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someone need to say that...but it's a fact that EVP  Rate Topic 
 Posted: Jul 21st, 2009 07:20 AM
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is just going nowhere, there isnt any progress with that method for the last 40 years. we just hear mumbling and short word or a phrase, it's a waste of time.

we need to put more effort to find another and better method for a true "real time" conversation.

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 Posted: Jul 22nd, 2009 07:11 AM
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Vicki Talbott

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For the most part, I agree, but I wouldn't say it's a waste of time. When I hear my son in his own voice years after he crossed over say hi or that he loves me, It's far from a waste of time for me! Vicki

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 Posted: Jul 22nd, 2009 11:05 AM
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yhaa, i know it's important to you vicki, i can understand the way, did you try to ask you son why he cant talk longer than only a word or a phrase?

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 Posted: Jul 22nd, 2009 12:59 PM
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Hello Slider,
I would have to agree with Ms. Talbott about the effort not being a waste of time.  My wife and I have had great success in developing meaningful long time contacts with people on the other side of the fence.

I’m not talking about contacting my father or my wife’s relatives.  We’ve never done that. 

Besides,  my dad might be out on a date with Marilyn Monroe and doesn’t want to be disturbed. :biggrin:

I don’t quite understand you’re only getting “mumbling and short word or a phrase”.   Maybe we are just lucky;  because we sometimes get entire paragraphs of responses.
The frustration I have with the process is that the voices tend to fade in intensity,  which can make things very hard to hear,  especially when they are getting to the good part of a response.  I also have to be cognizant of the fact that their responses often mirror and piggyback themselves on different frequencies.  Also,  after about 15 minutes,  the quality of the session degrades significantly.
Would you mind sharing your process with us.  Such as where you do your sessions,  the equipment you use,  the questions you ask,  the software used for playback,  headphones, ear buds or ??? 
It just might be as simple as a slight procedural adjustment.  If you’ve not given up entirely on doing EVPs,  I would be happy to offer any help I can.
Just send me a PM and we can go from there.
As the voices tell me on those occasions when I get frustrated:  “don’t give up on us”

Last edited on Jul 22nd, 2009 01:00 PM by ArizonaEvp

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 Posted: Jul 22nd, 2009 03:05 PM
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Vicki Talbott

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I agree with Ron! Yes, I have asked Braden about this and he cites the extreme energy needed to pull it off. Braden has talked in more than words or short phrases. The clearest ones just tend to be the shortest ones. We can carry on conversations, albeit with stops and starts along the way. Most people don't even believe we can do as much as we do in this field. If everyone knew what we know and could communicate with the 'dead' imagine the implications. Even if we could have full blown conversations, though, that would not mean we could contact everyone on the other side. Some cannot be contacted, much as both sides might wish it. I am of the opinion that we are not going to achieve what you suggest in our lifetime. As it stands, we are the pioneers and are going to have to rough it to pave the way. Vicki

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 Posted: Jul 23rd, 2009 07:33 AM
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Vicki how do you know that its really Braden? I dont mean to be rude by asking this ...

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 Posted: Jul 23rd, 2009 08:28 AM
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Vicki Talbott

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That's a very good question. I strongly believe it is Braden, but there are impersonators on the other side just as there are on this side. At the same time, I have been involved in 4Cell experiments with very strict protocol, and Braden has left messages known only to him with the receivers. I also 'know' my son's voice (when he actually comes through in his own voice) and more importantly his personality and characteristics, both mental and formerly physical (which he has discussed). At this point, I should say that I do believe at times I have thought it was Braden when it was not, especially in the early days of receiving EVP.

The question often arises mainly by fundamental Christians about whether I think I am talking to demons or the dark side. Uhhhh, no. What possible reason would the dark side have to cooperate in such a magnificent fashion and to use words like 'love' and 'God' (as in making all this possible)? Of course, one never knows. We don't know with whom we speak on the phone, for instance, since we can't see them--we just have a knowing, don't we? Thanks for asking! Vicki

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 Posted: Jul 23rd, 2009 12:40 PM
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The only thing I would agree with is that doing EVP in long terms won't make you happy. Because there is no fulfillment in external things for the ego. Live happiness and tranquility from within.

