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Project Anrede - looking for help  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Mar 6th, 2008 01:41 PM
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It's quite apparent that you guys know the ins and outs of all things electronically related to spirit contact, but that the forum itself has suffered a slow down.
However, i'm hoping that regular posters and viewers can help me out with a new project.

Anrede is a German term for address of a person, being found while randomly surfing the other day and looking for something totally has been the way for several months now.

My idea, is to use a human hair for contact with the other side.

We have lots of reports of hair turning white after a ghostly experience, of DNA being within hair and that the hair on the backs of our necks or arms may stand up on possible contact.
Let alone, that head hair is often symbolic of what kind of character we have to others viewing us, or that people have always kept locks of hair of others, or that while a persons aura may be seen around the head and shoulders it is presumed that it's the mind that is being photographed.
Even if hair standing can be attributed to muscle movement, why ? My understanding is that it's (from a layman understanding) to do with shock and panic and possibly to increase our natural sizing to a predator, but I don't buy into many accepted thoughts as it is lol.
All these things lead me think that human hair may contain a physically measureable embodiment of spiritual energies.

My device aims to work similarly to a guitar pickup, translating hair movement into audible frequencies. It may pick up surrounding air movements by some approaches, but the whole assembly should amplify the hair movements themselves. I look at a record deck stylus or guitar pickup and see those as having potential for the vibration forwarding.
However, I really don't have a clue about how to best maximise the movement effects of a non magnetic source, such as a human hair.

If anyone can help with this i'd be most grateful :)


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 Posted: Mar 6th, 2008 02:21 PM
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Interesting thought Mark.  Here is one way to approach that.  To capture vibrations of non-ferrous material, a transducer is necessary:

Place the hair in a tuning fork arrangement, such that the hair is pulled taught (just short of breakage) across the top of the tines.  I would recommend a fine-threaded vernier for this.  Then there would be two ways to pickup the vibrations:

1.  Simply place a highly sensitive condensor microphone against the fork, and amplify the mic's outputs.  Or,

2.  Glue magnets on the sides of the fork, and wind a coil of fine transformer wire around the magnets to pickup vibrations.  Set the impedance of the coil to match the microphone input of an audio mixer (Hi-Z, > 10k ohms, or Low-Z, <200 ohms).  Build a low-loss cable that will carry the voltages produced to the mixer.  Voila!


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 Posted: Mar 6th, 2008 03:31 PM
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Cheers Jeff...

Looks like i'm following your thoughts before the info was gained, which is also a source of much wonder at the moment, as recent posts explain.

Here's the project so far, being built into a mouse case.
It shows the screws, used as mounting posts and the former mouse cable opening being where a microphone can go. A hair (my wifes hair is long enough, but the distance is intentionally short enough for most) runs between the posts.
Hair tension is really good, it goes around one post and is tightened at the other.  
Looks like I might be going to try both those methods !

Last edited on Mar 6th, 2008 03:36 PM by Slider2732

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 Posted: Mar 6th, 2008 03:45 PM
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Excellent!  Now, as you know, the short distance will resonate most likely above 20kHz, maybe well into the RF spectrum.  In that case, you will have to construct the transducer (fork) out of low-mass material; and with fairly long tines, isolated from the case.

If, while testing, resonance indeed happens over 20k, and I believe it will, you will have to construct  a heterodyne circuit to harmonically resonate within the human hearing spectrum, if you desire to hear what is happening.  If not, simply connect an oscilloscope across the terminals and video tape the activity while interviewing Spirit contacts.  Actually, that would more intelligently lead you forward in this.  You could record the amplitude of frequencies of the activity, as well as the spectrum of frequencies.

A lot could be learned here!  Keep up the good work!



Last edited on Mar 6th, 2008 03:46 PM by Jeff

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 Posted: Mar 6th, 2008 04:54 PM
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Slider2732 wrote: Cheers Jeff...

Looks like i'm following your thoughts before the info was gained, which is also a source of much wonder at the moment, as recent posts explain.

Well!  We must ponder that one a bit!  Amazing, that! 

Let's keep going, by all means!


