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ITC Bridge > Ask a Question, Give an Answer > Opinions, advice, techniques, software, and methodology > Panasonic RR-DR60 EBAY $295 Buy It Now.... |
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Panasonic RR-DR60 EBAY $295 Buy It Now.... | Rating: |
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Posted: Feb 28th, 2011 03:47 PM |
1st Post |
clockdryve Member
Here is item number 260745273616 better JUMP on it....they don't sell that cheap very often....there is another one up for $400 buy it now. Here is the actual LINK to this cheaper on on eBay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260745273616&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:US:1123
Posted: Feb 28th, 2011 04:56 PM |
2nd Post |
lance Moderator
Thanks for posting Clockdryve...
____________________ lanceitc.com Please visit. |
Posted: Oct 17th, 2011 12:56 PM |
3rd Post |
dkenda Member
If you don't mind me asking, What's the big deal about this particular model? Is it a spirit magnet? I picked up another Panasonic model that was supposed to be "incredible" -turned out to be noisier but not necessarily better??? -Curious Kenda
Posted: Oct 17th, 2011 03:36 PM |
4th Post |
clockdryve Member
Well I will give my Opinion, but don't use that as a "perfect" solution to purchasing one of these more expensive recorders. YES...I believe they are much better, and YES...they are going to be noisier as you mentioned of your other Panasonic recorders. Because they do not have all the filters of the more expensive or later model Digital Recorders. The Panasonic QR-80 , QR-100 , and QR-200 can be found online mentioned "as good" as the DR60 but that is USUALLY coming from someone trying to sale them on eBay....or their OPINION has become noticeable enough that google will find it and start spreading it around. I have a QR-80 purchased used (very cheap) and the QR-100 (was New) purchased very cheap....and they are in NO comparison. I would like to find a QR-200 at a decent price to compare...but I'm sure it too will be a DUD. If I could find another Panasonic RR-DR60 for less than $400 I will get another, now that I have the money in reserve. The only reason I don't want to be the one to "definitely" tell you to get one is because the EVP Spirits can be fickle at any time...and you may have trouble hearing them through the static or of low audio detection. Myself I was having an 80% success rate with my DR60 for a year and a half....but now I'm not having much luck since my lower back surgery...but to be fair -- I haven't been out as much. But soon to change that. I also use and with "much" positive results the Sony ICD-B7 and ICD-B300 (the B7 more favorite). And I like to use the B300 while connected to a Raudive Receiver also. The last 2 mentioned Digital Recorders can be purchased for around $20 plus shipping on the used market (eBay). One thing with the DR60 is that it only holds 60 minutes of recordings in a maximum of 99 files...and OCCASIONALLY it will show that it is FULL even after a complete format (delete all recordings). But that can be fixed by taking out ONE battery and then hold down MODE button and HOLD in the wheel....then install the one of two batteries while still HOLDING the other 2 buttons. This will RESET the problem. I have been backing up my "13" favorites that I have had on the recorder over the last half hour myself....some have been on there for over a year. Is the 2nd time I have done this "backup" and format. That way I am READY for some new "favorites" :-) Actually...I will leave one recording on the unit because it is so loud and contains 6 words. I will upload it here so you can hear it. Good Luck NOTE: Not to confuse with my earlier statement...My DR60 is my ALL TIME FAVORITE recorder to use. What I ment with the B7 being my "favorite"...that was by comparison of either the B7 or B300 being the choice of either. Attachment: Oh_me_and_the_boys_demon-evp.wav (Downloaded 1496 times) Last edited on Oct 17th, 2011 03:51 PM by clockdryve |
Posted: Oct 18th, 2011 03:15 AM |
5th Post |
dkenda Member
Thank you for clarifying (I've always wondered)... The old Panasonics must be workhorses, newer models fail pretty quickly. I can't believe you keep your files on the recorder!! Guess I'm obsessive...got everything backed up on external drives and CDs -Heard too many 'lost files' horror stories (Now that's scary!) Nice EVP! -Kenda
Posted: Oct 18th, 2011 05:55 AM |
6th Post |
clockdryve Member
Oh, I certainly do backup my EVP's also.... On DVD and External HDD. I've had a hardrive failure before and I won't be forgetting that real soon :-) I just like having something on the recorder as a reminder. Happy.....SAFE Hunting
Posted: Oct 18th, 2011 07:57 AM |
7th Post |
dkenda Member
Thank you! I'm the "sit and record" kind of girl -stay out of trouble that way! Safe hunting to you as well!