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 Posted: Jul 23rd, 2009 07:42 PM
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Vicki Talbott

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Well, Braden and all his researcher friends would most vociferiously disagree with you. They are here to show us what you might not let them. Whoa! They and we are here to show you what you may not even imagine.

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 Posted: Jul 23rd, 2009 07:50 PM
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Vicki Talbott

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We need to take a step back, everyone, take a deep breath, and love everyone. V

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 Posted: Jul 27th, 2009 12:19 PM
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                        It's only a 'waste of time' for people incapable of recording evp.


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 Posted: Jul 27th, 2009 03:40 PM
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Hello Neil,
That seems like a rather myopic statement to make without knowing all the facts. 
There are many variables involved that both contribute and hinder the EVP effort.  Choice of recorder,  choice of editing software,  choice questions,  choice of location and the presence of unwanted street noise,  weather conditions, geomagnetic fluctuations,  solar activity,  phases of the moon....along with one's own natural hearing ability. 
Whether you agree or not,  these factors do indeed have bearing on one's success.  This is why;  for me at least;  I am curious as to his methodology. 
You uploaded a clip in another posting in which you claim "This is my best evp to date"....from 2 years ago.
Without knowing it,  you have supported Slider's observation.  Your EVP is comprised of a short word or phrase.
The main point Slider is making is that despite technological improvements;  40 years of traditional methods have produced less than desirable results and that we need to find a better way.
I agree with this point and personally strive towards that end. 
After the old saying goes......
If You're Not Part Of The Solution.....You're Part Of The Problem
P.S....That clip of yours on Carlos M Parra....I found 4 other responses.  I listed them in that posting.

Last edited on Jul 27th, 2009 04:05 PM by ArizonaEvp

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 Posted: Jul 27th, 2009 04:51 PM
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                  If you consider the 'Perra' capture 'less than desirable results' I don't know what to tell you buddy.......when someone calls my passion and my efforts and all the work of others a 'waste of time'.....I could care less about their feelings.....


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 Posted: Jul 27th, 2009 06:11 PM
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Gee Neil,
I’m sorry if you misunderstood my comment.   In all fairness;  I see nothing in my previous post that disrespects, disparages, infers or implies that your EVP is “less than desirable”.
In fact;  in an effort to help,  I may have found additional responses in your clip that might have been overlooked.  I posted those findings and even thanked you for the opportunity to listen to your EVP. 
Have you revisited that clip to see if my findings are accurate?
Perhaps it is Slider’s “passions and efforts” that has him frustrated.  We all get frustrated from time to time and occasionally vent said frustrations.
If you read my response from July 22nd,   you’ll see that I too….disagreed with his choice of words.
You will also see that I offered to help him….as I would….offer to help anyone who is having difficulties. 
Are you willing to help Slider?
I thought the purpose of this forum was to be constructive and positive,  even going so far as to be supportive and offer help where needed in the hopes that one day all of us may indeed realize Slider’s personal goal of finding a better way.

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 Posted: Jul 28th, 2009 02:51 AM
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hi arizona. i'm not really into evp right now, and i dont think i will be involved with it anymore in the future. anyway, right now i have too many exams in college so i need to put my mind and efforts into that for now:)
but thanks for the offer to help:]

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 Posted: Jul 28th, 2009 10:40 AM
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Vicki Talbott

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Hi Slider,
As a college instructor, I would say you have your priorities straight! Good luck! Vicki

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 Posted: Jul 28th, 2009 08:05 PM
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Keith Clark

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Yes, the world of ITC is frustrated - and I will be one of the few to stand up and say so. This is not spoken about much because of the strong sensitivity of everyone who works in ITC or related fields. I feel that I can speak on this topic because I have learned from it.

It is because communication with spirit is difficult, and we all want it so much. When you work with something and you want it to be clear (and it is not), it is always frustrating. And I can agree that evp is limited in the potential that it provides to communicate with spirit. Yet it is the most common method and for many people, they feel that it is the only method feasible for them. And so they use it for their benefit, as they should, to help them realize and remember their strong connection to spirit.

