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$2 digital recorder from telephone answering machine  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Mar 24th, 2008 01:19 PM
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Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
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Of note, perhaps, for this section.
A phone call from the deceased is often reported and, it would seem, that strange answering machine messages are sometimes encountered too. Digital answering machines share many of the same components as digital voice recorders that we carry we can hunt out bargains at the local thrift stores !
It stands to reason, that EVP's may be possibly caught using a telephone answering machine as much as a dedicated portable voice recorder.

I've bought and modified many $2 digital answering machines from thrift shops, to give a voice recorder that can hold many minutes of data. It's quite easy, you simply wire up straight to the message record function.
Most such machines have small circuit boards inside and operate from 9V...indeed, many machines require the insertion of a 9V battery to hold the recorded messages in case of power outtages.

A simple modification, that doesn't even entail opening the casing, is to make the unit portable. We just run an extra pair of power leads, from the battery to the power input by way of a suitable plug and an on/off switch. Then switch it on and go for the 'Record OGM'...your outgoing message is the recording you make as though using a voice recorder for EVP. Listen back, by listening to the 'outgoing message'.
What we end up with, even as above, is a portable digital voice recorder for the cost of a burger :D

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 Posted: Mar 25th, 2008 10:27 AM
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Vicki Talbott

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My clearest EVP come from my answering machine, and they tend to come in their real life voices.  You just may be on to something there!  Vicki:)

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 Posted: Mar 26th, 2008 10:33 AM
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Hi Vicki and Slider,

Ya know, I was "wondering" if anyone out there was receiving messages via the telephone system, or via an answering machine as I actually had the exact same thought the last time I was at the local thrift store! Being an electronic gadget junkie, I like to mess around with less conventional things, in fact, I rarely get any EVP's these days because I"m too busy messing around with such weird unconventional stuff to actually stick to what is known to My hope is that one day I"ll stumble on to something good, but mostly it's not too productive to mess around with unproven stuff.

So Vicki, do you record specifically with your answering machine as a recording device, or does your phone ring and they "leave a message for you"?? I'm just wondering how you use the answering machine.

Oh, btw, (sorry to get off topic) I just finished revamping my website and if either of you have a webpage banner you would like me to post on my website at (I know you have a site Vicki!), just let me know and I'll do so asap! You can email me directly at [email protected] . Thanks guys, sorry to stick this in the wrong thread, just trying to kill 2 birds with one stone!

Take care all!

Chris ;)

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 Posted: Mar 26th, 2008 12:36 PM
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Vicki Talbott

Joined: Jan 20th, 2007
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Hi Chris,

I don't do anything with the answering machine--they just leave messages whenever they want/can.  They can come before, during, or after the person has begun to speak or even has hung up and before the machine kicks off again.  I get at least one good one a week, even if it's just a word or two.  They are all relevant to the caller or a situation at hand.

But I don't have a website.  I'm kind of a behind the scenes type.  If it weren't for my son Braden on the other side, no one would know who I am.  I have to be forced to do interviews, etc.  But I do have a page of EVP samples at the AAEVP website that Tom has put up.  Vicki:) 

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 Posted: Mar 26th, 2008 04:21 PM
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Thanks Chris :biggrin:

What prompted further forays into all this, was a very clear EVP around 2 years ago. I'd bought the answering machine for parts and to mess about with, then found the voice quality was actually pretty good. So, while trying out the portable mod, I gained a Class B EVP of a guy saying something or other! Wired it up to output directly to my PC and recorded the EVP...unfortunately, with running our cams 24/7, I haven't backed up everything every time a hard drive runs out of 'spinning grease'. I still have that answering machine though, even though another 20 have been stripped.

I'll take a look at your site Chris :)
Our cams are down til tomorrow evening, we have a lot of realtor viewings for our house. But our banner for my paranormal group Spirited Investigations and the banner for Cougarcams, our webcams are in this post.
I'll edit our pages and include your link.

Link to Spirited Investigations is:
Link to the webcams is:

Attached Image (viewed 1131 times):


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 Posted: Mar 26th, 2008 04:22 PM
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Attached Image (viewed 1075 times):


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 Posted: Mar 27th, 2008 10:28 PM
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I've added these banners to my website located at 

Thanks for posting them for me, I hope you get some hits through them!

Sorry you don't have a website to promote Vicki, that's ok though, not everyone needs one, as long as you have stuff arranged for yourself that's all that matters.

Take care all!

Chris ;)

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 Posted: Mar 28th, 2008 07:56 AM
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Have signed your Guestbook :)

Last edited on Mar 28th, 2008 07:58 AM by Slider2732

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 Posted: Mar 28th, 2008 09:18 AM
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Vicki Talbott

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Hi guys,

Thanks for sharing the links here.  Everything is looking great at your sites!  Vicki

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 Posted: Mar 28th, 2008 05:04 PM
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Thanks Vicki, hope to see you there sometime!

Chris ;)

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 Posted: Dec 27th, 2016 12:52 AM
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Can someone tell me how to modify answering machine to receive EVPs.....

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 Posted: Dec 27th, 2016 03:13 AM
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Yep, it's in the original post, but hopefully I can clarify the method..
Main thing, is that it is from the 1990's and takes the small tapes...they work the best for voice clarity, rather than purely digital which have a low sample rate. Voice recordings don't need to be CD quality, but that means bad quality recordings as evidence !

Most machines run on a 9V wall adapter. What you can do, is chop off the power lead half way along and instead connect a 9V battery to the wires. Same thing, but you've now made it portable :)

Next, is to record the 'outgoing message'. Most machines allow any length of message to be recorded. They sense the stopping of that recording and play from the tape start to that point each time someone wants to leave a message.
So, you just leave it recording, to the full tape length if wished.
If you open the machine up, you can extend the microphone wires, or replace the mic for a better one.

All in all, for the usual cost of a dollar or two from junk shops, they make a great piece of extra equipment.
Do buy up some new tapes though's always better to use a brand new one or thoroughly degaussed/blanked one for any EVP recording session. Lastly, if you press 'play' with no tape in and the power off, you can clean the recording and playback head with an alcohol wetted cotton bud. That always improves the sound of old equipment.

Last edited on Dec 27th, 2016 03:13 AM by Slider2732

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