View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Mar 17th, 2008 10:39 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Stefan,

Well, it has been awhile since that clip. I don't hear that specific type of signal anymore. I believe that it only lasted for a month or two. Things are always changing, they appear to be trying new things from time to time. To be honest, I seldom look back. As a general rule, I now tend to shy away from atempting to interpret hard to hear clips.

This clip is also filtered, which becomes apparent during the portions in which the volume raises. I did not have any method for the clips in this post as I recall, they were straight recordings. During this time period I also felt that there was a lot going on with the electrical interference.

Currently I have settled into a pretty consistent routine of daily interaction with the radios, I monitor both the sound and the resulting spectrograms. Yes, the work with radio continues on, solid as ever. In the last several weeks there has been neat stuff going on, sounds to me like influence of the mic diaphragm.



Here's a sample

Attachment: Mar16 drv first signs of scratch_CLR.mp3 (Downloaded 1314 times)