So what is the issue here? The real issue is that frustration is taken out amongst ourselves. The issue is that we all wish evp was better, and we would give anything to improve it. Is that not correct? The issue is not who hears what, or who has what opinion. We are expressing our sincere desire to communicate with spirit, that is all.

Allow me to explain.

Too much emphasis has been applied on "proving it to the world" and not enough on "personal development." And when the most common form of communicating with spirit via ITC is evp, and it turns out that evp is limited in its ability to facilitate clear communication, then what do we have? We have thousands of people desperately seeking to communicate with spirit and "prove it to the world", but relying on a method that cannot necessarily provide what they are seeking. And thus they are frustrated, and this is expressed in their relationships with other researchers.

Yes, someone will develop something one day, perhaps even signal production/cancellation that will allow us to hear spirit better via evp. But it has not yet been done.

Yes, it is honorable and an admirable goal to "prove it to the world", given that you want to prove it for the right reasons. But why do individuals feel so strongly that it is their sole responsibility to prove it to the world? What about spirit? Do they not do most of the work, behind the scenes? For every one person trying to provide evidence of life after death in the physical, are there not several in spirit working with them? We know this to be true. I say "focus on your own development and work together, let spirit provide the evidence."

So, I say to my fellow ITC experimenters:

If you're not happy with the current results of ITC, then excellent!! That's exactly the spirit you need to drive you forwards in the spirit of creation. EVP is only one way of thousands of potential ways to communicate with spirit. What about physical mediumship? What about trance, channelling, ouija, automatic writing, video itc, water itc, tarot cards, spectrograph itc, spirit drawings, etc? What about the hundreds of ways of realizing communication and connection with spirit? What about the masses of books that have been written since the 1800's and on, many freely available to read online?

I say: learn as much as you can about spirit communication, in all forms. As you study and learn, you will be inspired with ideas, you will eventually find your own voice and expression that is unique to you. So invent your own way of communicating. Experiment. Or if you're sincerely dedicated, join or start a physical mediumship circle. Or start sitting for voice over radio (oh, how few people we have working in these two areas) Or if you're good at research and writing, bring these books and buried information out to the public to remind them of what is being hidden from them. Or if you're a networker, go in search of others to support. Whatever it is, you have something to give, and in time, you will find it.

So I say to the world of ITC experimenters, the world is "crying out" for truth. Be the one to provide it to them. The time has come for truth and openness. Lets be creative and invent our own ideas. Be assured, when this happens, it is not our own ideas, but shared by and inspired by spirit. Do not be afraid of others opinions or impose their own standards upon yourself, you have the ability to create.

EVP is only the beginning, it has served to open the minds of many, and will continue to do so. But we must also look beyond, for we are on the threshold of something much better. We have the potential to create anything, and I felt compelled to remind my brothers/sisters of this fact.



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 Posted: Jul 29th, 2009 03:02 AM
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whats hard to understand is the fact that around the world there are many mediums and psychics- can't they ask for infofrom the spirit world ,on how to make good contact-???

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 Posted: Jul 29th, 2009 04:07 AM
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eyewave wrote: whats hard to understand is the fact that around the world there are many mediums and psychics- can't they ask for infofrom the spirit world ,on how to make good contact-???
haha, good point, i always wonder it myself:biggrin:

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 Posted: Jul 29th, 2009 04:28 AM
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I heard this in the film Peaceful Warrior: "The journey's what brings us happiness, not the destination."

Last edited on Jul 29th, 2009 04:28 AM by neokortex_simulacrum

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 Posted: Jul 29th, 2009 06:47 AM
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Keith Clark

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Many people are told, all the time, what will make good contact.

The problem is that they are told to focus on their spirituality and the rest will come. Most of us don't want to hear that, now do we?

And a lot of the mediums ask about contact, but not in direct relation to ITC and such communication. Perhaps there is not as much mixture between ITC and mediums (excluding the fact that ITC is a form of medumship) as we would like.

I ask every medium every chance I get. Usually I am told "continue" and given words of encouragement and little details. In some cases, they (spirit) are not able to tell us too much, for they can guide us but not exactly directly influence us to do what we must learn on our own.


