View single post by joecioppi
 Posted: Feb 7th, 2009 06:24 PM
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Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 130
Notemanz wrote: This is a similar system to the one I'm experimenting with.  Try to get a clean in-between station and listen carefully for any bleed from near by frequencies. 

I combine a multi tone generator with static to form what I think may be good carrier type
blend. I've also added a vocorder to the setup to get more lifelike voices.

Have had moderate success so far. Hope to improve.

Good luck!
John D

John D,

This sounds like the direct radio method of listening to between station noise. The combination of vocal tones is an attempt to make the voices more natural sounding.

The problem of spirit voices near the same level as the noise makes understanding difficult. If the modulated tones are stronger than voice impressions they drown out the voices. I think it might be better to use peaking filters set to an array of vocal tone frequencies already contained in the noise. The components of the spirit voices would be stronger than the noise  filtered and amplified while the other noise frequencies  were suppressed.

The between station noise contains a wide spectrum of frequencies...only amplify the component frequencies of speech and you may not need to add tones.

Joe Cioppi