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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

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Joined: Feb 21st, 2007
Location: Houston, Texas USA
Posts: 318

When did you say this started? How do they attack you? Is it something anyone else can see (the attack I mean)?

I'm not being silly or downplaying your experiences at all. When you play with these abilities enough most of us change and become more sensitive to one or more of these abilities. I can sense their emotions, they show themselves every once in a while and I get excellent communications with them by technical means. Hell, I haven't had a restful nights sleep in a long time. It seems that is when I am the most busy.

It has been said in the past by the pioneers of ITC research that the connections you make with the other world (bridges) can be very strong and they do not discriminate who or what uses them. The spirits actively work to change you on that side and this side. Don't fret, you may be going through a rough patch right now but it will get better. Especially if you get a good circle of spirit friends to keep out the riff-raff! LOL

Keep your head up, stay positive and never fear.

Best Regards,

Frank R.

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Joined: Feb 21st, 2007
Location: Houston, Texas USA
Posts: 318
Did the feeling of being push out also feel like a combination of very strong dizziness with what felt and looked like the whole world shifting side to side or up and down. I had this happen a couple years ago while driving and for a split second I didn't know where I was or what I was doing there. I had driven that stretch of road thousands of times but for the life of me I could not figure out what was going on. Then I snapped back and all was right with the world. To me it wasn't a scary feeling and at no time did I leave my body but what I do think is I was being joined with another.

I still get that "world shifting" feeling every once in a while. I'll tell you another thing that happened to me. I was sitting here at work recording. I looked down at my hand which I knew was on my mouse but it had a pencil in it and I was writing something. I could not tell what it was. I was fully awake and could hear everything else around me. I then snapped out of it and everything was as it should be. I don't even have pencils at my desk.

Many more strange and interesting things have happened since I started ITC research. Nore so then when I was into paranormal (ghost) research. To be honest haunting research don't even come close to this because investigators stay so seperate from what they are doing.

Anyway, I'm glad you are doing better with it. Don't treat it as a burden and never fear!


Frank R.

Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Mathias,

I have not had experiences such as yours, so the only thing I can say is that I will think of you and try to help create positive energy around you, and ask for someone to assist you. Please always feel free to share your experiences here on the board, and to ask for help when needed. Thats why we're here.




Joined: Jan 7th, 2007
Posts: 21
Hello Fil,

I have experienced similar although not had any bad experiences.I was amazed and a little freaked out when a family member in spirit turned on my daughters musical box.As i was told by a male person in spirit "Catherine were not impossible"

Take Care


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Joined: Jan 4th, 2007
Location: Monterrey/San Pedro, Mexico
Posts: 424
Hi Fil,

I want to say, I have gone thru similar things as you have. I am a certified psychic and have learned allot of what to do and NOT to do through out the years.

First I want to state, your gifted and are tuning your system or shall I say vibrations up. But, with that comes rules to follow, I believe.  First, I always say a prayer of protection from my guardian angels and spirit guides and ask Gods permission to speak or see images of those departed. But, I also state that I will not communicate with those that bring me fear, pain, confusion as they are banned from my home or anywhere I am. Just as in this life, there are good and bad, and the bad pray on the good if given the chance. Well, the same applies there too. I noticed your work and at first your had happy people showing up, and then I see smoke? and billows of smoke forming? Interesting.......But again let me get back to what I want to finish saying to you.

Dear friend and fellow researcher, Please know that good souls would never infringe upon you or bother you at any given time except during your sessions when your protected. I strongly suggest this method to help relieve you immediately so you may rest better and feel better.  Go to the grocery store and buy some Kosher salt its already been blessed and get a empty spray bottle and add some water to it with a teaspoon of salt.

and you have blessed salt water, spray all around your home like the base boards and such and command the negative to leave permanently, spray out side your house and if anyone asks Your spraying for bugs (LOL)

If you have any questions, were all here for each other. God Bless you and we all send you prayers ( my group and I )



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