time of day for each session. Set up sessions for one, two, three or more times per week, ideally on the same day of the week. Publish the session schedule at least one week in advance. 4. Don't schedule any more sessions during the week than you can adequately publish a description of for participant review. 5. Consider using a standard length session, say 30. 45 or 60 minutes and consider putting the recording files where participants can listen to them. Could be downloadable, could be streaming audio, could be live session streaming audio. Just so participants can get feedback on what they are doing. 6. If you are going to experiment with different Spiricom configuations, and I think it mignt be a good idea, keep the configuration tied to the session day. For example, maybe the configuration you are using now is used in sessions held every Tuesday and a different configuration every Thursday. I would suggest that the other configuration be as close to the Mark IV Spiricom as you can get. Just the tones generator, AM transmitter, AM receiver, loudspeaker, and one microphone plugged into the recording device. Could be a simple, standard AM band transmitter/receiver combination, 29 Mhz would be nice, but who knows, maybe it is not that important. Find the quietest area of the AM band in your area, maybe near the top of the band, and then don't change that frequency for sessions unless there is a really good reason like radio station interference for a very long time. The nonphysicals working with you on this project are going to need to experiment too to get this system to work. It's better that you give them a stable target frequency and tone set to work with than keep changing frequencies on them so they have to readjust. If you want to experiment with a different AM frequency I would suggest you continue sessions with the original frequency and tone set and make the second frequency or tone set a completely separate session on a different day. This will allow the nonphysical folks to continue working on the consistent frequency and tone set during its sessions and running experiments on different frequencies and tone sets you select for your regularly scheduled "experimental frequencies or tone set" sessions. 7. Don't worry too much about the actual time of day the sessions are scheduled. From my experience I know that if you scheduled a session for 2AM your local time all that participants would have to do is pick a convenient time during the day of the session and imagine they are floating between the antennas at your 2AM local time. They will be there at the session time. Would it be better if they were all physically sitting in a circle around the antennas during the session? I don't really know but I would guess the answer is that it would add a little more power to the energy field. 8. There most likely needs to be at least one physical human in close proximity to the equipment during the session. Think of this person as performing a "repeater" function in a communication system. At least you should be physically at each session. It might be useful to have a good, practiced meditator or psychic in the room near the antennas too. But don't let the lack of such a person be cause for any concern. 9. If participants feel the need to be doing something during the sessions while imagining they are floating between the antennas I would suggest something like the Feeling Love exercise. Basically, they just remember a time in their lives they were feeling loved or loving. Then let the memory of the FEELING of Love help them to actually re-experience that FEELING. It is not the object of this exercise to re-experience the event or the activities of the time in their lives but rather the primary "goal" is to re-experience the FEELING of Love that was felt during that event or activity. 10. Don't worry too much at first about these sessions providing indisputable proof that you are receiving communication from nonphysicals (aka dead people). Let's start getting something and then evaluate whatever we get. If it's a radio station you'll figure that out and change frequencies a little and start again. If you discover you are in a real time, two-way voice conversation with someone, I would say that's at least evidence that your Spiricom device is potentially working. When you discover that you can stop talking out loud and say your part of the conversation only in your mind and the two-voice conversation continues with the nonphysical's voice heard and tape recorded, I would say that's proof for YOU. Then start taking measures, like Faraday cages, etc. to eliminate alternative explanations to begin the process of providing "proof" to others. But the ONLY proof that will ever truly convince someone else, in my view, is for them to experience a successful two-way Spiricom conversation themselves. That's why this thread was started in the first place. If you can assist one other person in having such an experience we are now one monkey closer to the hundredth. As more and more people experience that it will become progressively easier for the Spiricom device to work for future users. 11. When you get the session schedule set up let me know and I'll invite visitor at my website to participate. These are just thinking out loud suggestions, not fully thought through, but if you have questions about them, like why or whatever please ask, that will no doubt be part of refining the process as we go along. Bruce
