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Good day with liberty and justice  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Nov 3rd, 2011 07:00 AM
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Location: Canoas, Brazil
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Good day with liberty and justice

Good day. I was reflecting on my thoughts on that now some high Brazilian authorities are having in my opinion, a wrong attitude, within the justice, and what is right, because it intends to adopt the directions taken by the justice in the USA, reference to the removal of religious symbols from state organs, the organs of government, which in my view, the USA, also in this direction, to adopt here in Brazil it is a wrong decision of both parties, since the very symbol of Justice, is a statue of a pagan god of ancient Greece, so that justice of the United States of America, and Brazil, to adopt the same direction, not just an attitude, within the principles of freedom , since in fact in my view, therefore, the symbol of justice itself offends people who adopt Christianity, for that there, the government agency, suggesting paganism, as the statues of Justice, is a symbol of a pagan god, the Greek goddess Dike ``''. Removing the symbols of Christianity is that it is acting against individual freedom, since freedom is above all, they can worship, their religion freely, because there is no morality without a religious, want to impose a pagan god, as a symbol of justice , is to be immoral. In my view, some North American citizens, are living, an inversion of values, and I hope that Brazil, do not take these directions to do so, against these ideas, which are in my view, contrary to the true values'm doing here .

 In order to demonstrate, by arguments, the error, and the future consequences of such acts, directions, it will take even more in the direction of the destruction of values, ethical, moral, disaggregating the final result, the family, since the symbol allowed in government agencies, is a pagan goddess, representing Justice, at the same time, which suggests paganism, only with the truth. I as a Christian, as I am religious, I feel offended by seeing, a symbol that represents a pagan god, because that is against my beliefs as a Christian. If it is to remove all religious symbols from government agencies, the same as a matter of law, should also remove the statues of the Greek goddess of all these sites, illustrating a real high state of morale, toward the truth, of all our human values.

Among their own, the directions taken to a whole range of subtleties, which should not be neglected, otherwise the target is to err in the direction of a real human growth in all aspects towards the truth. I am against it for these reasons, the withdrawal of the Cross, before they should, free themselves from the actual prejudice, allowing everyone to express themselves, within limits, their freedom of religious beliefs, because the contrary, all religions lose, since instituted an inversion of values.

The religions that are fighting against each other, in fact, weaken, and strengthen the ideas and the arguments of atheists.

Life goes on, beyond, far beyond what we perceive by our senses, sensors of the physical body.

In Brazil ITC, EVP( No Brasil, em lingua portuguesa, neste link ):

 For freedom, in defense of Religions, Christianity, the family. Sincerely . Jota pedroso, southern Brazil

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Last edited on Nov 3rd, 2011 07:19 AM by JotaPedrosoBR

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 Posted: Nov 3rd, 2011 08:00 AM
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"The time is arrived, in which the teachings of Christ should receive a supplement, in that the purpose of veil thrown over any part of this teaching is to be lifted up: that science, no longer exclusively materialist must take into account the spiritual element , and that religion, leaving unaware of the organic and immutable laws of matter, these two forces, relying on each other, balance and will provide mutual support. Thus, the religion, not getting over denial of science, will acquire an unswerving strength, because they will be in accordance with reason, and you can not resist the irresistible logic of facts. ''Allan Kardec

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 Posted: Dec 7th, 2011 07:28 AM
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The problem with religion Is everybody presumes god Is on there side, religion has been the cause of more blood shed than anything else In this world we live In, you must remove religion as we all come from the one. There are many names for god depending on what religion you follow but Its a far higher form of life that we must except not an icon made by man for nothing more than power and control of the masses, logically It Isn't hard to see that only negativity comes from conflict know matter what religion you claim to follow, man chose what gospels were released not a Christ a god, what god would have you on your knee's and say on one hand do not kill and on the other Its ok In my name, we need to keep a balance In life and faith Is something we all need but faith In a higher cause not a mans.

