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ITC Bridge > Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) > The Creative Corner - Miscellaneous Electronic ITC Experimenting > Thomas Edison's TDC - built one and it works ! |
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Thomas Edison's TDC - built one and it works ! | Rating: |
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Posted: Dec 8th, 2013 12:39 PM |
41st Post |
sparks Member
Here's some on ebay at present... http://www.ebay.co.uk/bhp/gpo-relay Youll need to ask what the resistances of the particular relays are, as its not listed on the auctions I looked at. Its possible that the seller might be able to provide other relays of specific resistances if asked.
Posted: Dec 9th, 2013 02:30 AM |
42nd Post |
Itsu Member
Thanks Sparks, presently there are no relays mentioned with 5000Ohm resistance and/or the seller does not ship to The Netherlands But i will keep a look out for them. Regards Itsu
Posted: Dec 9th, 2013 12:04 PM |
43rd Post |
sparks Member
With Ebay, it always pays to ask the seller if they will ship to a country that isnt listed, as sometimes they will make an exception if you ask nicely. Also, the values of relay resistance I specifically wanted (5K and 10K) I asked the seller about because he was only selling 1K relays. He had these values available, but hadnt listed them. Always pays to be cheeky and ask for what you are looking for !!
Posted: Dec 9th, 2013 12:14 PM |
44th Post |
sparks Member
Heres are some ebay sellers that are selling 5k relays and ship worldwide... If you do an ebay search for "relay 5000 ohms" there are quite a few results. Theyre not gpo 3000, but they could be disassembled for purpose. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Magnecraft-Miniature-Wetted-Relay-8MA-SPST-NO-5000-Ohms-New-Old-Stock-/161067905429?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2580653195 http://www.ebay.com/itm/NOS-P-B-POTTER-BRUMFIELD-POWER-RELAY-KCP-11-5000-5000OHM-/330858527328?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d08b47a60#shpCntId http://www.ebay.com/itm/Potter-Brumfield-SM5LS-5000Ohm-Tube-Relay-NOS-5000-Ohms-/250765271112?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a62c66048
Posted: Dec 14th, 2013 11:47 PM |
45th Post |
MrZeta Member
Hi folks, Well I am back...I have accumulated alot of stuff; I am in my basement finally and am pretty much setup to do this; but I tell you I am somewhat afraid...I been putting this off; but I play mmo pc games and play music like guitar; it seems to distract any emotion from interfering...and it also prevents me from continuing on. I have been really getting these odd feelings of coils and electromagnetics... I am sensing you were talking about 5k coils...well I am an electronics expert people...and I am back again to try this. You can use audio transformers?? Or one side of them...altho they usually come on 1k on input and 8 ohm or so on the output; there may be 5k ohm input side audio transformers... I have quite a few coils; I have some of Erland Babcock's stuff he gave me before he passed on as well and I need to get my act together and go thru this stuff. I finally have a nice corner in the basement and privacy; but mind you I also play pc video games and the last month I was almost addicted to one; I QUIT the game it was consuming me; no woriies it was a space game but I do play army games as I was in the Air Force so I do have a military background...all in all the games help me I think and like everything we need to learn moderation and know when to quit. I will be Live Streaming EVERYTHING from start to finish; if this stuff works people it works; and most of all when it does work if anyone, like me, get those feelings of fear and dont want to press on; we need that support. I have setup a channel but I dont know how to save videos; I think I will have to pay $7 or so a month I dunno yet. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/zeta-alien-technologies This streaming location will be advertized in some of the better known circles; once I get movin on this, and figure out how to save the streams, it will be pretty kool. I have one major issue...I am looking for Aliens not ghosts...but also, at this point I dont really care anymore what happens; I am to the point where it is time to get those results; the only thing is, when they really happen for me; I dont think the world is ready for it; maybe most of us in these circles already know that; most are skeptics; I am a skeptic which is a good thing as I am trying so desperately not ti cause emotional interference with the tests I do; and we all know how nearly impossible that is. Well there is a secret and now I am being told to tell it.... Morse