View single post by JotaPedrosoBR
 Posted: Dec 8th, 2011 10:30 AM
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Joined: Apr 4th, 2010
Location: Canoas, Brazil
Posts: 64
Paul wrote: The problem with religion Is everybody presumes god Is on there side, religion has been the cause of more blood shed than anything else In this world we live In, you must remove religion as we all come from the one. There are many names for god depending on what religion you follow but Its a far higher form of life that we must except not an icon made by man for nothing more than power and control of the masses, logically It Isn't hard to see that only negativity comes from conflict know matter what religion you claim to follow, man chose what gospels were released not a Christ a god, what god would have you on your knee's and say on one hand do not kill and on the other Its ok In my name, we need to keep a balance In life and faith Is something we all need but faith In a higher cause not a mans.
The problem with religion Is everybody presumes god Is on there side, religion has been the cause of more blood shed than anything else In this world we live In, you must remove religion as we all come from the one.


There are many names for god depending on what religion you follow but Its a far higher form of life that we must except not an icon made by man for nothing more than power and control of the masses,


logically It Isn't hard to see that only negativity comes from conflict know matter what religion you claim to follow, man chose what gospels were released not a Christ a god,

what god would have you on your knee's and say on one hand do not kill and on the other Its ok In my name, we need to keep a balance In life and faith Is something we all need but faith In a higher cause not a mans.


O problema com a religião Está todo mundo pressupõe que Deus está do lado lá, a religião foi a causa de mais sangue derramado do que qualquer outra coisa neste mundo em que vivemos, você deve remover a religião como todos nós viemos do um. Há muitos nomes para Deus, dependendo do que religião você siga, mas sua forma um tanto mais elevados de vida que não devemos, exceto um ícone feito pelo homem para nada mais do que o poder eo controle das massas, logicamente, não é difícil ver que a negatividade vem somente de conflito sabe importa qual religião você reivindica a seguir, o homem escolheu o que evangelhos não foram liberadas um Cristo um deus, o que Deus quer que você em seu joelho e dizer, por um lado não matar e na ok Suas outras em meu nome, precisamos manter um equilíbrio na vida e fé é algo que todos nós precisamos, mas a fé em uma causa maior não é um homem .



I disagree with you when you say that `` religion ´´was the greatest cause of bloodshed, I see it differently, the subtleties that must be observed, `` because they are not all religions have been the greatest cause of bloodshed, it was not, see that some were just as there are thousands of religions.

In fact many of us have a distorted image of God, what would be God, an interpretation closer to the truth?

To me, the higher mind, the creator of everything, of which we are a spark.  I do not see God as a candle sitting on a throne with a golden crown on his head, no.

I see God as superior Spirit who creates everything.

The errors of interpretation, incorrect assessments of the will of God, made many FOCEM thrown into the fires of the Inquisition, but we can not generalize, clinging to the extremes of the issues, since there are subtleties between the extremes.

Note: My friends, I always try to be with the heart of a friend, a brother, always saying good words, but I ask them to, I'm from a country called Brazil, of South America, and I speak Portuguese, I do not really understand, do not fully understand the English language, the USA. I am using the translator Frengly, and I hope the translation is going well. I go to reconsider a bad word, bad translation, because I want to be friends.  this translator Frengly, is the resource, the medium that I use to translate Fraze Frazer, who comes to me, and I send, I hope you're doing well, well done the translation, so good with words. Cordially.    Thank you.