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Thinking long and hard  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Aug 21st, 2010 02:40 AM
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Sorry I have been away for a while, looking at the dates of posts here it seems I am not alone LOL




I really feel that most EVP/ITC happens by accident or due to the other side making vast efforts to interface with our communication methods.


Is it not time we move this a step on?


I saw in the paper last night about a lady that really does display magnetism, metal objects will stick to her depending on her mood.

The si world is amazed etc but points out that we all have a magnetic field.

As far as I can find, this sits in the 'hz' range of electro magnetics, in other words if you picked it up and amplified it it would be too low to hear or would sound like a slow clicking.

Below 20hz anyway.


So if this is our human frequency, then we die and pass to the after life where our frequency increases my question is what does it increase to?

Mediums link with spirit and its claimed they do this by raising their own frequency to meet the spirit one.

But, how far can we raise? I do not think it could be that far, for sure not outside the audio spectrum????

So again it looks like spirit have found a way to meet with our mediums best efforts?


This all makes sense in 'radio' terms.

Its known as 1st 2nd and 3rd harmonics where by a radio signal at 50khz can also be detected at 100khz and so on.

But consider for a moment the actual frequency of spirit? how high can it be?

I imagine it to be in the light spectrum maybe near ultraviolet.

OK so we can't then build a simple interface that tunes to this as it would be inaudible, so we need a step down a bit like a bat detector but far more conversion.


OK people that is what I am thinking about I would love to hear your thoughts on this?





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 Posted: Aug 24th, 2010 02:23 PM
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Hello Mike

Reading your post has made me think again of certain abilities that some possess, and exactly how they came to possess them and why.  I hope I am not misdirecting your post in anyway, If I am , I apologize.  For a really long time now I have struggled with how I hear EVP's, and my presentation of them to others.  I really need to bone up on hearing capabilities and the range of human hearing. 

And again, exactly where do we go when we pass?  Another dimension, a higher frequency of sorts has to be involved somehow.  No question about a certain amount of magnetic energy is involved, another area I should research, as I am sure you have heard of SLIder's, people who experience Street Light Interference.

I have a base level of understanding, and it is dificult to find the right place to find the right information and how it pertains to what we are all involved in. 

I have asked for a long time, what am I,   I am not a psychic, am I clairaudient/sentient??  Am I a physical medium, and what the heck does that all entail??  I just know that I hear way more than the average joe out there, and I have certain situations occur, and trying to explain it to another can really be hard.Is it possible that the spirits adjust their frequencies in order to communicate with us, the living, in order make themselves known?  Is it a give and take sort of thing?  I know when I listen to EvP's it is like I am listening to the 'air' and am able to make out what is being said, like their speech is riding way above what is suppose to be a normal level for us, who are still living.

I hope I didn't confuse the situation more by replying to this post.  If I made a mistake, I apologize.


Thank You, Lisa


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 Posted: Sep 12th, 2010 12:08 AM
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Hi Lisa

Wonderful to read that.
I have no doubt at all that spirit have to go to extraordinary lengths to communicate with us.
For them it must be like visiting a land where the air is made of treacle!
Using our physical abilities (electronics etc) there is only so far we can go to meet them and make it a bit easier.

However, if as is clear in your case you are blessed with natural communication ability then clarity is going to follow and I would guess that spirit find it easier as well.

What I need, is for someone with your abilities to seek guidance from the other side as to what I can do to develop my crude electronic devices to help spirit in their efforts to communicate?

Feel free to mail me direct, I'll drop you a PM.

But lets share what findings we can here as well.

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 Posted: Sep 12th, 2010 04:35 AM
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Hello Mike~~

Thanks for your reply!  It is a strange and somewhat confusing situation when you start asking those on the other side for info as to what is the best way to make contact.  I have come to find that most are not 'electronic' savvy.  Some are caught in a time warp of sorts, relating to when they passed away.  Even having to explain what the 'silver box' has to do with our communication has been rather trying!  I have had some go on to talk about me being a 'light', and to quote one fellow:  "You are a light, a bright white light, you give a signal, and we follow it"  This comment came after me asking why it was they come to my home, and in such a large following.  I have asked also what is the best place/time to record, and that has varied.  I have asked  their observation of what is going on around them while I record them, and again that has been varied, from one lady saying, "I am on my porch" (I recorded in the bathroom) to a man saying "everything is green around me"

I have recorded close to a fenced in electrical field, where the local electrical company has all these towers and wires that stretched for at least a mile or more, me hoping the excess energies given off would enhance the session.   It was as if they were not aware of the area I was recording at, so this brings up another question, do they see what we see at the time of recording?  The 'porch' observation by the female pointed to her not being in the same place or time that I was..........?!

It seems I may have to try by asking specifically for someone who is well versed in the scientific aspect of communication between the living and the deceased, to find out some answers.  I will throw this question in during some of my next sessions.  I have found that most folks I talk to to are regular everyday people.