code; codes; ascii; ham radio codes; tty; languages like French or languages we dont fluently speak; we get those answers in a language that is impossible for us to duplicate; and we have SOLVED any interference problem. Then I tought, tonite...why not morse code; I am pretty good with it; in fact morse code is readible thru noise where voice isnt; I dont know about computer generated tho even tho t is possibl; we may need it to read the code if it comes in too fast. So yes; coils, magnets; this is the main areas I seem to be getting involved with...second are lasers and crystals (real rock crystals) and those things that spilt the visual spectrum I forget the name but there is a stone that is made to do that; I have some stone and sheets of it for scrying; this is spooky stuff; so that is where I am at. Here is my website: http://www.freewebs.com/mrzeta I am glad to see people still here working on this. I dont know when I will stream; I am working up a number of websites to let people know what I am going to do; setup my own website for some informationals; and just go for it. I am usually on in the evening hours; if I start getting followers to watch; and see others streaming as well working on this; it will be pretty fascinating; let alone if results are obtained live. Mr Zeta Last edited on Dec 14th, 2013 11:48 PM by MrZeta |
Posted: Dec 15th, 2013 01:11 AM |
46th Post |
sparks Member
Hi Mr Zeta, In regards the specification of suitable coils, I think there is an important distinction to be made between winding resistance and working impedance. It seems likely that the use of 5k coils in the scole work refers to the coil winding resistance (dc), hence my earlier comments regarding possible use of 5k relay coils, etc. The possible use of audio transformers, and their value is a different thing. Yes, there are audio transformers with 5k primary impedance, but the actual dc resistance of the winding is probably only about 300 ohms. I dont think therefore that an audio transformer would be suitable for the device in question, but I am very happy to be proven wrong. regards, Sparks.
Posted: Jan 29th, 2014 02:09 PM |
47th Post |
Itsu Member
Finally got my two 5000 Ohm coils and a piece of Germanium so i could put something together. The output resistance i measure is between 2000 and 1700 Ohm depending on the pressure and placement of the screw. This i feed to a 12v battery fed 800W MOSFET amplifier, but still i have to listen with my headset on as the output volume is every very low. No real signals are heard unless i touch the screw with my fingers, then i hear lots of "mexican dogs" as mentioned in this webside (bottom): http://www.glowbug.nl/projects/UM58.html When i keep the signal as steady as possible and get zero beat i hear a local Dutch radio station as i can hear them speak Dutch. So this thing works then as a crystal radio with me being the antenna. I will try to get more output, but i guess i need a preamp. Regards Itsu Attached Image (viewed 3788 times):
Posted: Jan 29th, 2014 02:09 PM |
48th Post |
Itsu Member
And another picture: Attached Image (viewed 3914 times):
Posted: Feb 24th, 2014 07:53 AM |
49th Post |
Slider2732 Member
Very nice build Itsu I've not heard of the 'Mexican dogs' phenomenon before and will check that out. What I can't check out now, is testing like that on my own TDC. A gentlemen emailed and asked to buy it and while I fully support others being able to further their own research, decided to ship it for free. It was found to be in a dismembered state as i'd repurposed the coils for a crystal radio build, so it was rebuilt. Then was posted off a couple of weeks ago and the package included one of the solar radios as pictured above....which i'm delighted to read may be of use in understandings, following your reception Itsu of a station on the TDC. Here's the rebuilt TDC, now with audio jack socket and using a germanium diode. Hopefully the new owner will have success and post here. Attached Image (viewed 3611 times):
Posted: Feb 24th, 2014 07:55 AM |
50th Post |
Slider2732 Member
On testing the TDC before sending, a rather clear piece of audio was picked up, via my usual method of using Audacity to record directly from the device. My wife had just been in hospital for thyroid removal and we were discussing whether a spirit presence had been watching over her. The audio is of her name. Attachment: Julie.wav (Downloaded 1622 times) Last edited on Feb 24th, 2014 07:55 AM by Slider2732 |
Posted: Feb 24th, 2014 08:12 AM |
51st Post |
Itsu Member
