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ITC Bridge > Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) > Direct Radio Voice Experimental > Direct Radio Voice attempts |
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Moderated by: Keith Clark, EVPDave, ArizonaEvp |
Direct Radio Voice attempts | Rate Topic |
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Posted: Aug 29th, 2007 09:09 PM |
1st Post |
Keith Clark Administrator ![]()
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Hello, Last weekend I decided to dig deeper into the "new signal" I have been receiving for a month or so. My original thought was that the signal was created by spirit for the sole intent of pictures. As I continued working I discovered the following: The signal heard in some of the spectrogram samples sounds like a tone, and it is. Spectrum analysis showed that the signal appears at 120Hz, 240Hz, 360Hz, etc. This may be the base frequency of 120 and its harmonic frequencies. 60Hz is related to electricity and power, and 120Hz is a harmonic of 60Hz. Now, I can't explain it in detail, but I have long suspected that spirit just might be using the energy emanating from and surrounding the power poles and electrical circuit where the radio is plugged in. All evidence so far leads in this direction. When I saw the above I was reminded of Spiricom and the associated tones used for voice. So I broke out my signal generator and began working in this area again. Only problem is the equipment that I use to maintain daily contact with spirit is affected electrically by the Spiricom setup - so I can't run both in the same location. Will keep working on this. Now, discovering that the signal is related to electricity will raise a few eyebrows - but no worries, I am only concerned with the outcome. Essentially, the voice contacts that spirit has tried with this electrically influenced signal mimics the basic principles of Spiricom - with the only obvious difference being the frequencies used. Here are some samples. Keith Attachment: Aug29 spec voice1-sec1_CLR.mp3 (Downloaded 2035 times)
Posted: Aug 29th, 2007 09:09 PM |
2nd Post |
Keith Clark Administrator ![]()
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sample2 Keith Attachment: Aug29 spec voice1-sec2_CLR.mp3 (Downloaded 2088 times)
Posted: Aug 29th, 2007 09:10 PM |
3rd Post |
Keith Clark Administrator ![]()
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sample3 Keith
Posted: Aug 30th, 2007 08:41 AM |
4th Post |
Vicki Talbott Moderator
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Hi Keith, Those are really interesting examples. Can you hear anything relevant that could be considered personal communication? I agree with you about the electrical circuitry being one of the keys. Vicki
Posted: Aug 30th, 2007 06:43 PM |
5th Post |
Keith Clark Administrator ![]()
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Hi Vicki, Everything we do is on a personal level......meaning that while my spirit team may not be related to me as a family member in physical form - we work together as any friend would. As such I can call them my close friends and family. Heck, I spend more time with them than anyone else (other than my coworkers). The way I see it, everything I do with them is personal communication. They have given me the name of my main communicator, Frederick. I also believe they want me to focus on the communication itself, rather than the name of the person I may be working with. My communication with them is no longer shrouded in questions and doubts. During our relationship they have shown me enough things to wash away all the concerns and questions. I know the following: There are a team of dedicated people in spirit working with me - there are at least 7 main contributors. Frederick is my main communicator, and possible may even be referred to as a sort of guide. He is the person who usually speaks through the radios. They are able to inspire me to try new ideas, and I am slowly learning to be open to it. When I think of a new idea or area I don't consider it as mine. In reality, it is ours as a team. They are willing to try any form of communication that I invest time in. Doesn't matter if it sounds wacky or if nobody has tried it yet, doesn't matter if I lack the technical knowledge to fully understand the hows and whys of our communication. Over time it becomes apparent that we will meet halfway, and the better I become at being open - the faster and easier it is to know whether a specific project will be fruitful. They work in an environment which may be considered similar to a control room at NASA. Though what we see or hear on this end may not be clear, it is actually the result of much planning and coordination (I'm referring mostly to dedicated and consistent ITC work - I would not say that evp is usually "planned") We don't have to talk directly to understand each other. We share a common goal - to help humanity by developing new ways of communication which will help bring these changes about. There are not just 7 communicators, there are most likely more people in spirit working towards this goal in the present time than anybody could possibly conceive. When I think of them I envision it as a structured environment with many different branches. They're all working to achieve the same outcome, but this outcome can be achieved through many different avenues simultaneously. ITC is only one of these avenues. Also, I feel that there are many branches of ITC which might be broken down by both geographical location and methods and areas of communication. I feel that there are probably regular meetings at this point, where people who have the best comprehensive knowledge of the progression of a specific area give the spirit community "updates" to coordinate the entire effort. With as many people that are communicating with spirit nowadays, there has to be some form of communication and coordination - something which allows them to see the "bigger picture." As we know, people in spirit are not "all-knowing", and may not be aware of a specific event unless knowledge of that event has crossed their path. I hope this helps explain my outlook on spirit communication a little better. Sorry I wrote a book. ![]() Keith
Posted: Aug 30th, 2007 09:16 PM |
6th Post |
Keith Clark Administrator ![]()
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For anyone interested in hearing what spirit had to say about 10 minutes after I wrote the above post, here's a file. You'll notice my voice is clearer than the rest of the clip - I have a second mic input. August 25th drv attempt mutual interaction Keith
