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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

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So who do we have here then...  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Mar 4th, 2008 05:43 PM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Name: Mark
Age: 38
Location: Minnesota, USA

As a keenly interested paranormal investigator, with my own group, global investigations under my belt, history from birth of weird happenings, 2 NDE episodes, several UFO sightings and many more experiences than I could shake a stick at while stood on a vibrating bed... I remain on the side of curiously sceptical.
And that just about sums me up. Always got a soldering iron in one hand and live mains lead in the other.

I've been interested in all things paranormal for the past 5 years, ever since research into an old house in England that got knocked down in 1968, morphed into odd happenings and spirit contact.
Shortly after meeting my wife Julie in 2005, I began the Visa process toward permanent residency from England to Minnesota, USA.

We run 6 webcams 24/7 at
Featuring infra red, TV ITC, audio and interactive electromechanical games that webcam visitors can play.

Currently we have our house for sale, with a hoped for soon move to Oklahoma (tornado's and arcade game market). There's plenty of time at the moment to further project ideas.
My latest Para-meter, as I choose to call the devices I build, is a version of a direct radio voice device. Here's the link to that on this forum:

Looking forward to the meets&greets and getting to know the crowd a bit :)


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 Posted: Mar 4th, 2008 08:14 PM
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Joined: Nov 7th, 2007
Location: Alabama USA
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Greetings Mark and Julie!  Wecome to the great USA; and this forum!  Nice to meet you both! 

You will find many friends here; as I have.

This is a technologically based forum, but we interchange information of any media, as needed.

Best wishes for the sale of your house, whatever the reason you have to require tornadoes in your lives :scared:.

Welcome again friends!



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 Posted: Mar 4th, 2008 09:31 PM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Thanks Jeff :D

Was talking to my wife about the type of people here on the board...the sharing of an electric journey, as I chose to call it.
Being openly honest about expectations, while embracing the technology to 'lets see' is most of my aim with the electronics side. It seems to fit the bill with the messageboard.

Tornado's are a passion of my wife, she has never seen one yet has held an almost OCD interest in them for many years. There's not much she doesn't know about Fajita's and all that. I find the power absorbing, the intensity of a natural phenomenon. Course, we don't oggle at the destruction and that's one side we would wish to help out with, cleaning up and offering our help with such things.
I'd like to see that TIV vehicle and the radar dish trucks driving around too.

Thanks for the warm welcome !

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 Posted: Mar 8th, 2008 09:01 AM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
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Hi Mark,

I replied to your message in the DRV section. It's nice to meet you, and I look forward to you sharing your experiences with us on the board.

All experiences are welcome, regardless of whether they are technological or not. What we're looking for here is the personal.


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 Posted: Mar 8th, 2008 09:45 AM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Thanks Keith..
Yes indeed, an area of the paranormal that seemed to have no home until finding
Mixing thoughts with the research and furthering the self spiritually while discovering new techniques, is something rare indeed.

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 Posted: Sep 19th, 2008 05:19 PM
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Joined: Sep 18th, 2008
Posts: 13
Hey, I remember Slider! You used to frequent the abandoned hospital board, mainly the equipment section. I remember you had built a Frank's box derivative using a mouse housing. I was always curious how that ended up.

If you don't remember, I am Andy, one of the rtm's at the site. I don't really get back up there too much anymore, have been somewhat inactive as late, but I am starting to tool back up with a focus on ITC. Unfortunately, that message board is more of a social center now than a forum for hardcore technical exchange, but wow...last I remembered you were in England and now you are in Mary's backyard :)

Perhaps we can work together sometime, there are some great places in and around the Muskogee area for investigation. Plus I am dying to pick your brain in reference to your personal ITC experiences with the box.


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 Posted: Sep 24th, 2008 10:01 AM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Hi there Andy !

Sorry for the delay in response, we're still moving in to the house.
Yep, same dude :biggrin:, still weilding a soldering iron and still very much interested in different ways energy can be interacted with.

The Franks Box type unit is one of the devices I call Para-Meters (mainly for the pun on functions). It raised my eyebrows in several directions when I recorded a robot sounding voice some while back. Some guys and girls on this forum have been intensively studying and building Spiricom type devices...which by using allophones and raw tones have recorded very similar results. A robotic voice being derived by the raw nature of the fundamental tones. By recording such a voice on something I had made for radio frequencies, it seemed like a pointer, a direction. More like a heads up for the direction I was going in.
Frank himself is a great contributor here, there are many methods and thoughts wouldn't have been personally 'side brained' toward were it not for his work.
Thinking differently and actually soldering something up is one great marker for this board and the people on it...I hope you find the place just as absorbing :)

Current interests are still within utilising any possibly useful energies from items or objects belonging to people. My Anrede Para-Meter has a human hair on the front and record player type stylus, the idea being to amplify any slight vibrations. Based upon the thoughts that hair contains our DNA, is on the surface and available for any energy to soak into when we walk around and other factors like possible reasons for hair whitening when seeing a ghost or under stress etc. Mini aerials ? who knows. There's a certain TAPS member who's a great organiser and leader of the group who doesn't seem too psychic, I wonder why hehe 

Would be great to meet up and research. My wife and I frequent the supposedly haunted Braums in Muskogee regularly (finding we just must buy a cherry/pecan ice cream for some reason) but haven't yet heard/recorded the two guys in the back of the car that's reported. Been up to a couple of cemetaries and trialed out a few Para-Meter designs...but we would like to expand our local knowledge too.
Should be good for any time, just give us a shout :) 

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 Posted: Sep 25th, 2008 01:18 AM
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Joined: Sep 18th, 2008
Posts: 13
Well, Braum's does make what would seem paranormally good ice cream. Been guilty of partaking in that several times, lol.

