View single post by Spider
 Posted: Aug 24th, 2010 02:23 PM
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Joined: Aug 11th, 2010
Posts: 209
Hello Mike

Reading your post has made me think again of certain abilities that some possess, and exactly how they came to possess them and why.  I hope I am not misdirecting your post in anyway, If I am , I apologize.  For a really long time now I have struggled with how I hear EVP's, and my presentation of them to others.  I really need to bone up on hearing capabilities and the range of human hearing. 

And again, exactly where do we go when we pass?  Another dimension, a higher frequency of sorts has to be involved somehow.  No question about a certain amount of magnetic energy is involved, another area I should research, as I am sure you have heard of SLIder's, people who experience Street Light Interference.

I have a base level of understanding, and it is dificult to find the right place to find the right information and how it pertains to what we are all involved in. 

I have asked for a long time, what am I,   I am not a psychic, am I clairaudient/sentient??  Am I a physical medium, and what the heck does that all entail??  I just know that I hear way more than the average joe out there, and I have certain situations occur, and trying to explain it to another can really be hard.Is it possible that the spirits adjust their frequencies in order to communicate with us, the living, in order make themselves known?  Is it a give and take sort of thing?  I know when I listen to EvP's it is like I am listening to the 'air' and am able to make out what is being said, like their speech is riding way above what is suppose to be a normal level for us, who are still living.

I hope I didn't confuse the situation more by replying to this post.  If I made a mistake, I apologize.


Thank You, Lisa