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 Posted: Mar 6th, 2008 05:05 PM
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Using an oscilloscope is possible, I brought my EICO TR-410 in from the sub zero garage recently.
I can see how using the scope can help ascertain the frequency shift needed for hearing. Apart from some minor arcade game circuit board repair, the EICO hasn't been used much, so it will help familiarity in that way with the scope.

The posts are, at present screwed to the back of the casing front, which makes the assembly solid. However, i've realised that precludes the magnet approach...perhaps I glued to early !
The fork idea seems the best route for actually forming a contact on to the hair (or stylus style), if the microphone method now seems too rough and ready.
I think the approach to take, while wishing to use such a device on paranormal investigations etc, is to tune it using the oscilloscope and then have a circuit divide the frequency for audio output.
If then a port is attached for oscilloscope output, it could have that function too, for amplitude...being a couple of wires it should be easy enough as an earphone type socket....or...built in as a selector switch function as oscilloscope output or headphone.
Resonances ought to be very high pitched indeed, relative to human hearing. The area and tension of any hair and the possibly slight changes along it with spirit contact, seem to dictate a fine but dependable level of tune.

Next bit is to work out the transmitting fork. It seems easy, when looking at record players, but is about as fresh to me as learning a foreign language. Thanks Jeff for being Rosetta Stone lol

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 Posted: Mar 6th, 2008 06:23 PM
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Slider2732 wrote: Using an oscilloscope is possible, I brought my EICO TR-410 in from the sub zero garage recently.

Thanks Jeff for being Rosetta Stone lol

Rosetta Stone?!!  Well...thanks for that...but hardly!

Really, Mark, the TR-410 will work just fine.  Remember to allow the TR-410 at least 30 minutes to stabilize before use.  Just how cold WAS that garage?

If memory serves, the TR-410 uses banana type inputs.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  But if that's the case; and you are working beyond 20kHz, as we suspect; you may consider building a coaxial cable (RG8X or less in capacitance) with banana type connectors soldered very closely at the end of the cable that inputs to the scope.  This will help reject any stray RF; and ground (earth) hum. 

Also, I must recommend a spectrum analyzer (software based, to conserve finances) connected in parallel to the scope.  That would offer a far better scenario for analysis.
In this way, you will visually see amplitude and wave characteristics on the scope; you would also see, from the spectrum analyzer, the bandwidth of activity!

Now, "turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream".



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 Posted: Mar 6th, 2008 06:44 PM
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Yep, Minnesota and going against the fact that my arcade machines made it through last year in there, I decided to bring several things in as space would allow in our basement. With our house being for sale, it's obviously wise to move or hide from view anything not pleasing to the eye...the oscilloscope's fine retro lines didn't cut it lol. To be fair, that was my opinion, my wife is a rare soul, in part because right now the dining table is full of bits of electrical stuff, wires, soldering iron. We get to chat while watching TV, so it seems to suit :)

The TR-410 is indeed a banana plug type ($25 off Ebay last year) and i'll certainly heed the coax suggestion. A PC spectrum analyser is something else too..though my thoughts were that if it takes readings from sound, as those i've seen seem to, the upper limits of the soundcard won't be enough. Do I use another method ?
What I don't want is stray field effects mucking up the readings. I might be after stray field effects in one way of thinking about it, but, forming reliable data is the thing.

Could you suggest a method of transducer construction ? it's another first build.

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 Posted: Mar 9th, 2008 11:08 AM
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Slider2732 wrote: Yep, Minnesota and going against the fact that my arcade machines made it through last year in there, I decided to bring several things in as space would allow in our basement.
Could you suggest a method of transducer construction ? it's another first build.

First, apologies for the delay in response!  Right!  Well, I'll need to ponder this one further as it will get very deep in physics, because mass, and material really needs to be considered here! 

One thing that comes to mind is a type of "strain guage" transducer.  A strain guage is a device that uses a fine thread of conductive material; usually nichrome wire.  A small current is passed through the wire, as the wire is suspended under a slight pulling pressure.  This wire will react to temperature, or external force changes by changing its resistance.  If the wire is pulled with more pressure than the original static pressure, the resistance will change, and the resulting current will change with it.  That current is fed into an ammeter to measure the change.  Inversely, if pressure on the wire is relieved, again the resistance will change, the the current changes with it.  This will change will be shown on the ammeter in the opposite direction.