Posted: Aug 31st, 2007 07:26 AM |
7th Post |
Vicki Talbott Moderator
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Hi Keith, Thanks for the detailed info. I happen to agree with you completely about the personal nature of DRV (and EVP for me, for the most part, but I don't do haunting investigations, just research with Braden and friends. I am also in agreement about the "stations" at which they work; Braden has mentioned several. Sonia Rinaldi believes that Braden has made some kind of bridge between U.S. and Brazilian stations, for example, supporting your mention of geographical work areas. Braden has said that he works with more than one group. Very interesting--thanks for posting your thoughts on this and that last clip is a good one. Vicki
Posted: Aug 31st, 2007 02:51 PM |
8th Post |
lkimberley Member ![]()
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Hi Keith, Your onto something, thats what I have been getting and I am begining to think your therory might be right Great job! Laura
Posted: Aug 31st, 2007 07:08 PM |
9th Post |
EVPDave Moderator
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Keith Clark wrote:
Hi Keith, interesting thread. I had a very vivid dream several months ago about such a control center. I normally don't remember my dreams, this dream was so lifelike I remember details to this day. I was shown a control center that was full (aisles and aisles) of equipment and people working at stations. I floated from work station to work station straining for a view at the displays. I belive they were trying to impress me, they did! When they say we are connected to a network, they are not kidding! In some of my sessions the locations are given. The strongest messages for me have come from London, Chicago and Hamilton Canada. Dave
Posted: Sep 1st, 2007 09:33 AM |
10th Post |
lkimberley Member ![]()
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wow thats weird Dave, I have had the same dream!!! also people are comming and going from both side of the contol room on the outside. I have been recorng with Laser beams.....you can listen to them you and Keith and eveyone else!! Here's the link.http://www.esnips.com/web/ITCRecordings
Posted: Sep 1st, 2007 10:49 AM |
11th Post |
EVPDave Moderator
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Hi Laura, I can hear some voices in your laser sessions. Can you explain how your sessions are run? Are you tuning the radios in any way? How are the lasers interfaced, do you point them at anything specific? Thanks, Dave
Posted: Sep 1st, 2007 11:34 AM |
12th Post |
lkimberley Member ![]()
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HI Dave, Yes I have a laser transmitter and receiver, however the laser lights don't work on the transmitter like there are supposed to, its a laser beam shooting to the photo transistor that I had buildt and I worked and worked till 4 am one night, so....being so frustrated, I know this sounds odd if not bizzare ok....I have this Panasonic radio and I'm 4 hours south in Mexico, well I get this sound like Keith describes..and the buzzing just kills my ears. so, I grounded the radio..I think.and plugged in the transmitter to it and it ran thru the equalizer and voice digitizer and simply focused 3 lasers on the photo transistor and used no sweeping of any kind. "All of this is in a dark plastic box not external lights of any kind, Right now I use a cheap laser and 2 very intense lasers and they pulse like Frank R said it should. I will get two more today. if you go back to the link I sent you earlier, under August 30 test 2 Lasers again this experiment was done without a radio. Misty says its even more clearer. I don't always listen straight thru...I am always concerned with clear voices only, as that's what the control station said with all the isles of workers and units with large displays say. Also, I see and hear them to much, so I had the house blessed and anything I create; it gets blessed with holy water! Since then, everything has been better much much better, no nasty voices!!! and I sleep better too and have all these ideas, and no electronics background. Frank R helps me allot. I finally downloaded all of Old franks stuff and will try to find a tech here to build it, and see if we get English. But, I think lasers are definitely the key for me to something. I have this idea, will create it today and record and see what happens. I will post it at Esnips as the files are so big and its just easier to go there to listen without having to download. PS they keep saying a Dave is supposed to help me, are you that Dave? Thanks, Laura
Posted: Sep 1st, 2007 11:39 AM |
13th Post |
lkimberley Member ![]()
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Hi Keith , Loved what you wrote, hits all on the nail so to speake. I tried to listen to what you posted and I can't get it, I have windows VR.. could you send it to me would love to hear the file after the posting you did Laura
Posted: Sep 1st, 2007 01:42 PM |
14th Post |
EVPDave Moderator
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lkimberley wrote: HI Dave, Hi Laura. The pulsing laser sounds interesting, I still don't know how you have things configured between the radio and the lasers. I have worked some with lasers and you may want to try beaming the lasers at a simple solar cell. A solar cell like you would find inside a cheap calculator. Connect the solar cell as you would a microphone and listen or record the output. I got lot's of voices using this method. You may also wish to review my thread of using a laser with a revolving phonograph record, also a good technique. You are aware (I hope) of how easy it is to overload a phototransistor with a laser. You may try and attenuate the laser by running through optical fiber or a reflective surface. You can also pick up voices by reflecting a laser off of an object and listening to this reflected light. This is how some spy microphones work. Try to read though some of my posts here and on AA-EVP. I will answer any questions if something interests you. Dave
Posted: Sep 1st, 2007 11:14 PM |
15th Post |
Keith Clark Administrator ![]()
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Hi Laura, Yes, that laser voice sounded quite different and interesting! Keith
Posted: Sep 7th, 2007 09:06 PM |
16th Post |
lance Moderator ![]()
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Hi Kieth, you may be on to something with your findings great work..
