View single post by astralevp
 Posted: Dec 14th, 2007 01:14 AM
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fil wrote: Hello ...

Some days ago my perception began to change. I can hear and see ghosts without technical equipment now. Its like listening to EVP or seeing images in Video ITC, but now its no longer in recordings or photos but in the normal environment too. For example I see faces on walls, carpets, treetops, reflections in glass and water in the same way as you and I can see them in the pictures here. This happens effortless. But there is another way to see them and this is not so easy. I have to gaze into space without focussing on anything special. After a time (and with some luck) I see ghosts like I see normal people, but they remain faint, so there is no way to confuse both. Most of them smile at me, some wave their hands. Many can't believe that I can see/hear them. But there are some very bad things "out there". Some ghosts shout, lie and attack me - and not only me. In the beginning this was so horrible. But now I can ignore them most of the time and even give love to them, but not always. I saw a suicide-victim and a murdered child, unable to get over their trauma. This is so bad ... I had to cry.

And please be careful and critical. For example I told you in another post that a woman is waiting for me there. This is rubbish. It was an evil ghost. It is not that easy to avoid such things.

I am very much aware that most people would call this a mental illness. And I don't know why it happened and how long it will stay, but I wanted to share this with you.



Congrats man, I've been able to see spirit faces and bodys on walls and floors, basicly anywhere they will show them selfs one way or another it really anoyes me at times because I will instantly see a formation while walking on the floor. I've had this for as long as I can remember..