Now, lets say the wire is disturbed by an acoustical force placed perpendicular to the wire.  This force will "push" against the wire, stretching it; or placing it under more stress.  The resulting current will change, along with the modulations of the acoustic forces on the wire.  Really, this is how a microphone works by changing acoustic energy into electric energy.

But if the wire is replaced with a human hair, we cannot pass a current through the hair.  But we can measure changes at least in length by placing a DC current through a potentiometer feeding a voltage into an op-amp of very high gain.  The potentiometer would be varied by mechanical connection to one side of the fork we were discussing before.  The small variances from the potentiometer would create very large, measureable changes at the output of the op-amp!

This would be one way to create the transducer.



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 Posted: Mar 9th, 2008 06:08 PM
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Now that's an interesting concept. I doubt many of my pots would last long however, the same area being used on it at several thousand times a second. hmmm...I like it though, it's a radical departure of an idea, so it's good for experimenting with!

The strain guage idea is something that seems suitable. The same high gain op-amp method could be possibly used with circuit schematics for strain-guage bathroom electronic scales, or similarly the ones we used to have in the butchers shops in a previous job. Whole thing would be scaled down and ideally respond to breath pressures. Then housed in a shielding that the hair threads through. Ideally, I would think, the hair needs to thread down a clear plastic tube, to remove vocal air pressures in an environment. Any result would then be from the hair and the hair only.
I quite like the idea of procuring well known psychics hair samples for this one, but would have no idea how to approach someone with the request LOL

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 Posted: Mar 9th, 2008 07:01 PM
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Slider2732 wrote: Now that's an interesting concept. I doubt many of my pots would last long however, the same area being used on it at several thousand times a second.
No Mark, I wasn't inferring high-frequency there.  It was just an example of a transducer.  I was simply explaining how a tranducer of that kind could be constructed.

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 Posted: Mar 9th, 2008 07:52 PM
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Yeah, no worries Jeff, I just kinda had to understand the operating principle and, thinking of destruction of something helped :biggrin:

I had another thought, before properly looking at strain gauges, that of a Rx/Tx I/R LED arrangement. If the transmitting hole was tiny, the hair would give no reading or silence in this case at rest, blocking the light.  Frequency modulation in the plane would be caught by the movement, as a stream of pulses by the light getting through, that then would be amplified to hearing level.
If the LED's were similarly arranged in both the Y and X planes, as a box shape, then those movements may relate well ?

I prefer the strain gauge idea though as threading through a tiny hole might be difficult and movement room in the I/R LED enclosure might be prohibitive. A read up on principle found this diagram, which relates to an earlier discussion :wink:

Attached Image (viewed 583 times):

HowPic45-Strain Gauge.gif

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 Posted: Mar 15th, 2008 11:22 PM
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Anrede has arrived !
The strange effect that was noted with a decased mini-cassette recorder was utilised. The recorder continues to pick up sound, even with no microphone...tapping, scraping, whatever on the circuit board creates decent sound at the headphones.
I ran a spring to the front of the unit, attached at the circuit board and that transfers any vibrations from the hair. It'll need a proper transducer and a heterodyne stage i'm sure, but, while some people hear spirit voices with the human ear and recorders pick up EVP, it's worth doing things this way for a trial. There is a volume level wheel for listening.
Power is 3V, either from a wall plug or using the rechargeable batteries. The unit is intended to be as 'green' as possible. The batteries were sourced from a 25 year old arcade board and zapped at double voltage to reinvigorate, the power source is low and a small wind up generator unit i've built can be plugged in at the rear to recharge the batteries.

It was also discovered that the correct pronunciation is 'an reader', while anrede means to address, and reader of information is the function of the unit, it now seems even more suited.