It is interesting to see the difference between the standard model of paranormal investigation and researchers involved in ITC. I am strongly drawn to this type of research and it seems that letting go of my need for scientific proof in exchange for accepting that it is working, and understanding that I may never know how or why seems to be my greatest challenge. In my short studies of ITC, it would appear that this phenomenon is not utililzed the same way everytime, but many diverse methods bring success. It appears to me in my short study that successful communication comes from a good operator/entity synergy in which both are comfortable with the means and intent. I see now that this can vary widely from researcher to researcher and that importance should not so much focus on the nuts and bolts of devices as much as intent and motivation for contact (even though I am a techno-nerd).

I am facinated with box-related ITC, and think that will be my primary method of collection. The technology is comfortable to me and I like the methodology and experimentation factor associated with it. I may branch out into other methods over time, but this seems to be working for me now, so I am going with it. I have been soaking up the posts here and other forums just trying to gather as much information as I can. It seems that ITC research seems to lend itself to more serious seekers, doing away with the thrills and chills crowd in favor of people with legitimate desire to contact the otherside to further knowledge. I am so pleased to find this forum and others like it, the people generally are very helpful and kind, willing to nursemaid my ITC inexperience and give me pointers. This trait is often lacking in the paranormal investigative community which has morphed into a circus of egos and profiteering.

Slider, I love the work that you have been doing with the Para-meters. I know of a secluded cemetery not far from Muskogee that belongs to a friend of mine. It provides a quiet, static environment (sans electrical power) and the majority of traditional evp's I have recorded there are in the Cherokee dialect. Perhaps if you are interested, we could do some experiments there sometime. Also, the owner of the cemetery, Mary (who you may remember from the hospital research site) has been expressing her interest in learning about box-related ITC and would love to see one in action. She also has access to many haunted locations in town, including her own residence.

Guess I am rambling, but I cannot tell you how cool it is to see that you settled here in oklahoma. I am only about 60-70 miles west of you in Shawnee. I will contact you be email if it is ok, I can't wait to discuss your work.



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 Posted: Sep 25th, 2008 07:15 AM
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Joined: Mar 13th, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 188
Hiya again Slider!

Andy you should ramble more often I agreed with every word you said on that one. I almost found myself clapping my hands in glee. That doesnt happen very often LOL

So true so very very true.


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 Posted: Sep 25th, 2008 08:59 AM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Yep, a great read and furthers understandings of your good self. Ramblings are absolutely fine by me and I get the last word, cos it's my thread haha
I'm glad that Misty enjoyed the read too, when it comes to inner thoughts and how a person thinks who is into this area of research, I think we all like to know how people tick.

Is that cemetary the '3 Rivers' or something similar named ? We took a trip out to one, down back lanes and it held a surprise for us. There were loads of Vann last named people buried there, a line possibly related to my wife's family. It seems there was one guy that many were decended from up and down the midwest :bored:

My wife was overcome with emotion and the energies seemingly present at the wartime cemetary at Fort Gibson. I had a strong impression of a salute by one man along the edges of one area, not for us, but almost that he was locked, saluting.
All our para case full of different gear didn't show anything up on analysis, so I do wonder if especially then, that adjusting to the weather and different energies over this summer entailed tracking in of that type. Course, I could have been mistaken and had no 3rd eye thing going on. Could have been heatstroke lol
At Fort Gibson itself. I 'sensed' a military figure, on guard, yet slumped against a tree, leaning both on his rifle to his right and on a tree to his left. Shortly afterward, I had one of those 95% real viewings that i'm lucky enough to sometimes experience, albeit a shock to me. We were driving slowly along the dirt type road at the back of the Fort and I looked behind us, out of a side rear window. Peering in and staring right at me, was a middle aged man, right up against the window, with reddened face and scruffy features. He seemed to have the expression of wonder at who we were and what we wanted. I don't know if it was the same military guy...but such things always fascinate. On another trip out to there, we detected 5 degree drops of temperature (Raytek grey gun type sensor) both near the tree and into the grass nearer the Fort buildings.
It's such still and calm weather in this area that wind becomes almost a non factor. EVP recorders don't seem to need globs of cotton wool over microphones eh.

We nearly bought a house in Shawnee. After our original trip last year to OK, where we viewed several houses and selected one to move to, the deal fell through over financing. We could have just about bought it with cash but then have had no money to fix it up with. Then put a bid in on another place, just as we got the offer for our old place in Minnesota. We sat and waited for their accepting or refusal right up to nearly moving day and then had to, we loaded the big UHaul and set off to Oklahoma not knowing where we'd end up ! Quite the adventure. Anyway, we stayed around Shawnee for a week or so in June house hunting and then found ourselves back in Muskogee, where we originally had the other house lined up, and found another fixer upper.

Would be great to meet Mary too. Email and setting something up is cool. Hopefully we can further ITC experiments out in the field and work toward furthering ideas, help build projects where more of a local team effort might benefit this larger messageboard. Integration of minds and ideas that become real experiments is how I see much of the work done at this particular board. It's also always great to meet like minded people :)

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 Posted: Sep 26th, 2008 05:58 AM
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Joined: Sep 18th, 2008
Posts: 13
Wow, I am pretty sure that is the cemetery. The name Vann is a very relevant bit of information, I will explain why in private messages. Sorry for the abbreviated message here but I will elaborate in just a moment.


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 Posted: Sep 26th, 2008 10:28 PM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Oh it gets better, as I emailed back.
Bertha's Grave in Minnesota is a huge error in paranormal listings and ghost books...the writers weren't related to her !

To fill in for other folks who may read, Vann was Bertha's last name and a relative of my wife :)

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