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 Posted: Dec 8th, 2011 08:26 AM
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I have to agree with you.  I was raised Roman Catholic, and left the church after the death of my Mother.  I never felt any real 'grace' while growing up, and if one questioned the church and it's doctrines, well, you were just asking for trouble!!  It felt too ritualistic at times.  My Mother was very devout, so I guess it came down to my participating and not asking questions was done to please my Mother.  As a child I was convinced that my calling in life was to become a Bride of Christ.  Those who know me now could not fathom this choice!!  Not that I am some evil sort of person, no, far from it.  I just couldn't reconcile the church's teachings and apply them to my life.

So much death and destruction has come from organized religion.  I will take my chances when it comes my time and hope for the best.  There are too many good people of all types of religions and belief systems to say that one way is better than another.  The "My God is better than your God" business has got to go!  Period!!

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 Posted: Dec 8th, 2011 10:29 AM
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Last edited on Dec 8th, 2011 10:31 AM by JotaPedrosoBR

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 Posted: Dec 8th, 2011 10:30 AM
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Paul wrote: The problem with religion Is everybody presumes god Is on there side, religion has been the cause of more blood shed than anything else In this world we live In, you must remove religion as we all come from the one. There are many names for god depending on what religion you follow but Its a far higher form of life that we must except not an icon made by man for nothing more than power and control of the masses, logically It Isn't hard to see that only negativity comes from conflict know matter what religion you claim to follow, man chose what gospels were released not a Christ a god, what god would have you on your knee's and say on one hand do not kill and on the other Its ok In my name, we need to keep a balance In life and faith Is something we all need but faith In a higher cause not a mans.
The problem with religion Is everybody presumes god Is on there side, religion has been the cause of more blood shed than anything else In this world we live In, you must remove religion as we all come from the one.


There are many names for god depending on what religion you follow but Its a far higher form of life that we must except not an icon made by man for nothing more than power and control of the masses,


logically It Isn't hard to see that only negativity comes from conflict know matter what religion you claim to follow, man chose what gospels were released not a Christ a god,

what god would have you on your knee's and say on one hand do not kill and on the other Its ok In my name, we need to keep a balance In life and faith Is something we all need but faith In a higher cause not a mans.


O problema com a religião Está todo mundo pressupõe que Deus está do lado lá, a religião foi a causa de mais sangue derramado do que qualquer outra coisa neste mundo em que vivemos, você deve remover a religião como todos nós viemos do um. Há muitos nomes para Deus, dependendo do que religião você siga, mas sua forma um tanto mais elevados de vida que não devemos, exceto um ícone feito pelo homem para nada mais do que o poder eo controle das massas, logicamente, não é difícil ver que a negatividade vem somente de conflito sabe importa qual religião você reivindica a seguir, o homem escolheu o que evangelhos não foram liberadas um Cristo um deus, o que Deus quer que você em seu joelho e dizer, por um lado não matar e na ok Suas outras em meu nome, precisamos manter um equilíbrio na vida e fé é algo que todos nós precisamos, mas a fé em uma causa maior não é um homem .



I disagree with you when you say that `` religion ´´was the greatest cause of bloodshed, I see it differently, the subtleties that must be observed, `` because they are not all religions have been the greatest cause of bloodshed, it was not, see that some were just as there are thousands of religions.

In fact many of us have a distorted image of God, what would be God, an interpretation closer to the truth?

To me, the higher mind, the creator of everything, of which we are a spark.  I do not see God as a candle sitting on a throne with a golden crown on his head, no.

I see God as superior Spirit who creates everything.

The errors of interpretation, incorrect assessments of the will of God, made many FOCEM thrown into the fires of the Inquisition, but we can not generalize, clinging to the extremes of the issues, since there are subtleties between the extremes.

