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Animals speaking in words... EVP embedded within their voices as well  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Apr 12th, 2009 05:19 PM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
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Hello again folks. I wanted to see if we could get something going along these lines here. If any of you have a pet that is noticeably verbal, please record them and carefully analyze this material ... you might be quite surprised.

ALSO, I would very much appreciate people sending me such audio to analyze... I have documented EVP messages seemingly addressed to me embedded within the sound frequencies of animal's voices. I haven't been making animals a point of focus compared to many other aspects of audio experimentation I've conducted, but I am now building up a collection of audio samples of animals voices....

If any of you are curious about the few that I've posted on my website, here is a link to this section :

                  Talking animals page of the Audio Medium website.

I've got to run, but I'd like to share this sample which is the latest one that I've documented. This is a dual direction ( DD ) message. Meaning it seems to be expressing thoughts and feelings backwards and forwards simultaneously.. much the way incarnate humans and evp entities do. Some of the most impressive samples I've documented are of this type... ( for me anyway )

Back to this sample. This is a recording of a 16 Y.O. black and white male cat named Eddie. Since he and his family moved into a new house and neighborhood, Eddie has been talking a lot, which is completely the opposite of how he's been all of his life before this move. Here is a DD sample of an excerpt of Eddie's voice...

It turns out that Eddie seems quite unhappy that his new home and neighborhood has many circumstances that seems to go against the style he used to enjoy at the previous home.. I've got one more on Eddie I'll post right after this.

Attachment: Eddie - I'm Mad - DD.wav (Downloaded 1506 times)

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 Posted: Apr 12th, 2009 05:24 PM
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Brian Jones

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Here is a second sample of Eddie's speech... this is a single direction sample.. not sure if it appeared backwards or forwards on the original recording...

Lynn is the mother and wife of this family. She is the one that Eddie most relies on for his needs to be tended to. I documented Eddie calling for her many times within the one recording I've studied of his speech. As far as I know, they are recording him still with the recording equipment I supplied them with...

Attachment: Eddie - Lynn - F..wav (Downloaded 1296 times)

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 Posted: Apr 13th, 2009 08:43 AM
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Vicki Talbott

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Good ones Brian,

I shared with you a while ago my dog upset at the cats.  I'll post it when I can.  Vicki

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 Posted: Apr 13th, 2009 03:42 PM
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Brian Jones

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I remember Vicki.. as I recall, you did nice work in noticing such great expressions and documenting them.

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 Posted: Apr 13th, 2009 04:00 PM
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Brian Jones

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Hi Karlos,

if you are asking how Eddie was recorded, here's how. I took a shoebox style full size cassette tape recorder over to the house where Eddie lives, and gave it to the people there. I supplied them with an external dynamic mic. and a high bias 90 minute tape.

As with working to capture such anomalous sounds such as evp etc. , it's a strong compromise to use the built in condenser mic., due to the fact that the motor noise of the tape recorder will be heard on playback of your recording.

Digital recorders work quite well... no motor noise there, and they can be very small and have great capabilities. I loaned out the tape recorder because I have a few spares, and I've got a hand held tape player I've modified for dual direction analysis, so I can check for audio treasure on the fly once I've got the recording.

I once recorded an old dog that was making much verbal noise as I was working in the yard on the other side of the fence. I recorded the dog just for a brief moment, but found a recognizable word in that short audio track. I heard the word " Vato " jump out at me.

I used know some Mexican guys while I lived in So Cal. and I remembered them using this word. I asked a Mexican guy at work what this word meant. He told me it was slang in Spanish for a man .. as he put it, like " guy " or " dude ".

Either way, I was very curious about the people that had the dog.... I had not seen the people when I recorded the dog. I went back to that house to inquire about the dog. The people where actually pretty friendly and not all suspicious why I was asking. They told me the dog was around 15 years old, and the family spoke Spanish quite often, as well as english.

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 Posted: Apr 17th, 2009 02:43 AM
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I think you are on to something here. I have long believed in intelligence of animals and this is an obvious course to take in learning to communicate with animals. The TV show about the chimps that used sign language was about animals without human vocal chords.


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 Posted: Apr 19th, 2009 08:02 PM
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Hey Brian,
Seems that sooner or later people trying to record for EVP will at some point and time get into checking their recordings in reverse, I started checking my recordings in reverse and was amazed to hear some of the things I was hearing.I dont have a pet to record,So I will just have to wait until the dog next door starts barking and see what I can come up with?
At one time I wondered, is it possible that a spirit could "Piggy Back" on my own words talking and when those words where played in reverse you could hear an understandable message? Then I ran across this website,
Where the founder thinks this is natural and that we humans can speak in both directions at the same time.
Wow what a concept if true,I have a few examples of my own words being reversed while recording in cemeterys and at home with EVPMaker posted on my website,
Please check em out!
EVP and Reverse Speech,
This example is not an animal,
Is it EVP?
Is it me Speaking in Reverse?
I recorded this with a co-worker,
I am this co-workers boss
(Remember Be a Boss Not a Buddy?)OOP'S
This was the grave-site of his best friend Robert who killed himself years ago.He wanted to see if perhaps we could capture an EVP from him,
At some point and time I spoke up and said,
"Robert You dont know me"
I happened to reverse those/my words and could hear the following message,
"He's my buddy...Your out"
EVP? Who Know's?