Wow, thats a clear piece of audio!! Guess your "mediumistic faculties" are better then mine, see this thread on OUR: http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=2350.msg36533;topicseen#msg36533 I like the idea of a germanium diode, i have severall i could try, also i have peeled open a big old germanium power transistor. However, there is no way to tune then, probably a magnet near the coils will vary the inductance somewhat. Thanks, regards Itsu
Posted: Aug 10th, 2014 08:05 PM |
52nd Post |
Slider2732 Member
Hi Stefan, it's always good to read about your thoughts and experiments. Didn't recognise you from your handle, but did when I saw your location I have a lot of time for Thomas Bearden, many don't, but there's no sense in throwing the baby out with the bath water. Scalar waves especially. That brings me to thinking about another few setups for such an experiment: A single filar pair of pancake coils, with variable distance between them. Or, a bifilar pancake coil. Or, caduceus coils. Apparently a caduceus will allow energy reception within a Faraday cage, which would point to the scalar abilities. http://www.n-atlantis.com/caduceuscoil.htm The scalar bubbles experiment is intriguing. I do hope you'll update with the results. Last edited on Aug 10th, 2014 08:07 PM by Slider2732 |
Posted: Aug 12th, 2014 11:45 AM |
53rd Post |
Jan Member
That's an unusual circuit in post #52. As far as conventional physics is concerned it probably shouldn't do anything, particularly in a DC field. However, putting a P-N junction in a magnetic field may be interesting, although I doubt such an experiment has been overlooked in the history of semiconductors. Nevertheless, to 'get something to happen', I suggest there should be a method of adjusting intensity of the field in which the P-N junction is placed, either by varying the current through both coils or adjusting the distance between the N-poles and the diode. Are there any clues to intensity of the field in which the junction it placed? Janet Last edited on Aug 12th, 2014 11:47 AM by Jan |
Posted: Aug 12th, 2014 03:25 PM |
54th Post |
Slider2732 Member
I've held a personal theory for some time regarding diodes and EVP. The thought goes, that diodes do indeed carry the voices of the deceased. Small signal diodes are in pretty much everything for EVP experimentation. Only over the past few years have diodes become the same as SMD transistors, little black plastic pieces, rather than glass encapsulated silicon or germanium. Diodes are mini solar panels...as are LED's and larger transistors if you take the metal can top off. I have 2x 1970's diodes of unknown type (from a Scanner/CB type of thing) that produce 6.5V @ 17uA when in series, next to a 23W CFL lightbulb. One might wonder how the light can get in to traditional recorders, but even brand new digital recorders will likely have a front of the case LED ! Similar to diodes, a green LED can produce 2V and several 10's of microamps, able to run a blocking oscillator circuit in good sunlight. So, pretty much any piece of kit has an ability to allow frequencies in via a diode of some type and create it's own power, enough to influence recorded output. An interesting aspect of DC and AC is that one type can ride over the other and remain separate...such as badly smoothed ripple from wall adapters. Such a situation could allow for a spirit voice to hop along a normally closed DC route within a circuit, similar to how high frequency energy travels over and not through a wire (induction wireless electricity). If a voice from the deceased is thought of similarly to radio, i.e. it's a frequency, then rectification for recording can be managed by the diodes. Some of that energy may skip on past, which could conceivably give us the different classifications of EVP recording. If there is a light component to the signal, bringing in recent full spectrum camera usage by some researchers, then the direct link to diode rectification of those frequencies can be imagined. Last edited on Aug 12th, 2014 03:28 PM by Slider2732 |
Posted: Aug 15th, 2014 06:59 AM |
55th Post |
Jan Member
Hi Stefan. That's an interesting circuit - rather like the wide-band noise generators which use the noise generated by a zener diode, although yours is a forward-biased germanium diode in a magnetic field. (I like the fact that you have paralleled the electrolytic decoupling capacitors with 0.1uF - folks often forget or ignore the limitations of electrolytic capacitors.) Fingers crossed for an ITC breakthrough... Janet Last edited on Aug 15th, 2014 07:00 AM by Jan |
Posted: Aug 15th, 2014 07:47 PM |
56th Post |
Slider2732 Member
Yes, indeed, great concept. Don't be sat in a rocking chair at 80 years old wondering about this one "My idea is to apply a small (adjustable) forward bias voltage to the diode in order to reach this above mentioned point of unstability or increased sensitivity towards the 'energy fields' in the center of the scalar bubble."