Posted: Dec 19th, 2007 01:30 PM |
5th Post |
DavidR Member ![]()
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Hi all, your correct that the spiricom is a basic radio tranmitter that allowed the recorded 13 tone tape to be transmitted to a radio receiver. Although the spiricom set up was simple in design, it never the less functioned well enough to achieve contact with spirit entities. In the eight minute Seth recording I was able to decipher my name mentioned about twice such as (now David). When hearing the voice refer to in me person it tends to give support to the belief that indeed I was in contact with a spirit personality. Keith's suggestion that perhaps the individual experimenter may contribute psychic or mediumistic properties I think is well founded, but who knows one day as already mentioned anyone might be able to make spirit contact regardless if they are psychic or not. David UK
Posted: Dec 29th, 2007 11:08 AM |
6th Post |
Notemanz Member
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Jeff, have you posted your schematics here? I agree completely re: Faraday cage and using proper controls. If such are not in place, results should be considered dubious at best. I have been studying the original Spircom recordings and have a number of questions one of which I'll post today. Can any posters find an example of O'neill and Mueller speaking at the same time? It seems in normal dialogue between two people, there are moments of overlap. I have yet to find an example of this and I'm hoping that I do. In finding this example, we rule out certain potential questions of validity. I'll keep listening carefully but I thought I'd pose this initial question. John D
Posted: Dec 29th, 2007 11:26 AM |
7th Post |
Jeff Moderator
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Notemanz wrote: Jeff,Hello John. I haven't posted the actual schematics, but I have posted a block diagram of signal flow. It's in my original thread. The schematics are in such a state of flux during design, that it would not be helpful to anyone to see them at this time. Thank you for asking, though... Agreed on the Faraday enclosure! The antennas must be protected from other physical energies. Actually, there is a point in the Mark IV recordings where Bill O'Neil stopped speaking, and mentioned he thought both he and Dr. Mueller were speaking at the same time. I forget which dialogue it was, however. If you find it, let me know. Regards, Jeff
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Posted: Dec 27th, 2008 10:41 PM |
9th Post |
Notemanz Member
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This is a similar system to the one Im experimenting with. Try to get a clean in-between station and listne carefully for any bleed from near by frequencies. I combine a muli tone generator with static to form what I think may be good carrier type blend. I've also added a vocorder to the setup to get more lifelike voices. Have had moderate success so far. Hope to improve. Good luck! John D
Posted: Feb 7th, 2009 06:24 PM |
10th Post |
joecioppi Moderator ![]()
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Notemanz wrote: This is a similar system to the one I'm experimenting with. Try to get a clean in-between station and listen carefully for any bleed from near by frequencies. John D, This sounds like the direct radio method of listening to between station noise. The combination of vocal tones is an attempt to make the voices more natural sounding. The problem of spirit voices near the same level as the noise makes understanding difficult. If the modulated tones are stronger than voice impressions they drown out the voices. I think it might be better to use peaking filters set to an array of vocal tone frequencies already contained in the noise. The components of the spirit voices would be stronger than the noise filtered and amplified while the other noise frequencies were suppressed. The between station noise contains a wide spectrum of frequencies...only amplify the component frequencies of speech and you may not need to add tones. Joe Cioppi
Posted: Jan 3rd, 2013 11:33 PM |
11th Post |
kgs Member
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I realize I'm commenting on an old post but I just listened to the first half of the tapes in Keith's post (with the Spiricom tapes and transcripts) and found the answer to the question about Oneil and Mueller speaking at the same time, the 2nd gentleman was right there is a place in the first tape where Oneil says I'm sorry I think I was speaking at the same time as you or something like that, it's near the end of the tape before Dr Mueller does the Countdown to test an adjustment that Oneil made on the equipment. I sure wish we could get something going with this, it's been on my mind since I found EVP (about a year ago) I read The Ghost of 29megacycles a couple of months ago, and the Spiricom manual a little while before that, there are a few statements made by Doc Nick and the enitity working with the other group that I keep popping into my head, they resonate with some of my recent experiences but I have no Electronics background so I can't process the info!!