I will get back with you soon, maybe I can get something going here.

Thanks for your input!


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 Posted: Sep 12th, 2010 04:00 PM
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Hi Lisa


Interesting stuff!


Yes I think you need to call to those who are versed in communication.

After all, many fine experimenters have passed over and they no doubt do not lose their thirst!

Also, it seems there are specific groups of spirits who's goal is communication with us.

Referred to as 'The team' 'The time slip' and so on.


As to why some seem to be unaware of where you are recording, this puzzles me a lot.

After all they know they are communicating with you and they know how to interface with your recorder, this says they are aware of you and your situation.

Would be fascinated to hear what you find out.




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 Posted: Oct 18th, 2011 04:02 AM
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Hi Lisa,

Sorry to get in so late in the thread, but...

I'm neither a medium, nor a channel- grew up around people with extreme spiritual ability...From what I've heard, if you are sensitive to spirit you're a beacon of sorts. They might have been projecting themselves at a great distance...(I recorded for a really connected spirit medium- she is private, doesn't do this commercially) She "drew" spirits to her... from the gist of the (recorded) conversation they didn't know where she was (even though they were actually 'appearing' in the home of family members)

So the fact that they were unaware of your location doesn't surprise!!

(recorded 6 sessions with her, very enlightening)


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 Posted: Oct 19th, 2011 05:38 AM
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Kenda, I have found that they sometimes can hear me, but cannot see me.  This has happened numerous times.   Another strange thing is they are not always aware of each other that I assumed they knew about, especially when you are getting more than a couple of people responding to your questions!  

An example is someone will give thier name and answer a question, and when further into recording I ask for that person again, I will hear others say 'who is she talking about?'  So it seems they may be at different levels/frequencies when I interact with them.

No matter, as long as the line of communication stays open, each interaction is always amazing to me.

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 Posted: Oct 19th, 2011 09:48 AM
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Hi Lisa,

I know exactly what you mean...Are they on different planes of existence? In separate locations? Just delusional?

How can we ask them about situations of which they are unaware?

Still love's like a box of chocolates:wink:


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 Posted: Oct 20th, 2011 01:10 PM
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Forgive my intrusion-

You're so lucky to be able to connect directly with spirit! I am not so endowed...

For what it's worth, the first time I recorded during a session with a natural spiritualist medium, her contacts weren't familiar with recording and speech-free recordings reflected this. They continued to communicate with her telepathically until she pointedly asked them to 'please speak into the device on the table.' After that, we captured a great deal of what was said! (not sure whether it was the medium or the entities that needed the clarification- or both?) Thought that was interesting.

Any idea how long the pre-communicative 'down time' period is after death? I recorded at the grave of a person 7 days after interment and the deceased seemed to 'lay' over the recorder- it sounded as though it were dropped in a glass of Alka-seltzer. When I moved to a different location within the Memory Park, normal communication ensued- no more fizzy effect!

As a recording clairsentient, any thoughts?


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 Posted: Oct 21st, 2011 04:39 AM
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Keith Clark

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Great thread here! I'd post more in reply but I'm driving to work right now :) talk to you guys later,

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 Posted: Oct 21st, 2011 05:15 AM
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Dan, you are a breath of fresh air! (Love this site!)

Speaking of the graveyard experience- friend of mine wanted to record in Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, Rhode Island. (resting place of horror author, H. P. Lovecraft) She borrowed a recorder and I analyzed the results, post-trip.

Seems she's a 'magnet' of sorts, great stuff- (it was a blustery day, no one accompanied her and the place was, for all intents and purposes, deserted) I'll post it under a new topic.

(Still no clue as to why some 'hang out':bored:)


Last edited on Oct 21st, 2011 05:16 AM by dkenda

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 Posted: Oct 21st, 2011 05:33 AM
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Also, my daughter (new to high school) mentioned she's heard the voice of a female energy calling her name in every class. I suggested she acknowledge her presence telepathically which she did- the activity has stopped for the moment. (She and my husband are both sensitive)

Chapter two- Yesterday she saw a full-body apparition of a young man walk into an engineering class that is "brand new" to the school's curriculum (she entered the room immediately following, he was no where to be found)

...Possible support for poltergeist theory(?). I've personally noticed a ramping-up of activity in the house of late. Just sound effects, nothing malicious.

I've never had to deal with stuff like this- hope I'm handling it the right way:blink:


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 Posted: Oct 21st, 2011 08:17 AM
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Sorry it has taken me so long to repsond!!  Thanks for the reply and your feelings on this subject.

This has become such a natural part of life, (communicating with those who have passed) that it doesn't take a great del of effort or thought doing it.  But it was a learning process, believe me.  In the beginning when I started, I had to base my efforts on others who were already in the field.  Over time, it became apparent that I had to find my own way, since I was having a lot more go on, in comparison to others before me.  Each and every contact is gift, as far as I am concerned.  I appreciate the interaction, and I am sure they do also.

