View single post by Bruce
 Posted: Dec 19th, 2007 01:04 PM
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Joined: Dec 12th, 2007
Location: Dunedin, Florida USA
Posts: 38

From the nonphysical side of things I would say you are on the right track with your thinking about a group effort.  For example if a person were to imagine, pretend or even fantasize that they were floating in the air between your transmitting and receiving antennas a nonphysical part of them would actually be located in that spot.  I does not matter where that person is physically (or otherwise) located, if they imagine they are there, to the extent that they are able to imagine it, they are there.

 In terms of Spiricom communication if such a person had a strong, well defined intent to for example "be of service for successful voice communication" that person's contribution to the potential for success is greatly multiplied.

So when you asked . . .

"What do you think can happen if we, as a group energy, combine our thoughts and share our efforts? Can we not create our own 'signal', our own 'swirling light' that can be seen far above the mass of interpenetrating signals all around us? I think we can"

my response would be an emphatic, YES.  And if a human energy field is part of the Spiricom "apparatus" it will be a strong influence for success.  This is for me part of what the "hundredth monkey" phenomenon is about.

So, how would we go about doing this?  From my experience here are some suggestions off the top of my head.

!.  Come up with an affirmation that each member of the group uses, or adapts to their liking, during sessions.  I could be as simple as, "I deeply desire to be of service to successful voice communication during this session in whatever ways are possible, and I deeply desire that this service will be the best outcome for All." 

2.  Provide a means to assist participants in imagining that they are in the proper location between the two antennas.  For example, put a photograph of the Spiricom setup showing the antennas in their locations.  In the photo minimize any distracting background objects.  Maybe drape a cloth behind the equipment, over the table (so the equipment can sit on it) and then down the front of the table.  Kind of like a professional photographer would do when photographing some product for an advertisement.

3.  Make up a regular schedule for listening sessions.  Ideally the same time of day for each session.  Set up sessions for one, two, three or more times per week, ideally on the same day of the week.    Publish the session schedule at least one week in advance.

4.  Don't schedule any more sessions during the week than you can adequately publish a description of for participant review. 

5.  Consider using a standard length session, say 30. 45 or 60 minutes and consider putting the recording files where participants can listen to them.  Could be downloadable, could be streaming audio, could be live session streaming audio.  Just so participants can get feedback on what they are doing.

6.  If you are going to experiment with different Spiricom configuations, and I think it mignt be a good idea, keep the configuration tied to the session day.  For example, maybe the configuration you are using now is used in sessions held every Tuesday and a different configuration every Thursday.  I would suggest that the other configuration be as close to the Mark IV Spiricom as you can get.  Just the tones generator, AM transmitter, AM receiver, loudspeaker, and one microphone plugged into the recording device.  Could be a simple, standard AM band transmitter/receiver combination, 29 Mhz would be nice, but who knows, maybe it is not that important.  Find the quietest area of the AM band in your area, maybe near the top of the band, and then don't change that frequency for sessions unless there is a really good reason like radio station interference for a very long time.  The nonphysicals working with you on this project are going to need to experiment too to get this system to work.  It's better that you give them a stable target frequency and tone set to work with than keep changing frequencies on them so they have to readjust.  If you want to experiment with a different AM frequency I would suggest you continue sessions with the original frequency and tone set and make the second frequency or tone set a completely separate session on a different day.  This will allow the nonphysical folks to continue working on the consistent frequency and tone set during its sessions and running experiments on different frequencies and tone sets you select for your regularly scheduled "experimental frequencies or tone set" sessions.

7.  Don't worry too much about the actual time of day the sessions are scheduled.  From my experience I know that if you scheduled a session for 2AM your local time all that participants would have to do is pick a convenient time during the day of the session and imagine they are floating between the antennas at your 2AM local time.  They will be there at the session time.  Would it be better if they were all physically sitting in a circle around the antennas during the session?  I don't really know but I would guess the answer is that it would add a little more power to the energy field.

8.  There most likely needs to be at least one physical human in close proximity to the equipment during the session.  Think of this person as performing a "repeater" function in a communication system.  At least you should be physically at each session.  It might be useful to have a good, practiced meditator or psychic in the room near the antennas too.  But don't let the lack of such a person be cause for any concern.

9.  If participants feel the need to be doing something during the sessions while imagining they are floating between the antennas I would suggest something like the Feeling Love exercise.  Basically, they just remember a time in their lives they were feeling loved or loving.  Then let the memory of the FEELING of Love help them to actually re-experience that FEELING.  It is not the object of this exercise to re-experience the event or the activities of the time in their lives but rather the primary "goal" is to re-experience the FEELING of Love that was felt during that event or activity.

10.  Don't worry too much at first about these sessions providing indisputable proof that you are receiving communication from nonphysicals (aka dead people).  Let's start getting something and then evaluate whatever we get.  If it's a radio station you'll figure that out and change frequencies a little and start again.  If you discover you are in a real time, two-way voice conversation with someone, I would say that's at least evidence that your Spiricom device is potentially working.  When you discover that you can stop talking out loud and say your part of the conversation only in your mind and the two-voice conversation continues with the nonphysical's voice heard and tape recorded, I would say that's proof for YOU.  Then start taking measures, like Faraday cages, etc. to eliminate alternative explanations to begin the process of providing "proof" to others.  But the ONLY proof that will ever truly convince someone else, in my view, is for them to experience a successful two-way Spiricom conversation themselves.  That's why this thread was started in the first place.  If you can assist one other person in having such an experience we are now one monkey closer to the hundredth.  As more and more people experience that it will become progressively easier for the Spiricom device to work for future users.

11.  When you get the session schedule set up let me know and I'll invite visitor at my website to participate.

These are just thinking out loud suggestions, not fully thought through, but if you have questions about them, like why or whatever please ask, that will no doubt be part of refining the process as we go along.
