View single post by jorgerlopez
 Posted: Dec 27th, 2008 09:18 PM
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I recently build an FM transmitter to make a computer based Spiricom.

I got the idea from Jim Hale's web page:

I bought the FM10C FM Transmitter kit from Ramsey Electronics for $45.

Took an afternoon to build. It worked like a charm since first time on.

Alternatively you can buy the AM10C for $35 for an AM transmitter.

I am using the NHC tone generator program or alternatively the EVP Assistant.

The FM transmitter can be tuned from 88-108 MHz

The AM Transmitter can be tuned from 550-1600 KHz

I connected the transmitter to the computer audio output.

I have a small radio playing the station I chose - 87.5Mhz

I also connected a mic to the computer which also broadcast to the transmitter.

I also ran a recording program to record the radio through the mic.

I have not gotten any messages as of today!