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Children & Spirit  Rate Topic 
 Posted: Mar 27th, 2012 10:27 AM
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A recent discussion in another thread speculated the communicative ability of children and spirit. 

The discussion centered around opinions that children are more in tune with Spirit and lose this gift as they get older.

Science may offer a glimpse into the question of children & spirit:

Alison Gopnik, PhD. is a Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley and Director of the Gopnik Cognitive Development Lab.  She is recognized internationally as a leader in the study of children’s learning.
While Dr.Gopnik does not believe in the eternal soul,  her 20 year study into the uncharted areas of the brains of infants and children has led her to the conclusion that what some would call the spirit is closest to us when we are children.
Audio Source: History Channel documentary: Science of the Soul

Attachment: Gopnik-1.mp3 (Downloaded 940 times)

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 Posted: Mar 27th, 2012 10:28 AM
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Her research has proved that neurons in children’s brains display more activity than in adults.  One analogy of this would be that while an adult brain is more like a spotlight,  a child’s is more like a lantern…illuminating in all directions.
To put this in better perspective,  imagine you are out of your element;  standing in Times Square on New Years Eve or perhaps in downtown Tokyo.  The lights – sounds – the newness and sheer magnitude of stimuli creates a wide ranging awareness of your surroundings.  Dr. Gopnik believes this sensation is a full time experience in babies and young children.
Her studies have shown that adult brains “light up” only when we are learning something new…and only in certain parts of the brain; whereas babies brains are lit up most of the time. 
Audio Source: History Channel documentary: Science of the Soul

Attachment: gopnik-2.mp3 (Downloaded 966 times)

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 Posted: Mar 27th, 2012 10:30 AM
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Unfortunately,  Dr. Gopnik’s research have shown that as children get older and becomes self-aware, their brain activity slows down and this implied connection to the soul / spirit begins to weaken.  
While Dr. Gopnik's comments should in no way be construed as an existence, belief,  or endorsement of "spirit" or "the other side";  her research brings up some interesting observations.
If we were extrapolate this information and consider a child’s brain activity in a heightened state of awareness,  it would come as no surprise to opine that young children can be in tune and in touch with spirit.

Dr. Gopnik has written several books on her studies as well as academic papers.  If you have further interest in her work you can visit her website at:
You can also view several videos on youtube by doing a search for Alison Gopnik

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 Posted: Mar 27th, 2012 10:33 AM
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I think a great research opportunity exists to be able to record a young child in conversation with its “imaginary friend” or even playing quietly and conversing to themselves for the purpose of reviewing the recoding to see if any detectable interaction with spirit is present....with a parent's permission of course.

If a suitable recording can be done,  I would like the opportunity to listen to it.


With regard to audio commentary:  Under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. 

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 Posted: Apr 9th, 2012 07:11 AM
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I had an opportunity to record my grandson via a baby monitor, while he was talking and singing with someone in spirit in the early moring hours, while in his bedroom at my home. I know some may say the baby monitor can pick up stray signals, but what was said was quite specific to the situation at the time. Let me back track here a little, and give you some back ground on this.

My grandson is a high functioning autistic child. Extremely verbal now. As a toddler he had a hard time expressing himself. For instance when he wanted a banana, he would ask for a "yellow". As time went on he was able to use correct terms for items and was able to be involved in a give and take conversation. He spent every weekend with us from age 1 month until he was 10 years old. We employed a baby monitor as his bedromm was a floor up from our bedroom. There were several times over the years that I had to go to his room at night and ask that the spirit's there please be quiet, and I asked them to please not frighten him in any way. Most time they would comply, but not always.

Around age 2-3, is when we noticed what seemed to be a one sided conversation going on, especially in the early morning hours. Another strange thing my grandson did was he refused to get out of his bed. Not even to go to the bathroom! Never ever did we tell him that he had to stay in bed, let alone stay in the bedroom when he woke up. We encouraged him to come out and come to our room when he woke up. We couldn't figure out for the life of us why he developed this habit. The only way he would get up would be if one of us went to his room and knocked on the door and told him he could get out of bed!! All around him he had his toys, his TV, books etc. Unless they were already in the bed with him, he did not attempt to get out of bed to play with them. We thought maybe this was a peculiarity of autism. That changed the day I decided to record him over the baby monitor.

As usual, he was talking away to someone, singing certain songs. In this recording, I was hearing a female voice singing along with him! It was a Patsy Cline song, "Crazy". It had an echoey quality to it. My grandson's voice was clear, but the lady's voice was whsipery while singing, with an echo to it! My grandson went as far to ask the lady if she could get his Blues Clues book, to which she replied, "No, Meema will be here soon". Meema is the name my grandson calls me. He proceeded to talk about how he was hungry and going to have 'panny-cakes' for breakfast. But never once did he ask to get out of bed. Some of what the female said was hard to understand, but it definitely was THERE!. My grandson would burst out laughing out of the clear blue at times, a really belly laugh. Prior to recording, my husband and I would wonder what in the heck he was laughing at!!

To back track, while I recorded that day, you can hear me come up the stairs to go and tell him he could get up, and you can hear what sounded like a female/child say "here she is". My grandson still stayed in his bed until I knocked and said it was time to get up.

Also, I have to tell this part of his interactions. When he was put to bed, my son would go up and lay down with him, rub his head, and tell him a story. One night after my grandson was asleep, my son came down looking very confused. He proceeded to tell me that as he was laying down with my grandson and when my grandson let out that last breath before going into deep sleep, the room was light up with a bright flash. My son likened it while having your eyes shut and someone taking a picture with a camera using flash. This light did not come from a passing car, nor was there a storm going on, nothing like that at all. We just kind of figured there had to be some sort of explanation, and didn't think much about it. it wasn't until this happened a total of 4 times, always coming as that last breath came before deep sleep. My son tried to keep his eyes open and try and catch it it happening, but it wouldn't. It only happened while they both had their eyes shut. To this day we have no explanation how this occured or even why or from what.

Now I need to try and dig thru my files and see if I have "the Baby Monitor Recordings" I did.

I think children's brains are deveolping at such a rapid rate, that all these new senses coming thru are perfetly acceptable and not frightening to them, they take it in stride. It is us that it confuses I think, more than the children!

Sorry for the lengthy post!

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 Posted: Apr 11th, 2012 08:21 PM
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Hello Lisa,

Sorry to hear your grandson has autism.  My 2 year old niece is showing signs of a learning disability.

Your posting was quite informative.  Especially the part about the flashes of light.

If you do find the baby monitor recording(s) I would be very interested in listening to it.  You could PM me with the particulars.

I agree that children seem to have an openness about them with regard to Spirit.

Many thanks,

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