Posted: May 9th, 2014 05:51 PM |
12th Post |
passnthru2 Member
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I have built several simple but totally amazing AM antennas out of crossed sticks and 150' of phone wire.. add an variable air capacitor and you can tune the antenna to a razors edge.. the loop antenna is directional. I put mine on an old Xmas tree stand. my best was 3' square on a side. I made a 14" round tunable antenna.. you didn't have to wire it to the AM radio, i just put it near it or on top of the radio. twist it around to tune. here is a source of AM transmitter/receiver kits. most transmit around 40', they run on mostly 9v batteries so you could take them easily to site investigations. most small kits are around $12. https://www.google.com/search?q=diy+am+radio+transmitter+KIT&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=mnJtU-SoOZTNsQSexICgCg&ved=0CF8QsAQ&biw=1229&bih=616 a diy with interesting tuning info.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZsQNtZZ_V4 Attached Image (viewed 2820 times): Last edited on May 9th, 2014 05:53 PM by passnthru2 |
Posted: May 9th, 2014 05:59 PM |
13th Post |
passnthru2 Member
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info for Faraday Cage.. https://www.google.com/search?q=diy+am+radio+transmitter+KIT&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=mnJtU-SoOZTNsQSexICgCg&ved=0CF8QsAQ&biw=1229&bih=616#q=diy++faraday+cage&tbm=isch&imgdii=s11OGERAuQIBBM%3A%3BGgVbisRRLVGpjM%3Bs11OGERAuQIBBM%3A
Posted: Jan 12th, 2016 06:00 AM |
14th Post |
Meteorseeker Member
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I posted this in the Creative Corner but it might fit here too. Howdy all, First let me say that I am new to most of the paranormal world and have been involved with it and a paranormal team for the past two years now. I have heard and witnessed only a few things that I can not explain, so I am a skeptical believer. However, this only intrigues me more. I am what most call a gadget guy, tech guy, or as I like to call myself, a tinkerer. I like to reverse engineer (and I use that term very loosely) things, to make my own working copy. That's not to say it always works but tinkering in fun, and keeps me busy sometimes. So, my spiricom, right. I'll get to it. After finding the this site, and looking around, there are lots of good things going on with the unknown. I like that, and decided to craft a very simple Spiricom in the sense. The streaming stuff is really cool that I have seen on the site and with the video streaming too. But I have mixed reservations about Ghost boxes and the fact that they do scan used frequencies, and the thought of what I call the 'Collective Conscience', or where we all think hard enough and it happens or is heard. So, I decided to try to make a very simple spiricom. Here is the breakdown: Audio device (Defunct iPhone 4S) + FM transmitter + audio receiver (tunable FM radio) + mini digital voice recorder = FM spiricom. The iPhone has the Spiricom .wav file some one made with the generated 16 tones, which I looped in audacity to run for 60 mins., while being broadcasted from the iPhone into the FM transmitter, and tuned on the FM receiver, while being recorded. I have to give it a real good "GO" but will in the coming days. Initial trials seem good, but nothing quite like Mr. Meek and his crew. I attached a picture of the simple setup. I'd like some feedback if this seems viable, or tried, and any other info you would all be willing to share. I'll keep everyone posted as to any developments or 'enlightenment'… Attached Image (viewed 1041 times):
Posted: Jan 12th, 2016 05:28 PM |
15th Post |
Jan Member
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More interesting technical discussions here. It's a long time since I read "The Ghost of 29 MHz", and can't remember the significance of that frequency. Was it even described in the text? Before anyone embarks on reproducing (or improving) the Spiricom device, did it really work? Anecdotal reports of it working are a good start, but do we have any proof? Without at least a block diagram of the proposed project, I'm not sure where the 'spirits' get in. Do they modulate the tones already used to modulate the AM transmitter? Were 13 tones selected originally because that is what was technically feasible at the time? But now, why stop at 13, or 26? How about an infinite number, i.e. white noise? It's been used in many EVP experiments, but I can't say I've heard any convincing spirit voices from it - be they spirit or not. Regarding matching the transmitter to the antenna, this is important in conventional radio communications. But this isn't what we're attempting here is it? A matched 50 ohm dummy load is all that's required, and if both transmitting antenna (i.e. dummy load) and receiver are in a screened box (a microwave oven, or biscuit tin) then the Faraday cage requirement is achieved. How to stop the receiver from overloading is another matter - but maybe that would help? Perhaps I've got the wrong end of the stick here. Jan Last edited on Jan 12th, 2016 05:28 PM by Jan |
Posted: Jan 12th, 2016 09:59 PM |
16th Post |
ArizonaEvp Super Moderator ![]()
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Jan wrote: More interesting technical discussions here. Hi Jan, George Meek was unable to get anyone else to replicate the results obtained by Bill O'Neil. This prompted Meek to abandon the spiricom project and move on with other things. Links to the spiricom manual as well as it's block diagram can be found on this site by using the search feature. ![]() As far as a lack of a block diagram for any proposed effort someone intends to pursue...I don't see it as an issue. If a person lacks adequate knowledge of electronics - radio - digital etc...but has a desire to make the attempt, no harm no foul. After all...the end result of replication is what counts. Sometimes...inspiration comes without a block diagram. ![]() Regards, Ron
Posted: Jul 31st, 2016 09:38 PM |
17th Post |
Domenic Member
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Ron the reason no one was able to replicate the spiricom results was that the machine that Bill O`Neil was in contact with on the other side was was destroyed.It was never set up again thus effectively ending the work of Spiricom ..As far as I am aware no one has ever successfully replicated the work he began with so much promise. However since then the technicians have moved on and are constantly revising and changing their methods,but they still attempt work with us when working our own ideas.. Dom
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