View single post by ourobouros2k2
 Posted: Sep 19th, 2008 05:19 PM
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Joined: Sep 18th, 2008
Posts: 13
Hey, I remember Slider! You used to frequent the abandoned hospital board, mainly the equipment section. I remember you had built a Frank's box derivative using a mouse housing. I was always curious how that ended up.

If you don't remember, I am Andy, one of the rtm's at the site. I don't really get back up there too much anymore, have been somewhat inactive as late, but I am starting to tool back up with a focus on ITC. Unfortunately, that message board is more of a social center now than a forum for hardcore technical exchange, but wow...last I remembered you were in England and now you are in Mary's backyard :)

Perhaps we can work together sometime, there are some great places in and around the Muskogee area for investigation. Plus I am dying to pick your brain in reference to your personal ITC experiences with the box.