Posted: Aug 16th, 2014 09:12 AM |
57th Post |
Jan Member
And maybe a multi-turn 10k bias-voltage pot? Last edited on Aug 16th, 2014 09:14 AM by Jan |
Posted: Aug 17th, 2014 01:35 PM |
58th Post |
Itsu Member
EVPfan, nice, i build that little circuit on a breadboard using the multi-turn pot like suggested by Jan. Powered with a 12V battery i can hear some noises like some control or piloting signals via the grid?? When touching the germanium diode or the MOSFET drain i hear a local Dutch radio station, so shielding the whole circuit is a must. Turning the pot does not change much in the audio. I will try to put the circuit in a shielded box and operate it far away from the grid as it picks up lots of transients. Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlehw5vLHeE&feature=youtu.be Any luck yourselve? Regards itsu Last edited on Aug 17th, 2014 01:36 PM by Itsu |
Posted: Aug 17th, 2014 02:07 PM |
59th Post |
Jan Member
Hi Itsu, From the video I expect the hum is from unscreened wires feeding hi-Z inputs, both the BF256 FET and the audio amp - but I guess you know that. Incidentally, I've had problems with FETs which were caused by different pin configurations to those that were published. Sometimes it depends on the manufacturer! I'm curious to know what's causing the occasional high-pitched interference. Do you have any switched-mode power supplies nearby on standby? Or any data-though-the-mains equipment? When I've had similar hum problems as a last resort I've switched off the workshop mains! I like the magnets retained by tape as they try to repel each other - very simple but clever. Thanks for posting the video. Jan
Posted: Aug 18th, 2014 01:27 AM |
60th Post |
Jan Member
Ah, the TL074 - probably what I would have used! 9V through 2 M ohms only gives 4.5 uA. Is this enough? Could you reduce them to say 1k each (as current limiters) with 100k ganged variable resistors to see if there's a 'sweet spot' for any effect? And very nice piece of construction to hold the magnets. I can hear 'voice-like' noises in your recording, but I can't tell if they are just digital artefacts, pareidolia, or both. Perhaps forum members with more imagination than me could interpret something...? Good work. Jan PS: I've just looked at your other links and construction. Beautifully assembled - I wish I had the talent for such neat construction. Last edited on Aug 18th, 2014 01:37 AM by Jan |
Posted: Aug 18th, 2014 11:52 AM |
61st Post |
Slider2732 Member
Fantastic developments all ! Itsu, great video....could the diode being open to the light be allowing mains hum from your bench lights to enter the diode ? Recent experiments have been with 60Hz harvesting and it wouldn't surprise me in the least to find that problem as part of the cause. The radio effects could turn useful in one embodiment, creating a Franks Box type of hybrid device. Stefan, great progress... "The voice-like noises were already audible in the original recording, only quiter, so they can't be digital artefacts. I'm not sure where these sounds come from, but in computer-generated white noise or in the noise from silicon semiconductors, I never heard such sounds..." Most intriguing !