Note: My friends, I always try to be with the heart of a friend, a brother, always saying good words, but I ask them to, I'm from a country called Brazil, of South America, and I speak Portuguese, I do not really understand, do not fully understand the English language, the USA. I am using the translator Frengly, and I hope the translation is going well. I go to reconsider a bad word, bad translation, because I want to be friends.  this translator Frengly, is the resource, the medium that I use to translate Fraze Frazer, who comes to me, and I send, I hope you're doing well, well done the translation, so good with words. Cordially.    Thank you.


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 Posted: Dec 8th, 2011 10:48 AM
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Spider wrote: I have to agree with you.  I was raised Roman Catholic, and left the church after the death of my Mother.  I never felt any real 'grace' while growing up, and if one questioned the church and it's doctrines, well, you were just asking for trouble!!  It felt too ritualistic at times.  My Mother was very devout, so I guess it came down to my participating and not asking questions was done to please my Mother.  As a child I was convinced that my calling in life was to become a Bride of Christ.  Those who know me now could not fathom this choice!!  Not that I am some evil sort of person, no, far from it.  I just couldn't reconcile the church's teachings and apply them to my life.

So much death and destruction has come from organized religion.  I will take my chances when it comes my time and hope for the best.  There are too many good people of all types of religions and belief systems to say that one way is better than another.  The "My God is better than your God" business has got to go!  Period!!

Eu tenho que concordar com você. Fui criada católica romana, e deixou a Igreja após a morte de minha mãe. Eu nunca senti qualquer 'graça' real enquanto crescia, e se questionou a igreja e doutrinas é, bem, você estava pedindo para ter problemas! ...Ela se sentia muito ritualístico, por vezes.

Minha mãe era muito devota, então eu acho que ele veio até a minha participantes e não fazer perguntas foi feito para agradar a minha mãe.

Quando criança, eu estava convencido de que minha vocação na vida era se tornar uma noiva de Cristo.

Aqueles que me conhecem agora, não podia compreender esta escolha! Não que eu seja algum tipo de pessoa mal, não, longe disso. Eu simplesmente não conseguia conciliar os ensinamentos da Igreja e aplicá-las à minha vida.



The friend is right, are true. For me it was the doctrine of spirits contained in the basic works of codification books  Allan Kardeck, and Leon Denis,

I explained what was best about the Spirit world, closer to the truth, because the Spirit, is not a religion, constituted with dogma, a leader and a Pope, etc., but a triple doctrine, which with Temne relationship: Religion, Philosophy and Science. this is what most in accordance with the facts observed by me in these my more than 30 years  studying these phenomena witty, tci, tcm, evp, Spiritualism, in theory and practice. I have learned a lot from the doctrine of spirits, Spiritism, much taught me and teaches me, clarifying for me almost all my doubts, because of so many things.  is this doctrine, I discovered why so many things, and phenomena that parcipei, saw, and understood, Through The Spiritist doctrine, that there is no supernatural,

and that everything within the laws of nature, but is nots who still do not understand all the laws involved in nature. Cordially.




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 Posted: Dec 8th, 2011 12:54 PM
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I blame man for his distortion of what anyone's "Higher Being" interpretation may be, and using it as a weapon to injure and destroy a fellow human being.  What stuck out in my mind was a story and photograph I had read and seen on a news site on the internet.  Here a small little Jewish girl had written "From Danielle" with flowers painted on it, on the side of a bomb that the Israeli's were going to launch against the poor Palestinians.  That sickened me more than any bloody war footage I had ever seen before.  I am sure the ancestors and spirits of the Palestinians cried for not only themselves, but for the poor delusional child that had been taught all this ugliness.

Organized relgion can inhibit free thinking. It has been used since time beginning to control the masses.

I guess I better stop now, this is too much for me to think about at this time. 