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Posted: Oct 25th, 2011 08:24 PM |
9th Post |
clockdryve Member
I think I have the "voice star" recorder also. Is it Lime Green (wide trim) on a Silver (more like a gray) main body...plastic recorder? I tried to look online and haven't found an image yet. I also purchased it for a "throw away" price...and it uses an external memory card. Used for phone conversation recordings. Very low quality playback just like the DR60 in fact :-) I've never used it for EVP work yet but was thinking myself with the "noisy" playback that it should work fine. It is in a spare laptop case at another location right now...but I did run into it a few months ago while searching for other recorders NOTE: The one I have is a little more narrow than a pack of cigarettes...but about as tall. I don't know if I saved the box, or if I can even find the instructions. But like VCR and TV Remotes...I eventually figure them out (before they figure me out) LOL Last edited on Oct 25th, 2011 09:03 PM by clockdryve |
Posted: Oct 25th, 2011 09:00 PM |
10th Post |
clockdryve Member
I did (do) have a problem with my DR60 recorder once. I got some well know NAME brand AAA batteries and had them installed for around 2 months in my DR60 and some other recorders... Those batteries LEAKED on the DR60 and a Panasonic RR-US360 recorder. Was a fast clean up on the RR-US360 and I "thought" was a simple clean up on the DR60 but months later (slow spell) I pulled out the DR60 and it had a blank screen...I thought only to replace the batteries this time. I then noticed in the field that the area where the batteries installed...that the lower area was all busted and weakened. This was where those batteries leaked on the "egg shell" thin supports for the "wire" that completes the 3v connection on the lower part of case. Only thing I could do was take the recorder apart...couldn't now be to nervous because it was already broken (sad). So I opened the case and built up the lower end with balsa type wood (used no glue) and put it back together....WORKS I don't plan for a more permanent repair as all that area is needed for is to HOLD the little stainless wire up across the bottom. I was SURE mad at the battery company, but couldn't send in the recorder for repair of course :-) I know not to leave batteries in equipment over long periods...but this was so quick and appears as though I had gotten a "bad" batch or something. Last edited on Oct 25th, 2011 09:06 PM by clockdryve |
Posted: Nov 17th, 2011 08:47 AM |
11th Post |
clockdryve Member
Well I knew I would find it....eventually :-) It was just out of my reach last time I checked.... Near a dresser -- inside a Radio Shack Sack (of course) LOL There isn't as much "lime green" color on the Voice Star Recorder as I had remembered...really only a small amount. The Audio Quality of these things are TERRIBLE!! But I also got mine as an "obsolete" item on sale for under $5 US money. **Sure glad I didn't need any instructions on how to operate the thing** The button layout is sure wacky...don't understand what THEY were thinking :-) I'm going to try an external microphone today to see if the audio can be enhanced a little...it's plenty loud enough up close, but it has a LOT of popping and crackling in between the pick up of sound (quite areas). I have uploaded a picture to a file sharing site--I couldn't get them small enough to upload here--although they started as a cell phone picture to begin with. Hope the link works--I never used this service before :-) http://www.box.net/s/cykcmmqx62rif7tbonyr Last edited on Nov 17th, 2011 09:12 AM by clockdryve |
Posted: Aug 16th, 2019 05:30 PM |
12th Post |
clockdryve Member
Just to let it be know (very late) .... I made the posts about the "Radio Shack Voice Star" digital voice recorder because another member mentioned of having one. I made my post saying that "by coincidence" I had one too. The member that brought up the comment of the Voice Star then deleted his post.
Current time is 06:04 PM | |
ITC Bridge > Ask a Question, Give an Answer > Opinions, advice, techniques, software, and methodology > Panasonic RR-DR60 EBAY $295 Buy It Now.... | Top |