Posted: Aug 18th, 2014 12:05 PM |
62nd Post |
Itsu Member
Jan wrote:Hi Itsu, Jan, i shut down the workshop power yesterday (one switch) and the sound was still there. Only after removing the ground/minus lead of the Fluke multimeter it was gone (or not audible anymore). As i have just above my head a 6000W (24 panels) solar system i suspect it is comming from there, or at least from the solar inverter and picked up by this minus lead. Stefan, very nice build, those magnets are going nowhere Regards itsu
Posted: Aug 18th, 2014 02:17 PM |
63rd Post |
ArizonaEvp Super Moderator
Hello All, I agree...great brainstorming effort. Stefan; I like the clean look of your projects. My own breadboard attempts remind me of Frankenstein. I listened to the audio that Stefan posted and isolated a response(?) that I found from approx. 26 to 29 seconds into the clip. Can't say for sure if it is in German or not. Here it is. I looped the segment 3 times: Attachment: 0.26.2-0.29.0-Loop_NR.wav (Downloaded 1265 times)
Posted: Aug 19th, 2014 02:10 PM |
64th Post |
Itsu Member
EVPfan, trying to keep up with you, but i am still at this first opamp circuit using a TL084 instead, powered from 2 12V batteries (so +12v and -12V). Nice hissing sound from the earplug / MOSFET amplifier, but nothing else. There is 15V directly across the diode 1n34 (25V total across the 2 resistors (1M each) and the diode). At least the radio stations are gone (also the pilot/control like signal), so there could be no mistake there. Short video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBxut4Kts5Y&feature=youtu.be Regards Itsu Attached Image (viewed 3223 times):
Posted: Aug 21st, 2014 04:44 AM |
65th Post |
Itsu Member
Thanks Stefan, i see it now. I will first do some testing with my 5000 Ohm coils (see earlier in this thread) instead of the permanent magnets. Regards Itsu
Posted: Sep 12th, 2014 01:05 PM |
66th Post |
Keith Clark Administrator
following this item, how's it going, any update? Keith
Posted: Sep 12th, 2014 01:09 PM |
67th Post |
Keith Clark Administrator
question for the group: did this originate from the Scole Experiment? I am a little behind, just found this link here, haven't read Robin's latest book, can someone tell me if details were ever actually specified or given, or were they left generic? http://physicalmediumship4u.ning.com/group/ufo-s-et-s-and-physical-mediumship Thanks, Keith
Posted: Sep 12th, 2014 01:11 PM |
68th Post |
Keith Clark Administrator
actually, sorry, that's what i get for reading backwards...I just found the original in Stefan's post.....thanks!
Posted: Sep 12th, 2014 08:08 PM |
69th Post |
MrZeta Member
Hello, Very kool to see this kind of work...I remember my post and read the info on the coils...I am currently working on cleaning organizing repairing all that good stuff and planning once again to seriously get back into low level signal work. As you may know I am now live streaming most of my ongoing work - dont really look for ghost pictures in the streams its alot of time consuming work to trudge thru video frames...at some point I will be doing the actual research once I get standards set for signal measurement; it takes more time to prepare than to test ! I will add this circuit to my list - also look at leaving out the use of OPAMPS - try using discrete components like single transistor (and FET) amps and filters - I have not looked deeply into the circuitry here yet - I have a general idea from the beginning of the thread and I will make a device similar as best I can then start comparing and adding here. Also look at using a bridge circuit for increased sensitivity output into an FET input section - lots of gain and high S/N ratios here ! I will be using this as a possible low level input standard; adding filters etc - I need to verify what is called a-wight and c-wight filter design. (EDIT:(!): Weighted filters I found were used to test microphones I should know I had to design some for that reason some years back - I totally forgot what the reason was til I read up on them. It was said that as such these filters were best suited for singles tones (to transmit to microphones for testing) due to low distortion (which wasnt mentioned (!); they are not suitable for broad range of freqs - also cant remember how the bandwidth are on them - the idea was to get really low distortion; might be suitable for Spiricom but I dont think that was an issue and probly not necessary. As for not using OPAMPS - possible mixing of radio frequencies inside or near them...simpler circuits may leave out interference but then again the crystal radio was simple; just my own processing. I will be doing up streams on power supplies and noise, filtering and such, and building my prototype input amps and filters soon; then I get to hook it all up and start the real research ! As I may have mentioned I only scanned this thread - havnt studied it but I have the idea; I will add this to my list; try it first then start adding here; I happen to have found a large bag of old relays - I knew they would be good for something...) I will stay tuned here ! Mr Zeta Last edited on Sep 14th, 2014 06:12 PM by MrZeta |
Posted: Sep 13th, 2014 06:23 PM |
70th Post |
Keith Clark Administrator
Hi Stefan, Very nice, clean, organized, and well presented! My compliments on that page! Keith
Posted: Sep 14th, 2014 06:19 PM |
71st Post |
MrZeta Member
Hello Stefan... Yes very nice lots of work goin on there - I took a glance then stopped - I want to try this as well without any preconceptions at first and see what transpires. I will definitely check out the site soon ! We make sure our real life duties are done so we can do this...I am glad to be here and support evertone and have felt the same; I think this is gonna be a good winter ! Keep us posted ! Mr Zeta
Posted: May 28th, 2015 03:11 PM |
72nd Post |
Simmo Member
Hey guys, just wanted to quickly say hi, I'm building one of these TDC's at the moment and am going to experiment with both the coils and some static magnets. Waiting on my Germanium diodes to arrive but will try some Zeners in the meantime and also some other minerals/crystals such as a piece of Tourmaline I recently found in my cupboard. I'm quite the amateur when it comes to circuit building and have no idea how to read a schematic so I'll be keeping my device very simple like the original but I'm looking forward to posting any results here. Great work so far guys I've had a blast reading this thread.