____________________ lanceitc.com Please visit. |
Posted: Sep 8th, 2007 05:16 PM |
17th Post |
lkimberley Member ![]()
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Hi Dave Thank you for the input will give them all a try. Thanks and Blessings, Laura
Posted: Mar 17th, 2008 04:28 PM |
18th Post |
EVPfan Member ![]()
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Hi Keith, wow, this sounds intriguing. Almost like Spiricom. Unfortunately I can't make out the most of it (might be due to my lack of English skills), but right at the beginning, at 0:15, I can hear "We shall help you". I'm trying to attach that excerpt. Can you hear this as well? Did you continue developing this promising technique? And what method/technique did you use actually? Stefan Attachment: aug29drv_0m15s_we_shall_help_you.mp3 (Downloaded 1439 times)
Posted: Mar 17th, 2008 05:35 PM |
19th Post |
lkimberley Member ![]()
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Hi Stephan, TY I have used the lasers with a radio and several other methods. Thank you for hearing that!!
Posted: Mar 17th, 2008 10:39 PM |
20th Post |
Keith Clark Administrator ![]()
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Hi Stefan, Well, it has been awhile since that clip. I don't hear that specific type of signal anymore. I believe that it only lasted for a month or two. Things are always changing, they appear to be trying new things from time to time. To be honest, I seldom look back. As a general rule, I now tend to shy away from atempting to interpret hard to hear clips. This clip is also filtered, which becomes apparent during the portions in which the volume raises. I did not have any method for the clips in this post as I recall, they were straight recordings. During this time period I also felt that there was a lot going on with the electrical interference. Currently I have settled into a pretty consistent routine of daily interaction with the radios, I monitor both the sound and the resulting spectrograms. Yes, the work with radio continues on, solid as ever. In the last several weeks there has been neat stuff going on, sounds to me like influence of the mic diaphragm. Keith Here's a sample Attachment: Mar16 drv first signs of scratch_CLR.mp3 (Downloaded 1377 times)
Posted: Mar 17th, 2008 10:49 PM |
21st Post |
Keith Clark Administrator ![]()
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'nother. Keith Attachment: Mar14 715pm drv static burst2 - I don't think that's_rest unknown - good sample.mp3 (Downloaded 1353 times)
Posted: Mar 18th, 2008 12:58 AM |
22nd Post |
EVPfan Member ![]()
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Thanks for sharing, Keith. As far as I can hear in your Mar16 clip, the special buzzing sound is still there. The scratching sounds could perhaps be caused by a leakage current in the mic preamp. I had a similar sound once in a self-built preamp. In my case it was the first transistor which was defective.
Posted: Oct 19th, 2008 04:45 PM |
23rd Post |
joecioppi Moderator ![]()
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Keith Clark wrote: For anyone interested in hearing what spirit had to say about 10 minutes after I wrote the above post, here's a file. You'll notice my voice is clearer than the rest of the clip - I have a second mic input. Keith, I used Audacity to scan the file and deleted some spaces with only buzz during the beginning seconds of the file after your greeting. They replied something like " we are absolutely fine...we have come to help...." There seems to be a gruff and loud voice during later seconds...sorry I didn't try to see what they said. Thought you would like to know how easy the helpful voice was to understand. joecioppi
Posted: Oct 19th, 2008 06:23 PM |
24th Post |
Keith Clark Administrator ![]()
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Hi Joe, Thanks for listening, and providing your helpful input. ![]() Keith
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