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Received my first message on the answering machine  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Apr 4th, 2007 08:48 AM
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I received a phone call at around 7PM, I guess and all I heard was a noise after the beep. I didn't think nothing of it.... Well at about 10PM when I was about to crawl into bed I checked the messages because I had a feeling to do so (Don't ask how). I checked the message and heard what I thought were two words so I recorded them on my handheld Olympus, digital voice recorder.  I told my wife I would mess with the recording tomorrow to see if it was valid or not.

At first I thought, this could be nothing but I wanted to make sure. Two things seemed strange about the call that caught my attention: The voice is not clear, sounds rather muffled and robotic. Second it relays no other information besides 2 words that I can't quite make out. There is no contact info, no identifying statements....

PS: nevermind the time and date on the recording, it is obviously wrong. I have never changed it since we lost power during the last storm. LOL

Here is the original recording:

Texas Frank

Attachment: 040307AnsweringMachine_2200CST.mp3 (Downloaded 2459 times)

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 Posted: Apr 4th, 2007 08:49 AM
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Laura, cleaned the file a little and found that not only is he/she speaking forward but also backwards. Playing the file forward we are hearing "Ya'll Pray" and playing it in reverse we are hearing "your smart". I will post them below:

Texas Frank

Attachment: 040307AnsweringMachine_2200CST yall pray.mp3 (Downloaded 2390 times)

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 Posted: Apr 4th, 2007 08:50 AM
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Texas Frank

Attachment: 040307AnsweringMachine_2200CSTyour smart.mp3 (Downloaded 2655 times)

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 Posted: Apr 5th, 2007 10:11 PM
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Keith Clark

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Hi Frank,

When listening to the original, I hear:

Hello, Frank

My impression is that the two words are run together, as in casual conversation.


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 Posted: Apr 6th, 2007 04:09 PM
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I don't know, I definately hear a "Y" sound at the beginning. Even slowing it, increasing pitch, listening to the original again and so on, I still hear the "ya'll" in there. I can't completely agree with the "pray" part though. I have even closed my eyes and tried to think, "Hello, Frank" while it played and it doesn't seem to match. My hearing definately isn't top notch so please don't think I am the end all when it comes to interpreting these things. I am firm on the reverse though...and not just because it is complimentary. LOL:lol:

Does anyone else hear it differently? I am always up to hearing everyones opinion.


Texas Frank

Last edited on Apr 6th, 2007 04:11 PM by fratka

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 Posted: Apr 13th, 2007 02:20 PM
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Hi Frank,
I'll feel confident that it says "You'll see" - but this is just one opinion.

This is quite interesting, because earlier this week, I think Tuesday night, I also had something strange on my answering machine, for the first time (I also might have had something a few years ago but never recorded it).  Preceding a message for my wife from her doctor’s office is a weird click sound that also sounds a bit like a male voice.  Then there is a female voice saying three syllables, perhaps “you feel hot”.  The only reason I can think of for that particular message is that around the time it was left, I was at work where the air isn’t working, and I was sweating like a pig and thinking of emailing someone to complain.
I can’t say for sure that this is paranormal, but the click sound and the speed of the voice are very much consistent with the usual stuff we get.
I’ve attached the message, plus a crop of the female voice.
What night did you get this?  I will have to check my files at home to see when I got mine.  It’s pretty interesting that we got something within the same few days, both for the first time.  I was just preparing a blog post about it last night. John

Attachment: phoneMsg.mp3 (Downloaded 2493 times)

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 Posted: Apr 13th, 2007 02:20 PM
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Here is a crop of the female voice with some EQ.

Attachment: phoneMsg_clip2_eq3.mp3 (Downloaded 1882 times)

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 Posted: Apr 15th, 2007 09:32 AM
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Hello Frank, i have just listened to that clip and i know who it is,lol,Its Linda's dad,Linda is a member on my site and i recognised his voice straight away.


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 Posted: Apr 16th, 2007 08:26 AM
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My friends,

It seems I have "jumped the gun" and made a mistake, the phone answering machine message has been debunked by my wife and myself. It seems that a particular solicator has been calling our home phone for a couple weeks now on a automatic dialer. Anyways, once it gets through its spiel and my recorder starts to record it only records the last two numbers of the messages phone number. My wife recorded four other times it called and they were all identical. It is still curious to me that it also speaks in reverse though.