Posted: May 29th, 2015 10:15 PM |
73rd Post |
lance Moderator
Hi Simmo, and welcome to the forum. Please keep us posted on your building and results of your experiments, Take care, Lance.
____________________ lanceitc.com Please visit. |
Posted: May 31st, 2015 03:35 PM |
74th Post |
ArizonaEvp Super Moderator
Welcome. Good luck. Keep us posted on your results. Ron
Posted: Sep 19th, 2015 01:28 AM |
75th Post |
blackrain Member
Hello i have just joined this forum after reading this thread...i am very interested in this having been involved in research and paranormal investigating for 20 years...i am not an electronics man im afraid...but any updates on this facinating thread....has been quiet of late.
Posted: Sep 19th, 2015 03:29 AM |
76th Post |
Slider2732 Member
Hi blackrain, welcome aboard As it happens, I was chatting via emails with a chap in England recently and we were discussing various ways to build such devices. I have a new build that's been tested a few times and shows promise....as usual, it needs good quality headphones. None of this gives the clarity and volume of other methods, but is always intriguing. If you are used to Audacity it's a breeze to 'Normalize' and play back. EVP's tend to be Class B from these devices. There's not the crackle of incoming energy and then crystal clear wording, but neither are they to be dismissed. Anyway, this one is built from 2x Dollar Tree dancing solar toy coils and a Germanium diode. The coils are 500ohms each. The addition of a variable capacitor from an old radio (across the coils) hasn't seemed to help. In fact, quite the opposite, i'm getting nothing and that's where experiments have paused for the past couple of weeks. Using the coils makes the building of the unit far simpler, but, the wires are easily broken with being less than hair thin. Will update with a pic and some EVP's, once I start up the experiments again...which your post has prompted
Posted: Jan 22nd, 2017 07:44 PM |
77th Post |
Researcher John Member
Hi there. Is there anyway you can point me to someone who can design one for me. I will pay. Please let me know. My email is [email protected]
Posted: Jan 22nd, 2017 07:52 PM |
78th Post |
Researcher John Member
Hi there. Is there anyway you can point me to someone who can design one for me. I will pay. Please let me know. My email is [email protected]
Posted: Jan 22nd, 2017 09:46 PM |
79th Post |
Slider2732 Member
Hi John, Unfortunately I don't have time at the moment to build one of these, but they are quite easy to make. In essence, they are 2x high ohm coils, with a germanium diode in between. 1 coil will connect with it's inner wire end to the diode, the other coil will connect with its outer wire to the other end of the diode. If I remember right, the 2 spare ends then connect together and the output is across the diode, which can then go to say a PC's mic input on a soundcard. Audacity is good then for boosting the sound level and indeed any sound output can be listened to in real-time.
Posted: Jan 25th, 2017 12:36 PM |
80th Post |
Researcher John Member
Your a geniuos thank you. Can you create a step by step process? I'm we we would all love that. I'll even pay to have that. Or better. One already made. Thank you. My email is [email protected] if any questions.
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