View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Mar 4th, 2008 05:43 PM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Name: Mark
Age: 38
Location: Minnesota, USA

As a keenly interested paranormal investigator, with my own group, global investigations under my belt, history from birth of weird happenings, 2 NDE episodes, several UFO sightings and many more experiences than I could shake a stick at while stood on a vibrating bed... I remain on the side of curiously sceptical.
And that just about sums me up. Always got a soldering iron in one hand and live mains lead in the other.

I've been interested in all things paranormal for the past 5 years, ever since research into an old house in England that got knocked down in 1968, morphed into odd happenings and spirit contact.
Shortly after meeting my wife Julie in 2005, I began the Visa process toward permanent residency from England to Minnesota, USA.

We run 6 webcams 24/7 at
Featuring infra red, TV ITC, audio and interactive electromechanical games that webcam visitors can play.

Currently we have our house for sale, with a hoped for soon move to Oklahoma (tornado's and arcade game market). There's plenty of time at the moment to further project ideas.
My latest Para-meter, as I choose to call the devices I build, is a version of a direct radio voice device. Here's the link to that on this forum:

Looking forward to the meets&greets and getting to know the crowd a bit :)