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 Posted: Jul 29th, 2009 07:56 AM
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Vicki Talbott

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Very well put, Keith. Agree 100%. If we do not focus on our own spirituality, harmony with others and yes, the sappy word, Love, then we will not fully succeed in our endeavors. Personally, I do not think we will see a huge breakthrough in my time here (I'm 54), but I could be wrong. It's not just the strife within the field, it is the lack of resonance in the world. Vicki

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 Posted: Sep 23rd, 2009 03:37 PM
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just to chuck in my 10 cents worth ( or what ever that is in GBP) - WE ALL GET FRUSTRATED AT TIMES !! - I have nearly given up on paranormal research completely a couple of times , because of all the BS that's trotted out as "research " these days ,especially when one watches the current crop of TV "wannabe" stars running around discrediting the whole thing , lets be honest they are ONLY interested in their own ego's and making money out of the subject . ( and displaying the inside of their noses - WHY when looking for ghosts DO they insist on filming themselves ?? - the ghosts are the OTHER way - duh oh )

the same with a lot of supposed groups , most have zero idea of research , and at least one i have been involved with ( not any more ) have blatantly ignored historical record and FAKED EVIDENCE ON LOCAL TV !! - in fact they faked an investigation for TV **- ( i was at the original one and they later put up people who whernt even at the original as "experts" - motive people always look for motive !! - so you can understand WHY i am some what cynical about a lot of research

(** - i have video evidence in my safe of this statement BTW !! )

now the point was made that the same methods have not resulted in much "proof " or improvements over 40 years - well as to proof - who you going to prove it to ?? - the sceptics ?? - fat chance - the general public ?? - are they REALLY interested ?? - no , they are only interested if they can either benefit or make money out of it , and are more interested in material matters NOW , than the possibility of something after this life , and then of course we must look at the "vested interests " of the various religions , do they want the people to know the truth or THEIR version of it ?? - gotta ask yourself these questions folks

as to methodology , well that's simple - if something don't work , after fair trial , then try something else !! - if you can imagine it - it can be done , and that's the attitude you have to take , cant do something ?? then why not have a "help " section on this forum ?? - i am no good at electronic design - some of you are - so why not a place to post " i need a so and so " to do so and so - any one help please ??

as some one once observed "giving up is easy , its the keeping going despite all the setbacks , the mocking, and the failures that's difficult " - and remember every "failure " teaches us something !!

lets be fair if spirit communication WAS easy , it would have been cracked a long time ago , like wise if they could give us all the answers on a plate , but as we realists know NOTHING WORTH STRIVING FOR IN LIFE IS EASY !!

here endeth the sermon .lol

keep going folks - we will get there !!:thumbup:

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 Posted: Sep 23rd, 2009 05:25 PM
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Vicki Talbott

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Hey PSM,
I agree with you on several points, the jokers on TV, the frustration, the methodology (sometimes it's fantastic and other times, NOTHING. What gives?) You are right. If it were easy, we would all be buying the Telephone to the Dead and that would be the end of it. We are pioneers--I can't say it enough--even though ITC is not in its infancy as far as we are concerned. It IS in its infancy as far as how much we can do from this side and from the other. They have said as much. Have you ever wondered why? Braden says there is a greater reason behind our not being able to simply pick up the phone and dial, or turn on Skype for instance, or rub a sponge on a cup with a recorder inside, and have a conversation, and I agree with him. One day that time may come. Before that time, we need to keep on track, ignore the naysayers (even if they are your closest loved ones) and as Braden just told me, get off my a$$ and get back to work. Vicki

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 Posted: Sep 24th, 2009 05:09 AM
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To pipesmokinman.

I record radio sweep evp for families and even have for crime cases. I have my own yahoo group

My research involves trying to find a better way to record, then segment (break up the recorded file into smaller units). Thereafter I use clear voice to remove the static and background noise. I have an evolving step by step recording and transcription process on my web site under files.

With family recordings, ie natural death, etc..., I am getting feedback from family members which is promising. Some info they hear is in their mind from their loved one and some is not.