Sorry for the let down (trust me, I was more let down) but I cannot let false evidence stand, especially my own. Intellectual honesty is paramount in this type of research and our contacts. My radio contacts are still proving to be valid, true and ever strengthening. I have not been able to debunk them, especially when they are calling me by name. :biggrin:

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns,

Your friend in research,


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 Posted: Apr 18th, 2007 02:26 AM
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Hi Frank,

  Ahh you must have been really dissapointed to hear it was explainable..   You never know keep trying and persisting with your DRV and you will get results, I am sure of it...:biggrin: take care, Lance..

Please visit.
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 Posted: Apr 18th, 2007 06:40 AM
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Its alright! I would rather it be proven false than chasing a "white rabbit" you know? LOL My wife is under orders not to erase any messages on the machine without me hearing them though. She's cool with that! LOL

I will be much more critical next time though!


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 Posted: Apr 18th, 2007 10:52 AM
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Oh no, I'm not giving up on any technique. I just don't think this particular file is anything. I know they can communicate over the phone. I will just have to wait till the real deal happens. LOL


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 Posted: Apr 19th, 2007 07:41 AM
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Vicki Talbott

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Hi Frank and all,

I have recevied a live phone call, the last few minutes of which I recorded.  I have sent it to Mark Macy, who was very excited about it.  The unfortunate part is that the entity is very difficult to understand.  I had to find a quiet recorder and ask questions then stick the recorder up to the phone for a response.  Mark suggested I get a recorder to attache to the phone ASAP, and I need to do that.  It was an interesting experience to say the least!  Vicki

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 Posted: Apr 19th, 2007 07:50 AM
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Hi Vicki,
So do we get to hear this?  Don't tease!
When did you get this call?

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 Posted: Apr 19th, 2007 07:54 AM
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Vicki Talbott

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Sorry John!  Didn't mean to tease.  It's a few minutes long--I'll post a section of it so that you can hear what I mean by this entities voice.  It happened a few months ago and was I ever shocked. 

I get answering machine messages fairly regularly, and most of the time the people can be identified (I just recevied one for a friend whose daughter's ex-boyfriend died.  She called me and he came through saying "Hey it's me" right before she began to leave her message.  But this live phone call just blew me right away.  I think it is on my computer at home but it might also be here...if I can find it here at work, I'll send a section to you all to listen to ASAP--if not it'll have to wait until I get home.  :)Vicki

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 Posted: Apr 19th, 2007 08:05 AM
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Vicki Talbott

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Hi John and all--I found it!  Here is a part of it.  You can hear the interaction but as I said the entity was not as clear as I would have liked.  I don't do editing very well, so this has only been slightly denoised and my voice has been deamplified/the entity a bit amplified.  This is just a short part from about 3 minitues.  Let me know what you think!  Vicki

Attachment: foritcbridgephonelivesection.mp3 (Downloaded 2427 times)

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 Posted: Apr 19th, 2007 09:38 AM
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Interesting...there is a "carrier" tone that is also in so much of our radio work as well.  I can hear the talking but can't make it out.  I think this would clean up well though.  This is at 64 kbps you have the original wav uncompressed?

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 Posted: Apr 19th, 2007 10:45 AM
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Vicki Talbott

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Hi John, Yes, I do--if you'd like me to send it to you just shoot me your email.  As I said I am not an editing wiz.  Vicki

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 Posted: Apr 20th, 2007 06:29 PM
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Hi Vicki
I tried you at your email address that you had listed in the contact info section but it bounced back.  I put my info in there, if you want to grab my email and send me the file.

