View single post by ourobouros2k2
 Posted: Sep 25th, 2008 01:18 AM
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Joined: Sep 18th, 2008
Posts: 13
Well, Braum's does make what would seem paranormally good ice cream. Been guilty of partaking in that several times, lol.

It is interesting to see the difference between the standard model of paranormal investigation and researchers involved in ITC. I am strongly drawn to this type of research and it seems that letting go of my need for scientific proof in exchange for accepting that it is working, and understanding that I may never know how or why seems to be my greatest challenge. In my short studies of ITC, it would appear that this phenomenon is not utililzed the same way everytime, but many diverse methods bring success. It appears to me in my short study that successful communication comes from a good operator/entity synergy in which both are comfortable with the means and intent. I see now that this can vary widely from researcher to researcher and that importance should not so much focus on the nuts and bolts of devices as much as intent and motivation for contact (even though I am a techno-nerd).

I am facinated with box-related ITC, and think that will be my primary method of collection. The technology is comfortable to me and I like the methodology and experimentation factor associated with it. I may branch out into other methods over time, but this seems to be working for me now, so I am going with it. I have been soaking up the posts here and other forums just trying to gather as much information as I can. It seems that ITC research seems to lend itself to more serious seekers, doing away with the thrills and chills crowd in favor of people with legitimate desire to contact the otherside to further knowledge. I am so pleased to find this forum and others like it, the people generally are very helpful and kind, willing to nursemaid my ITC inexperience and give me pointers. This trait is often lacking in the paranormal investigative community which has morphed into a circus of egos and profiteering.

Slider, I love the work that you have been doing with the Para-meters. I know of a secluded cemetery not far from Muskogee that belongs to a friend of mine. It provides a quiet, static environment (sans electrical power) and the majority of traditional evp's I have recorded there are in the Cherokee dialect. Perhaps if you are interested, we could do some experiments there sometime. Also, the owner of the cemetery, Mary (who you may remember from the hospital research site) has been expressing her interest in learning about box-related ITC and would love to see one in action. She also has access to many haunted locations in town, including her own residence.

Guess I am rambling, but I cannot tell you how cool it is to see that you settled here in oklahoma. I am only about 60-70 miles west of you in Shawnee. I will contact you be email if it is ok, I can't wait to discuss your work.