Functions inplemented and fitted are:
Hair pickup and live EVP
Static electricity sensor
Infra-red sensor
Magnetism sensor

Here are some pics:


Underneath, showing the compass

Front, showing the hair attached and tensioned against the spring

Inside, showing the rechargeable batteries, circuit etc

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 Posted: Mar 16th, 2008 08:24 AM
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Interesting thought. I'm curious if it will work... :biggrin:

This is how I'd try to transform hair movement into electric signals:


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 Posted: Mar 16th, 2008 10:49 AM
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Thank you Stefan :biggrin: and i'm delighted that a guy from Munich has contributed to this German word named device!

That sort of method you describe can be built right in :blink: :smile: :biggrin:
It's similar to a record player stylus, as I understand them.
Not sure if you can see by the pics, but the spring has a couple of bends in the lead ends (ever tried to bend a spring end ? lol, the thing err springs around). The area at the back that is currently glued to the circuit board has enough room to modify the spring for a small design like that.
I might alter it, to have the hair still tensioned in the way it currently is, but use the transducer. With there still being room inside for a second curcuit board, I can mount the op-amp and then leave space for a heterodyne stage.
I've realised I need to fit an audio-in jack at the bottom right of the case, an external mic then allowing conventional EVP listening. Take the mic out and it runs as per the design idea with no external noise affecting results. The audio-in jack would also allow white noise, Spiricom tones or other audio mixing.

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 Posted: Mar 16th, 2008 11:21 AM
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Hi Mark,

Slider2732 wrote:
Thank you Stefan :biggrin: and i'm delighted that a guy from Munich has contributed to this German word named device!

Actually I'm from Haar (20 km from Munich), which means "hair" in English. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

So I thought I had to respond to this thread.:biggrin:

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 Posted: Mar 16th, 2008 04:06 PM
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Greetings, Stephan.  Welcome back!  Hello Mark!

Gentlemen, I must chime in here.  Stephan, you have created a diagram that shows what I was posting about!  Thanks for that!

However, unless we are looking for a common-mode disturbance, we would not connect both outputs of the coil to the inverting and uninverting inputs to the opamp. 

I think we would rather ground the inverting input to that opamp; connect one of the leads of the coil to that ground point; and connect, via a stabilizing resistor, in series, the other lead of the coil to the uninverting input to the opamp. 

Then, set the opamp gain to a known value, such as 100,000, by feedback, with a medium value capacitor, such as a 0.0147 microfarad disc, and a 100kOhm resistor in parallel with the capacitor (this is only a starting suggestion).  This would stabilize the amp altogether.

At this point, while the opamp is quite stabilized, we must consider the mechanical physical relationships.  The length of hair is quite short, and will resonate at a very high frequency; far above what we, as humans can possibly hear.  In addition, springs change their shape; and resistance to change, based on temperature, and humidity; as will the hair.

So we don't have a base to compare to, unless the system is placed in a known environment of such temperature, and such humidity.  When we know that, we can place the system under test.

I only offer these thoughts to further help in design of the system. 



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 Posted: Mar 17th, 2008 08:47 AM
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Thanks guys.. :smile:

I'm happy enough that the idea has received a warm now on to the testing and refinement.
The transducer and even op-amp gain stage are things still quite new to myself, but I do bury my head in specsheets and datasheets most days lately. It shows 2 electronics folks now have the thoughts rounded out for improvements and I appreciate these pointers.
I've tended to build such things on my own and from reading up and 'being given' certain pointers and solutions from I know not where...though as I say, i'm not really a mystical person, but some of these links are proving to be awesome. Haar indeed ! :biggrin:

A friend dropped off 2 boxes of misc electronics boards the other day, so I could rip stuff from them and return what I don't need, as a swap for 3 Eproms he was in need of. I have 741's, LM380's and other 8 legged wonders now, so any idea should be able to be built.
I read about stair stepping for maximising gain, but was really of thoughts of keeping all voltages to the quite small 3V. Is such a thing possible and still get good gain ?
There seems to be a starting voltage of 12V on many online op-amp circuits and quite often it can run up to 30V. The saving grace of such a low operating voltage in the unit is that headphone output has been chosen.
Battery drain isn't too much of an issue, for a couple of reasons. I can just plug it in and have current draw managed by a fitted switch to use the amp stage. The batteries are rechargeable and would face perhaps 2hrs use in a general  investigation, which may offset requirements worries that way. Perhaps a ramping is possible to feed the op-amp section, if needed. It's another area of unfamiliarity.