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 Posted: Dec 9th, 2011 11:16 AM
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Spider wrote: I blame man for his distortion of what anyone's "Higher Being" interpretation may be, and using it as a weapon to injure and destroy a fellow human being.  What stuck out in my mind was a story and photograph I had read and seen on a news site on the internet.  Here a small little Jewish girl had written "From Danielle" with flowers painted on it, on the side of a bomb that the Israeli's were going to launch against the poor Palestinians.  That sickened me more than any bloody war footage I had ever seen before.  I am sure the ancestors and spirits of the Palestinians cried for not only themselves, but for the poor delusional child that had been taught all this ugliness.

Organized relgion can inhibit free thinking. It has been used since time beginning to control the masses.

I guess I better stop now, this is too much for me to think about at this time. 

In Portuguese.
Eu culpo o homem por sua distorção do que ninguém Superior Bein interpretação pode ser, e usá-lo como uma arma para ferir e destruir um ser humano.

O que fora preso em minha mente era uma história e fotografia que eu tinha lido e visto em um site de notícias na internet.

Aqui uma menina pequena judia tinha escrito `` De Danielle ´´com flores pintadas sobre ele, do lado de uma bomba que o de Israel iam lançar contra os pobres palestinos.

Que sickened me mais do que qualquer filmagem sangrenta guerra que eu já tinha visto antes.

Tenho a certeza de os ancestrais e espíritos dos palestinos não só chorou por si mesmos, mas para a criança pobre delirante que havia sido ensinado toda a fealdade isso.

Relgion organizado pode inibir o livre pensamento. Ela tem sido usada desde o início de tempo para controlar as massas. Acho melhor eu parar agora, isso é demais para mim pensar neste momento.




Hello friend, my sister Spider , is right in what you say, but I imagine they are misinterpretations that men do, and for me the greatest example of perfection, superiority of human life, this in Christianity, morality of Jesus Christ, the examples of love that has given us. I notice also that religion was often used evil to dominate, and that's a shame, it was sad, but I am a Christian, a spirit, a researcher at ITC. All the best to my friend from USA. Sincerely, from southern Brazil. Jota Pedroso. Visit my page: Conversations with the side of it.


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 Posted: Dec 14th, 2011 11:53 AM
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We could chat about religion for ever so many questions and very few answers, in my opinion and that of my guides we are spiritual beings having an earthly experience.
 Man has looked to control the masses since time began and so much has been lost over centuries of miss translation, religion was jumped on by Rome when they realized join the latest trend or loose power, that wasn't out of choice but necessity for Rome to stay a major power of the time, Jesus was the 5th most popular name of the time and I feel he did exist and was a great healer and medium like so many of that time period, It was man who miss heard his words and fear that drove them to write all gospels including the gnostic gospels.
 Even going back to the 2nd world war the catholic church chose to turn the other cheek while millions of Jews were being exterminated In camps and right under the Vatican's nose, you have to think what was the real reason for this ??, even worse they helped many SS higher ranking officers to evade the allies after the war was over, they hid them In the Vatican and arranged for them to be smuggled to lots of south American country's for example, again you have to ask why ?? the reason many don't ask "why" Is simple It's easier to turn the other way than to except your religion Is built on what serves at the time and corruption, there Is now proof all what I say happened, science Is now able to explain away the 10 plagues of Egypt for example.
However to show the world the major religions are nothing more than this would be a bad thing as Ive said faith can move mountains, Its really just the fact we all have different beliefs yet the end Is the same.
 When I work as a rescue medium what others see as an angel helping me I see as energy and light, my FAITH BELIEF In who and what I work with Is all I could hope for and up to date as much as Ive been attacked tested time and time again my FAITH Is unmoving.

I was 12yrs old when I went to my priest and told him I could see hear and interact with spirit, his answer a scolding and told never to mention It again, my parents put me In a psychiatric ward at 14yrs old for 9wks because they thought I was mad, Life In all forms higher and lower Is GOD, we don't have all the answers because we are not supposed to If we did how would we learn and evolve, for far to long negativity has be on the rise and I strongly believe 2012 Is when positivity will bring things back In to balance, more and more people are now opening up to the idea of spiritualism.

Blessings to all

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