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 Posted: Jan 23rd, 2010 11:28 AM
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Joined: Dec 12th, 2007
Location: Dunedin, Florida USA
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Thanks.  I am happy to be a part of such a group.  Maybe putting our technical heads together can benefit the work we are all doing to further the development of working, real-time communication devices.

One of the "technical issues" I would like to hear opinions and ideas about is better understanding of the actual mechanism that allows communication (voice or other sounds) to transfer, or be transduced from nonphysical to physical reality.    It is my feeling that perhaps none of us has whatever "the Truth" is.  But if each of us has ideas or opinions based upon our experience the things that are common threads between us are probably closer to that truth than any one of us.

So, maybe all of us have an understanding of a piece or pieces of whatever this truth is.  if we all share with each other our experienced-based ideas and opinions, whatever that truth is, it has to be able to explain all of our individual pieces in an understanding large enough to encompass them all.  Maybe that larger picture will be able to help us understand how the information is transduced from nonphysical to physical reality.  With that understanding it would be much easier to come up with hardware or software that has a better shot at successful, real-time communication between realities.  Here is an example of an odd, experienced-based event that may be a piece of the larger picture.  

Some years ago I was working on development of a prototype in Virginia with a friend.  The device required that it be in absolute darkness because of its design.  This particular prototype was designed to detect changes in the test subjects' energy field which we called, the aura. With the test subjects' hand on the device they would be instructed to make their aura and bigger and brighter. The signal from the prototype was converted to a DC voltage. When the test subjects' aura became brighter this voltage increased. (Conversely, when the test subjects aura became dimmer this voltage would decrease.) The DC voltage was fed to a voltage controlled oscillator. As the voltage increased the oscillator frequency increased, the pitch of the tone got higher and vise versa.

A test subject would be brought into the darkroom and seated with one hand resting on the device.  As I left that room I would close the door and go to our control room.  After sitting down at the controls I would switch on the intercom microphone and tell the test subject to just relax and not change their aura because I had to make some adjustments to the equipment. After making the adjustments I would switch on the intercom microphone again and tell the test subject to go ahead and attempt to increase or decrease the brightness of their aura. The test subject and I could monitor their success by listening to the change a frequency of the tone coming from the device.

Every once in a while as a test I would play a trick on one of the test subjects. After getting him/her situated in the darkroom I would close the door and quickly make the adjustments to the equipment. Then I would switch on the intercom microphone and tell the test subject to just sit relaxed and not attempt to change their aura while I made the adjustments.  I would then close my eyes and imagine that I extended my hand through the cement block wall into the darkroom. I would then move my imaginary hand into the same location as the test subjects' physical hand where it was resting on the device. I would then intend to make my aura get bigger and brighter. The device would respond with the usual increasing frequency tone. One of the test subjects, Rita, would immediately switch on her intercom microphone and read me the riot act about tricking her again. The results of this sort of testing indicate that the device could be influenced at a distance without physical contact.  I could say that the device was capable of transducing the state of brightness of my aura through contact with the physical hand of the test subject.

Whatever mechanism it is that allows nonphysical information to be transduced into a physical world electrical signal the results of this little experiment must be explainable by then mechanism. I would sure like to hear about some of your pieces of the bigger picture.


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 Posted: Jan 29th, 2010 08:31 AM
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Hi Bruce

More details about this machine would assist with understanding.
While I am desperate to reach out to the spirit world I am minded to start somewhere much nearer to home.

If spirits are as we hope our next phase of life then they must share many similarities with us.

Maybe then we should be looking to capture our own thoughts via electronic means firstly?

There are many advantages.
If like in your test above you have a human subject that can be easily related to you then remove the problem of not knowing if a spirit is working with you.

So, can we capture our thoughts via electronics? where would we start?

Assuming we can, then it would not be many steps away from tuning into spirits would it?


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 Posted: Feb 6th, 2010 06:03 PM
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This project reminds me of bio-feedback. I wonder to which form of energy  the device input is sensitive. The subject may be able to change the tone by changing his body's output of electrical energy.