When I record for a family, the first thing I tell them is to listen to what has meaning and disregard the rest, as I have learned that other deceased do chime in when I am recording with another. The other day, for example, I was recording with a crime victim, and a message rang out "Get out of here! This is my meeting!".

With crime cases, feedback is not available from police or FBI at all. ZIP... However, I have gotten feedback from missing person advocates who take what I get and give to police-not telling them where it came from Grrr. Some of the info is valid and ties to evidence and some is not valid.

Worst case with crime EVP is I have had two out of twenty cases where I recorded hours of recording with who I thought was the crime victim, and the two were later found alive.

We have a great deal to learn in this field of study, but we can only learn if we record and validate. Posting messages to a web page asking fellow friends to confirm they heard what we heard is in my opinion not research.

The research is taking the recording and validating it with a loved one for that type of recording or validating it with police/FBI for crime cases. But, the crime validation just is not there yet as law enforcement ignore my recordings and some have even told me they work to the scientific methods and not to anything paranormal.

The only way for EVP to be tested at the law enforcement level is for some cold case detectives to take a chance and try out this method for several cases. I have yet to find any, but I have not given up.

As for the TAPS and Paranormal State, and Medium shows, that make it seem so easy to contact a ghost, they are sending the wrong message to the general public. Before I became involved in EVP, I used to love thise shows, but now I realize they are just there for entertainment, and what they show week after week does not occur every time in a ghost house or building investigation. I actually got the chance to go on ghost investigations into homes, and it is quite boring with rare occurrence of anything happening. For example those K2 meters that keep going off on TAPS, they have never gone off with the group I went with.

For crime cases, I have worked with several psychics on some of my cases, and for one, I had three psychics each give me a different body location for a victim. These psychics were known to be good and in good standing. The victim was later found alive. That was one of the cases I had recorded. So they too and not always accurate

One of my close psychic friends who does work with police told me she gets the same info I get in a recording, but in mental pictures, voices in her head, etc, and yes she too gets info that is not valid. Her analysis as well as mine is that other deceased chime in once they learn you can hear them, and now you have info from one or more deceased than the one you are recording with. She uses her gut feeling to determine which is the valid info. I too am trying the same as part of my research.

As for public recognition, even if one of my cases reached public attention, every Tom, Dick and Harry and news team would find some way to tear apart what I got and rank it as nonsense.

For this reason, I prefer to keep a low profile, but do know that one day, it may happen, and I will have to deal with it.



Last edited on Sep 24th, 2009 05:18 AM by f1cracker

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 Posted: Oct 10th, 2009 08:09 AM
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Actually that is the problem. I have recorded over twenty crime cases, one even a top ten FBI most wanted, and I never get responses from them.

Most of those twenty were with an advocate that works with a missing person group, and they take my info and try and use it, but some have told that police will not act on the info if t came from the paranormal.

Of the twenty I have had only two cases solved, but through an advocate who never told the police where the info came from.

I have since stopped doing crime cases, unless of course, a detective wants to work with me directly. 

I am now doing family recordings and want to do recordings for families that have lost a soldier in war.

The problem I have now is how do I attract deceased soldier families to come to my web group. I have been passing the word that I am available for that, but so far no takers.

Key for my future:

1. I need a detective that will work directly with me on crime cases.

2. As for soldier families "family recordings", I need somehow to attract them to my group without going after them.

Id be happy doing soldier recordings for the rest of my life. We have so many that are gone from this un-nessary war, that it would be nice to get messages from them to their loved ones.



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 Posted: Oct 16th, 2009 11:30 AM
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Actually I am doing both types. Family - natural death, and Soldier - result of war. I have been doing family recordings for several months now, but still have yet to do a soldier recording. I do not know any families that have lost a soldier. If you or anyone on this site knows a family that has lost a son, daughter, husband or wife in battle, for any country, please send them to me. I do these for free. I mail cd's and transcriptions for US cases, and Skype outside US. Each recording takes me about two weeks to listen to and transcribe mainly since I do work a 9-5 job, and only have so many hours to devote a week. But it is worth the wait. To hear a message as you said of "I love you" "I miss you" etc....

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