I do still have troubles with ceramic disc capacitors though and I usually take a look on Google to see an example rating. Looks like using a multimeter, as the markings don't seem to relate to values.
Hence, from this rambling, I never wish to appear as though any idea is better than any other..I just might not understand one at first and may have had troubles building similar in the past! lol. Once I get my Visa process finished to live and work in the USA, i'll be looking at electronics study courses.

Temperature compensation is an important area. To self calibrate should be a cause and effect and I can envisage quite a simple stage for that. Along the lines of decreasing resistance giving increasing gain. It was only the other day that I realised a hair can again, all new stuff. In bitterly cold conditions the hair would contract, yet not break because of the elasticity, so the method needs a starting referance point at each switch on. If something can 'listen' for a certain base tone and adjust itself til that tone is met, then that would be one method. Would a comparator chip like the LM339N work there ?

Again, many thanks :biggrin:

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 Posted: Mar 17th, 2008 06:24 PM
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Audio mixing jack now fitted to the bottom right of the unit :)
It was found that connecting nearer the main chip gave a cleaner sound. The jack itself stays out of the way for confusing connections, but was also placed there due to room limits in the case along the side.

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 Posted: Mar 19th, 2008 08:45 PM
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I found some very interesting research, posted by researchers in Austria and Germany, on the American Institue of Physics site.
It concerns the electrical characteristics of mammalian hair.
In light of their 'Permissions for Reuse' policy, i'll post the link rather than copy and paste the content

I kinda noticed that German trait going on again !

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 Posted: Jun 19th, 2008 07:55 AM
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Just an update on Anrede:
We're moving house, from Minnesota to Oklahoma and after 2 houses dropped through before moving, now find ourselves house hunting from a hotel room in Shawnee, OK. All is good though, after some intensive driving to places researched online, we've found 1 place we'll be looking at again today.
How have we worked out directions, beside using a map ? we've been using the compass on the Anrede !
Luckily, i'd packed our paranormal equipment case in the trunk of the car, instead of the UHaul, so it's enabled me to take the Anrede out, flip it over and use the compass.
Also, during the stormy OK weather, i've been trialing the EMF, I/R and live EVP sections of the unit. Storm conditions obviously increase the amount of at least static electricity in the surrounding air and one idea has been that energies from spirits may be able to catch a ride on such power (rather than drain batteries, as often reported in paranormal investigations).
Almost unbelievably, the 25 year old re-invigorated rechargeable batteries (as seen in an above pic) are still going strong and on the SAME charge as a couple of months ago ! Energy drain must be very slight in the whole circuit, so that's good news.

Once we're settled in a new place, the heterodyning stage will be worked on and include recent thoughts on frequency division scaling of normally inaudible sound, as discussed in another topic (about the robot voices).
All in all, Anrede is proving to be a handy little device :biggrin:

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 Posted: Nov 24th, 2008 12:00 PM
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The  diagram is correct since the coil is floating and current flowing in the coil will appear as a differential input to the opamp. Common mode is referred to ground and cancels between differential inputs.

The opamp details are not included regarding gain or ground reference.


Greetings, Stephan.  Welcome back!  Hello Mark!

Gentlemen, I must chime in here.  Stephan, you have created a diagram that shows what I was posting about!  Thanks for that!

However, unless we are looking for a common-mode disturbance, we would not connect both outputs of the coil to the inverting and uninverting inputs to the opamp. 

I think we would rather ground the inverting input to that opamp; connect one of the leads of the coil to that ground point; and connect, via a stabilizing resistor, in series, the other lead of the coil to the uninverting input to the opamp. 

Then, set the opamp gain to a known value, such as 100,000, by feedback, with a medium value capacitor, such as a 0.0147 microfarad disc, and a 100kOhm resistor in parallel with the capacitor (this is only a starting suggestion).  This would stabilize the amp altogether.