Afew things you mentioned Dan, is oh so true. I agree 100% that there is always underlying 'chatter' going on.  That is where I am hearing layer upon layer of conversation going on.  And it will get in the way sometimes when you are trying to speak with one particular person, all these different layers coming thru.  Another  aspect you mentioned, was when they first pass, they are unable to speak for themselves, and I think there are a few reasons why.  One, they may be to frightened of their current state, it is very confusing as to how they are suppose to act.  Two, maybe they do not understand how to use the energy around them to manifest speech.  It is like an unwritten rule, to have another guide/person speak for them until they have atttained the knowledge how to navigate their new existence.  There always seems to be someone willing to help them get thru to those who are contacting them.  But then there are the people who can interact immediately with you after passing.  When my brother Chris passed, before the funeral home came, I spoke with him, telling him not to be scared, to remember he can come home with us, that he didn't need to stay there alone after all the hoopla died down.  I recorded a couple of days after, and He came thru, and told me he was ok, and that he was staying at my home and my grandson's home.  My son's mother in law had just passed a couple of months before, and I encouraged my brother to 'hang out' with Karen, and he said he would.  Karen was someone I talked with within hours of passing, she was very upset and confused as to what had happened, and I encouraged her to stay with the family if that is where she felt most comfortable.  She was upset at how everyone was crying and the chaos going on.  She was most concerned with my grandson, he took it so very badly as children often do, but more so since he is autistic.  To date, both Chris and Karen are doing fine, as I will record and ask for them or ask others about them, and so far it has been positive.  My only regret is that I don't record as often as I should, but it can be emotionally draining, believe me.

Heaing in real time is always a surprise.  In certain instances, I have had to learn to block it out, as it can become intrusive.  You strain so hard to hear what is being said, and then it seems to fade away.  When I am in the shower, is when I can hear it the most, the water is what helps facilitate speech.  When I first noticed it, I thought 'wait a minute, this is way too up close and personal'!  I had to ask for it to stop, but no matter what, it still happened, so I had to learn to totally ignore it.  Then there is the occasional 'shout out' hear a brief comment, and you stop and think, 'well did I really just hear that?'.....only to find it happens over and over again.  I had an incident with a fellow that was being so intimidating with others in my home, I had to tell him to leave.  The appointed day came for him to leave, and I had been out on my front porch, and as I walked back over the threshold, I hear him shout "Your f*cked!", and with out losing my stride, I replied 'No your f*cked'.  It was so loud, so clear, it took me by surprise for a moment.  To hear the occasional giggle of a child is very common now.  When that first happened, I tried to justify it, but couldn't come up with any normal answers for it, so I accepted it for what is is, bottom line.

Sorry that I yapped on so long, but I think that us who work within this field have such awesome opportunities to bridge the gap between worlds, and each and every discovery is bringing us that much closer to figuring it all out.  We have to hang tough, and not be willing to take a blanket answers, and keep on researching!

This account may sound fantastical to some, but as I said it has become such a normal and natural part of my life, I cannot imagine it any other way!






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 Posted: Oct 24th, 2011 04:35 AM
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Your observations call to mind the first message from my grandmother, "Nothing is familiar here."

You mention preparing the mind for the transition. Like to explore world religions- from the material I've read, Buddhism (Tibetan version anyway) seems to layout a pragmatic guide to preparation for the experience itself as well as what to expect in the afterlife-

May be all wrong but- the intense focus on meditation, etc. -I think suggests learning to transcend the body(?)

Found a video produced in terms of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, really intriguing take on things. Illustrates the spirit's need for acclimating to a new situation, etc. -More about energy stuff than "lifestyle."

Whether it's "true" or not, don't know- (guess I'll see when I get there!)


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 Posted: Oct 24th, 2011 10:40 AM
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Didn't mean to foist Buddhism on you!

Not into ritual, myself. I'm a philosophy buff and simply think it's interesting that the travails of the human mind/consciousness seem to be the entire thrust of the writings-

(By the by, the Tibetan Book of the Dead's probably way out of the Oprah Book Club's comfort zone:blink: Then again, she does have lots of time to fill on OWN)

-just sayin'


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 Posted: Sep 22nd, 2014 02:05 AM
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mikesndbs wrote:As far as I can find, this sits in the 'hz' range of electro magnetics, in other words if you picked it up and amplified it it would be too low to hear or would sound like a slow clicking.

Below 20hz anyway.

17Hz is the acoustical resonance of human organs. Very dangerous to explore - even low sound pressure levels given a *long* enough exposure time will make your health falter in disturbing ways. Thankfully, it's impossible to reproduce with a "classic" speaker setup. You need some craftily tuned pipes and mass volume of air moving through it to get that sort of infra sound punch.

Electrically, a "master clock" pulse of 15~16Hz is observable in the brain, rolling like a wave of thunder across all neurons in tiger stripe like bands. :D

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