Attachment: Untitled 1.wav (Downloaded 1249 times)

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 Posted: Apr 19th, 2009 09:58 PM
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Vicki Talbott

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Hi Ray, Interesting reverses! Those first two when you are asking for names are really clear and relevant. Vicki

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 Posted: Apr 19th, 2009 11:01 PM
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Brian Jones

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Ray... I'm glad to hear you're willing to look/listen to things backwards.. it is how I started out with all of this ! You mentioned David John Oates I believe with your comments and supplied link. David's work is directly responsible for inspiring me to get involved so deeply and passionately.. I'm running late with many things at this moment, but I'd like to offer a couple links to my most recent interviews with David from a couple years ago... I was playing it loose and having fun... I hope others will find these amusing if nothing else..
my interview with David Oates regarding what he terms ' reverse speech '

my interview with David Oates regarding EVP/ITC

OK, I'm done hamming it up for the moment... got go get ready for Monday's workday

       Take care everyone ~ Brian :wub: in love with being manic and endlessly creative !

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 Posted: Apr 20th, 2009 08:05 AM
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Vicki Talbott

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Thanks, Brian!  Vicki

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 Posted: Apr 20th, 2009 08:25 AM
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Hi Brian,

I just emailed you a clip of my dog, Millie.  Interested in the results, for sure.  :)




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 Posted: Apr 20th, 2009 06:24 PM
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Brian Jones

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Hi Kristine, I see your letter in my inbox... I'll check it out and let you know what I find through your private email address... Thank you for sending this ! Oh ... Ray, I just noticed your second link and read your post more carefully.... sorry, I was scrambling working on a bunch of projects and I was in a rush I guess when I read your post last time... I'll come back a little later and check these sound files out.... I want to be a little more rested than I am at this moment..  :blink::blink:  so I can listen with care to your offering.. I'll be back soon !


Last edited on Apr 20th, 2009 10:44 PM by Brian Jones

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 Posted: Apr 21st, 2009 05:58 AM
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Thanks for the links on your interviews with David Oates,
It seems that I am now in the position as you may have been years ago?
I am just finding out about this reverse speech and find it
so interesting that I cant get away from it!
I find myself recording just about everything so I can go back and reverse it and look for those hidden messages.
Good work on the interviews I really enjoyed listening to them!

Thanks for your feedback!
and taking the time to listen.


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 Posted: Apr 24th, 2009 10:29 PM
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Brian Jones

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Ray, I've been wanting to follow through and offer a little feedback on some of your audio files you've posted on that linked page. I think some we hear differently, some we hear the same... in any case, you are doing good work ! I hear darn close to what you've stated, but I'd like to share my slight variation on this one :

I hear it closer to " sad, but will be faith in it " ... I could guess at a couple things here.. it seems he's speaking about people that have passed through physical death.. which so commonly generates sadness for the surviving incarnate witnesses... one of the most common approaches to dealing with this deeply challenging aspect of the shock facing the reality of temporary physical life, is to have faith that there's something bigger, something we cannot completely prove or disprove, something that so many of us long to remember or understand, but all too often, the best we can do is to have and hold onto faith that it's wondrously waiting for us down the road..

Keep it up Ray.. I'm betting you are and will... it's pretty amazing that energies can be stirred up and expanded by simply and sincerely applying one's self to tuning into the miraculous nature of looking into the mirror of sound.

      Thank You !  .......... Brian

Last edited on Apr 24th, 2009 10:30 PM by Brian Jones

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 Posted: Apr 25th, 2009 07:12 AM
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Keith Clark

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Hello folks,

As some members have expressed interest in this subject, I have created a new forum and redirected this thread into it.


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 Posted: Apr 25th, 2009 07:14 AM
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Keith Clark

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Test post by site administrator to show recent postings after thread redirection.


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 Posted: Oct 27th, 2009 03:33 AM
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Brian Jones

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I have so many audio recordings I haven't even listened to yet ... I just found something kind of cute from my duck friends at my local lake... These are ducks I've visited and fed many times.... I'm not going say what I hear of this, but it sure seems clear to me...  I am finding more than ever that there are words in the voices of most animals I record these days... I really want to build this connection up to the point where I can truly test whether or not I can access verbal information that will offer insight into a situation where a troubled animal will be helped in some way.

If anyone here would help me obtain animal audio recordings, of pets especially where we could check results with a human counterpart, I would very much appreciate it. I've asked countless people, put up notes at local bulletin boards, contacted numerous animal advocate groups and psychic animal communicators.. but so far.. the 99.999 % lack of response has been hard for me to understand... so I usually just record animals without needing people's permission... like ducks at the lake.. birds ... and my favorite, vicious small dogs guarding the car in the parking lot... BTW, usually I find that their growl is worse than their words ...

    OK... thanks for checking this out ...... Brian

Attachment: Ducks - D.D..mp3 (Downloaded 1507 times)

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