View single post by dkenda
 Posted: Oct 20th, 2011 01:10 PM
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Joined: Apr 25th, 2010
Location: Florida USA
Posts: 407

Forgive my intrusion-

You're so lucky to be able to connect directly with spirit! I am not so endowed...

For what it's worth, the first time I recorded during a session with a natural spiritualist medium, her contacts weren't familiar with recording and speech-free recordings reflected this. They continued to communicate with her telepathically until she pointedly asked them to 'please speak into the device on the table.' After that, we captured a great deal of what was said! (not sure whether it was the medium or the entities that needed the clarification- or both?) Thought that was interesting.

Any idea how long the pre-communicative 'down time' period is after death? I recorded at the grave of a person 7 days after interment and the deceased seemed to 'lay' over the recorder- it sounded as though it were dropped in a glass of Alka-seltzer. When I moved to a different location within the Memory Park, normal communication ensued- no more fizzy effect!

As a recording clairsentient, any thoughts?
