View single post by kgs
 Posted: Jan 3rd, 2013 11:33 PM
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Joined: May 17th, 2012
Posts: 13
I realize I'm commenting on an old post but I just listened to the first half of the tapes in Keith's post (with the Spiricom tapes and transcripts) and found the answer to the question about Oneil and Mueller speaking at the same time, the 2nd gentleman was right there is a place in the first tape where Oneil says I'm sorry I think I was speaking at the same time as you or something like that, it's near the end of the tape before Dr Mueller does the Countdown to test an adjustment that Oneil made on the equipment. I sure wish we could get something going with this, it's been on my mind since I found EVP (about a year ago) I read The Ghost of 29megacycles a couple of months ago, and the Spiricom manual a little while before that, there are a few statements made by Doc Nick and the enitity working with the other group that I keep popping into my head, they resonate with some of my recent experiences but I have no Electronics background so I can't process the info!!