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 Posted: Apr 11th, 2012 07:19 AM
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Well interesting. This has sometimes happened to me here in Brazil, but I have not aprtendi how to write. I sometimes answer the phone, and some voice in an unusual way, speak a few words, and off. Another day was the voice of a boy, I made ​​some intelligent questions, and I thought the voice was familiar to me, because like the voice of a boy son of a cousin who died, and then I tried to interview the boy, but he hung up. I'll see if I can learn how to write, this phone set, or buy another, this has many keys and codes in English, and I do not quite understand, is brand Ibratele Actually, communicating paranormal voices are calling on the phone too. Sincerely Jota Pedroso, from southern Brazil, South America

My site:

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 Posted: Jan 16th, 2013 06:28 PM
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I realize this is an old thread but I'm going to put my two cents in anyway lol, it may help someone that has had a similar expience and is looking for information about it.

First I would like to say to Frank, the only thing you may have misrepresented was that the call itself was "paranormal" in nature, though rereading your post I see that you didn't answer the call live and the information in your posting is from the message you found on the machine after someone called from an "unknown number".
I have to agree with Monkirei (12th post above) based upon the twenty plus experiences I've had (let me correct this, I have only paid attention to or checked out the last twenty or so, I believe it has been taking place for quite a while now but I didn't know what it was as I only became aware of EVP/ITC a little under a year ago and had no idea such a thing was even possible!)

Most of these "piggybacked" messages have come through the Voicemails left by my Daughter whether she speaks or not (meaning there are times she hangs up without speaking but the machine has already picked up and there have been messages in that short space before the phone disconnected) I can clearly hear parts of the "message" when playing them back on the answering machine (they've said my youngest Son's name which is probably what caught my attention the first time!)though most of them need to be slowed so I record them directly into the program I use to listen to my other stuff. I've had a few "piggybacked" onto messages left by others but the vast majority (at least the recent ones)have been in my Daughters voicemails to my home phone answering machine (she recently had a "live" experience while talking to me on the phone-she was on her cell & I was on the landline- I could not hear any of it but she doesn't really believe in this stuff and wouldn't make it up, in fact she was rather freaked out by it-it came after I received about half of the piggybacked messages in her voicemails) Almost all, if not all, of these voicemail messages seem to be from the same people with one person being the most "vocal" and persistent lol!
I've recently gotten them in voicemails that were not from my Daughter (only a small amount)and I think several of them may be "direct call" attempts (there isn't any "non paranormal" voice on a few) but I can't confirm that because I stupidly erased the caller ID before listening to the machine. I don't get many BS calls since updating my "Do not Call" thingy and most people that call my house leave some sort of message. I'm trying to pay more attention before wiping out the caller id and voicemails but I still do not answer calls from numbers I'm not familiar with.....maybe I should start huh?

A side note: The "interuption" on my Daughters side of the phone call ended as soon as she got upset and said something like 'he doesn't want to hear what I have to say -he better knock it off'. I was replying to her (saying that she shouldn't talk like that or she might get her wish and lose the opportunity to speak to the caller) when I could tell it had already stopped because the call connection sounded "normal" again- it seemed to sound more "open" like someone picked up an extention when she was having her experience (that wasn't possible since there wasn't an "extension" on either end of the call) she interupted my warning saying "it stopped" as I had already suspected.
She hasn't had another experience since (at least not one she's shared with me). The moral of the story is "Don't get freaked out and be careful what you say when you get one of these" lol! Now that I think about it, she got a new phone & new service fairly soon after this took place, maybe it will take a while for them to figure it out again????

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 Posted: Jan 17th, 2013 01:18 AM
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wow cool to receive a call--- my experience with phones includes only a song---- this happened some years ago and occurred successively. a song would play at night, in the morning etc. seems like an alarm but the phone did not have an alarm, so I changed the phone and still it used to play. till this day I still dont know what it was.

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 Posted: Jan 17th, 2013 01:20 AM
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does the sound continue when you ask or you stop it? wouldn't a person wait for you when you ask and then answer?

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 Posted: Jan 17th, 2013 01:32 AM
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Vicky >>>>>>>

what I hear >>>

question 1
your name.... what you can find...matter/mother
question 2
will you tell people, it will be fine
question 3
question 4
no but in the future technology

go /come back to China/Chili

Last edited on Jan 17th, 2013 01:33 AM by eyewave

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You have chosen to ignore Rachel EVP Voices. click Here to view this post

 Posted: Jan 20th, 2013 04:05 AM
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must be very bad :)

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