I've been studying various paranormal phenomenon and have observed a common characteristic in spirit readings and communications. They all have the element of random behavior when generating a message. Willed generation of electrical fields could be the start of one end of the conversation. Random firing of nerves may be the 'carrier' of conscious thoughts to the spirit world.

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 Posted: Feb 10th, 2010 07:36 AM
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In my research to learn more about the basics I came across something called, "Stochastic resonance." It is a concept that I find interesting. From what I understand so far it talks about how adding an appropriate level of random noise to a signal can improve the signal to noise ratio. So, a weak signal like EVP that is below or near the threshold of detection can be made detectable by adding the "appropriate" level of noise.

Since EVP almost always utilitzes some form of noise (white, pink, 13 tones, etc.) perhaps this stochastic resonance concept can be helpful in understanding how information, like voice, is transduced from a nonphysical signal to to a physical world signal.

It suggests, perhaps, that we should be experimenting with various levels of noise to see if it improves our reception. It suggests that some forms of noise, voice frequencies, may be more appropriate than white or pink noise. It also points to the question, where should this noise be "injected" into our systems?

Here is a link to get started with more researching the idea:

Whatcha think?


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 Posted: Jun 24th, 2010 02:38 PM
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Operating Theory,

Still working on prototypes and better understanding of the basics.  A couple of Points . . .

The voice that we hear in EVPs and other methods is a "Pattern Within the Randomness/Noise.  It can be any kind of "randomness/noise" from electronic, magnetic, audio, radio, a waterfall, etc.  There are two basic ways these "voices" can be transduced between nonphysical and physical realities. 

One - as a separate voice signal buried or covered in a large noise signal.  If this was true we could expect that by filtering out more and more of the noise the voice would get clearer and clearer.  But instead we find the opposite to be true.  One of the hallmarks of real EVPs is that as noise is filtered out the voice gets weaker and weaker.  The voice is made of noise.

Two - this leads to the idea that the voice is not a separate signal buried in noise.   Instead, the voice is some sort of pattern, or structure that cannot be separated from the noise.  It is a pattern or structure made from the noise itself.

So, what would this imply about how to get clear, loud voice signals?

Well, if the voice is a pattern within the noise it means that dead folks have the ability to influence the pattern of voltages and frequencies within, say, electronic white noise.  There is probably a limit to the amount of voltage they can produce.  So, to get a better signal to noise ratio it would be better to give them a very low voltage noise signal for them to influence and then amplify the bejeezes out of it.  That woulf be better than giving them a big voltage noise signal and then trying to reduce the noise to be able to hear what they are saying.

Maybe this is why Spiricom had a radio transmitter and receiver as part of the system?  With the transmitter and receiver antennas so close to each other the strong audio oscillator signals could be reduced to a weak, very low level (low voltage) signal in the space between the two antennas.  Dead guys could more easily inluence the low voltage radio signal in that space then the stronger audio oscillator signal itself. 

So, this would suggest that a modern Spiricom device should use the lowest level AM radio signal possible.  Let Them be able to infuence the weakest possible radio signal, then amplify the begeezus out of the received radio signal some you can here their influence/voice.

Whatcha All think?


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 Posted: Sep 24th, 2010 05:24 AM
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I like your thinking!


Do you regard AM as the only viable mode for ITC?

I lean this way myself but of course FM is common as well

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 Posted: Sep 25th, 2010 05:59 AM
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The original Spricom used AM radio so I feel any attempts at a modern version should use AM.  No doubt "dead guys" can influence the signal from both AM and FM transmitters, but, the demodulator sections of AM and FM receivers are completely different.  I suspect "their" influence on the signal is to modulate its Amplitude.  AM receivers are designed to work with amplitude modulated signals far more efficiently than FM receivers.



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 Posted: Sep 26th, 2010 01:30 AM
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Ok Bruce, you confirm what I feel as well!

