View single post by Jeff
 Posted: Dec 29th, 2007 11:26 AM
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Joined: Nov 7th, 2007
Location: Alabama USA
Posts: 127
Notemanz wrote: Jeff,

have you posted your schematics here?  I agree completely re: Faraday cage and using proper controls.

If such are not in place, results should be considered dubious at best.

I have been studying the original Spircom recordings and have a number of questions one of which I'll post today.

Can any posters find an example of O'neill and Mueller speaking at the same time? It seems in normal dialogue between two people, there are moments of overlap. I have yet to find an example of this and I'm hoping that I do. 

In finding this example, we rule out certain potential questions of validity.

I'll keep listening carefully but I thought I'd pose this initial question.

John D
Hello John.  I haven't posted the actual schematics, but I have posted a block diagram of signal flow.  It's in my original thread.  The schematics are in such a state of flux during design, that it would not be helpful to anyone to see them at this time.  Thank you for asking, though...

Agreed on the Faraday enclosure!  The antennas must be protected from other physical energies.  Actually, there is a point in the Mark IV recordings where Bill O'Neil stopped speaking, and mentioned he thought both he and Dr. Mueller were speaking at the same time.  I forget which dialogue it was, however.  If you find it, let me know.