At this point, while the opamp is quite stabilized, we must consider the mechanical physical relationships.  The length of hair is quite short, and will resonate at a very high frequency; far above what we, as humans can possibly hear.  In addition, springs change their shape; and resistance to change, based on temperature, and humidity; as will the hair.

So we don't have a base to compare to, unless the system is placed in a known environment of such temperature, and such humidity.  When we know that, we can place the system under test.

I only offer these thoughts to further help in design of the system. 



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 Posted: Nov 24th, 2008 12:07 PM
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Among notable uses for hair is the use in humidity gauges with pointers that move as the length of a strand of hair responds to moisture in the air.


Slider2732 wrote: It's quite apparent that you guys know the ins and outs of all things electronically related to spirit contact, but that the forum itself has suffered a slow down.
However, i'm hoping that regular posters and viewers can help me out with a new project.

Anrede is a German term for address of a person, being found while randomly surfing the other day and looking for something totally has been the way for several months now.

My idea, is to use a human hair for contact with the other side.

We have lots of reports of hair turning white after a ghostly experience, of DNA being within hair and that the hair on the backs of our necks or arms may stand up on possible contact.
Let alone, that head hair is often symbolic of what kind of character we have to others viewing us, or that people have always kept locks of hair of others, or that while a persons aura may be seen around the head and shoulders it is presumed that it's the mind that is being photographed.
Even if hair standing can be attributed to muscle movement, why ? My understanding is that it's (from a layman understanding) to do with shock and panic and possibly to increase our natural sizing to a predator, but I don't buy into many accepted thoughts as it is lol.
All these things lead me think that human hair may contain a physically measureable embodiment of spiritual energies.

My device aims to work similarly to a guitar pickup, translating hair movement into audible frequencies. It may pick up surrounding air movements by some approaches, but the whole assembly should amplify the hair movements themselves. I look at a record deck stylus or guitar pickup and see those as having potential for the vibration forwarding.
However, I really don't have a clue about how to best maximise the movement effects of a non magnetic source, such as a human hair.

If anyone can help with this i'd be most grateful :)


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 Posted: Nov 28th, 2008 02:33 PM
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Presumably the humidity gauges display a slowly changing reading and not rapid movements Joe ? I'd think that rapid movement would mean a faulty set up to the designers and they'd recalibrate. There could be loads of paranormally interesting devices that have been developed as something else and then found to have a perceived fault..hmmm
Another thought is that of averaging, on commercially available units. Sample and hold methods might be used and such a unit may be able to have such averaging removed.

Anrede is to be trialed again and modified now, including the op-amp method and hopefully including a decent readout. Normally I use LED's, but am actually quite keen to employ different methods of visual readout. Audio output is to be at least able to be preliminarily shaped onboard the unit. Space is at a bit of a premium, as you can see above, so all may develop into Anrede 2. First things first though..

Thanks all for your support so far :)

Last edited on Nov 28th, 2008 02:35 PM by Slider2732

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 Posted: Nov 28th, 2008 05:47 PM
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Another means of detecting minute vibration movement in the hair might be a CD pickup. The optics are designed to focus at close proximity to a CD and have both IR laser light source and photocell pickup.

I have played with a fiber optic pair of filaments with a light source on one strand and a photo diode on the other. I received variations of reflected light from an exposed earphone diaphram and displayed it on an oscilloscope to entertain the kids.


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 Posted: Nov 29th, 2008 09:24 AM
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I like that!
Another hobby is radio controlled model aircraft, on which route i'm just starting out on. I've taken apart old CD-rom drives, with the idea of making a homemade actuator for ailerons/rudder. Having noticed that full travel (but harsh) coil movements can be made with direct 3.6V contact to the coil points on the focusing assembly, it seems quite related to your idea. Fine control of the coil for laser focusing would lead to better detections of hair movement...something for experimentation.
How to read the data more like a record player would be the thing, which brings in the oscilloscope method you used perhaps. Very interesting indeed. Thank you :)

Last edited on Nov 29th, 2008 09:26 AM by Slider2732

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