Have you any opinions on the best frequecny to use?
I can RX from 50Khz to 1.3Ghz, looks like I need to build a simple crystal TX so frequency will be set by which one I buy :-)

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 Posted: Sep 27th, 2010 10:09 AM
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To Mike.....Greetings from the Colonies,

To the rest of you.....Howdy,

Here is an interesting/boring 23 minute video of a
Stochastic Resonance test done on 25/04/10. 


Electronic Voice Phenomenon / Spiricom investigation performed live by Phil Julian at Area10, London on Sunday 25th April 2010.

The above link provides info on Spiricom tones used and even provides a link for you to download the 23 minute effort.

Personally I'd rather download & listen to the audio clip than watch the video.

The following link is for a larger size video video of his effort:

And for Mike............I don't know where in the UK you are but if you go to the top of Phil's site and click on News,  you will see where in the UK he will be performing should you wish to meet up with him.

I have other thoughts on the topic of this thread but I need to do a wee bit of data mining before I opine.


Last edited on Sep 27th, 2010 10:13 AM by ArizonaEvp

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 Posted: Sep 27th, 2010 01:47 PM
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Fascinating, not sure about the coughing sounds like background to me?
I am in West Sussex UK neat Arundel

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 Posted: Sep 29th, 2010 11:17 AM
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Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
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I'mmmmm Baaaack,

Hello Mr. & Mrs. America and all the ships at sea......

Because the purpose of Phil's
Stochastic experiment is kinda sorta along the same line as what y'all want to do;  I listened to his 23 minute clip. 

I even separated Left channel from Right channel because the right channel is so annoying.  Are there responses....yes.  The usual unsolicited responses found in most people's recording efforts.

Was there anything stellar in using the 13 

There is no difference in tone or clarity of these responses as compared to responses garnered through the addition of regular sources of noise.  

Could / should Phil made an effort to interact as the test was being performed?  Depends. 

If it were me I would have announced each tone as it began and tried to interact....even if it meant asking the same questions 13 different times.  But then that's just me.

Now that I've put in my 2 centavos,  If I were to make a recommendation to Bruce or anyone else that is going to try
the Stochastic thing..... I would say:

Try Schumann Resonances

Along the same thread of biofeedback that Joe mentioned.....Schumann Resonances use low frequencies that are both in tune with the planet as well as the human brain.

As long as you've got your gear up and running and are putzing around with generated tones.....why not use the Schumann tones and see what you get.

The Beta and Alpha waves of the brain (8 to 30 Hz) seem to correspond nicely to the Schumann resonances of:  7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz.

Also....If you are wanting to try this sort of thing and are looking for a starting place for equipment or to expand what equipment you already have the following website in the UK might have what you're looking for:

In the Table of Contents box.....If you click on electromagnetic investigations you will see 3 items of interest.

A high frequency schnuffler/sniffer that goes from 100 MHz to 2.4 GHz
.   The description for this unit also has a video you can watch and a schematic to review.

There are also 2 different types of VLF receivers.  These VLF units have schematics and parts lists you can download in case you feel froggy enough to try to build your own.

Note:  I have no vested interest in this site.  Do what you please with the info.

Personally I kinda like the VLF-2 natural radio receiver.  78 Euros = approx $107 US.


Last edited on Sep 29th, 2010 11:29 AM by ArizonaEvp

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 Posted: Dec 5th, 2010 05:31 AM
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Location: São Paulo, Brazil
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Spirits are able to manipulate energy.

Energy in a level beyond what WE understand as such.

So, depending upon the elapsed time loose from the material body and their understanding of their condition, they may be able to manipulate a wide range of "energy tipes".

Bearing that in mind, don´t go thru such long distances to set your enviroinment as they are able to work with a wide range of "tools" to comunicate, IF REALLY WANTED.

That goes the same way as far as language, so it does not matter if you are speaking english, spanish, portuguese or japanese, they UNDERSTAND you thru the language barrier that we impose to ourselves in the material world.



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