View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Mar 15th, 2008 11:22 PM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Anrede has arrived !
The strange effect that was noted with a decased mini-cassette recorder was utilised. The recorder continues to pick up sound, even with no microphone...tapping, scraping, whatever on the circuit board creates decent sound at the headphones.
I ran a spring to the front of the unit, attached at the circuit board and that transfers any vibrations from the hair. It'll need a proper transducer and a heterodyne stage i'm sure, but, while some people hear spirit voices with the human ear and recorders pick up EVP, it's worth doing things this way for a trial. There is a volume level wheel for listening.
Power is 3V, either from a wall plug or using the rechargeable batteries. The unit is intended to be as 'green' as possible. The batteries were sourced from a 25 year old arcade board and zapped at double voltage to reinvigorate, the power source is low and a small wind up generator unit i've built can be plugged in at the rear to recharge the batteries.

It was also discovered that the correct pronunciation is 'an reader', while anrede means to address, and reader of information is the function of the unit, it now seems even more suited.

Functions inplemented and fitted are:
Hair pickup and live EVP
Static electricity sensor
Infra-red sensor
Magnetism sensor

Here are some pics:


Underneath, showing the compass

Front, showing the hair attached and tensioned against the spring

Inside, showing the rechargeable batteries, circuit etc