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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

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Current DRV Voice.  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Mar 19th, 2014 06:14 PM
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Joined: Feb 10th, 2007
Location: Aberdare., United Kingdom
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Hello to all..
These are voices are from my current sessions that have come through via the white noise.....I found a good window of white noise on the 31 meters Band from around 9000 to 9070KHz every night around 1am...........

I have been running 1hour sessions of DRV every night solid since Feb 1st this year, using a Degen 1103 reciever, all lights are switched off except for a 25 watt blue lamp all computers, mobile cell phones etc, are also switched off. I tune the Radio to white noise and ask questions and invite spirit to join me in my communication session.

This first voice only responded when I asked for the 'voice of spirit' to come forward and talk with me.... Before and after this response I got nothing but white noise.

(I have taken a little hiss and NR from the clips.)

This is from a session that happened last month, I state the frequency I am on and say I can hear their voice, then sounds like they say at the start 'We can hear you' Then repeated at the end 'We Hear you'???

This next clip I am hearing......... 'There are people of different light and last bit is inaudible??? Said in a very low gruff voice, when I first heard the voice, I thought it sounded like Mr Raudive because I was asking for ITC researchers who had passed to try and communicate with me....Again nothing but white noise before and after the voice for the whole hour session.

And the last two clips are below, I haven't a clue whats being said, but again the voice only came through when asking for spirit to talk with me, these two clips are from the same session came through about 15 mins in from my 1 hour....Again White noise before the voice and after with no other voices....

Take care, Lance

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 Posted: Apr 30th, 2014 03:07 PM
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Do you ever pick up any morse code Lance with your direct radio method?


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 Posted: Apr 30th, 2014 03:28 PM
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Hi Jan... I have heard Morse code through regular, normal signals, but I have never received it from the other side..Hope this helps, Lance.

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 Posted: Apr 30th, 2014 03:53 PM
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Location: Inverness, Scotland
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Oh, that was a fast reply!

I think a group did claim to have received morse code, but I don't know who they were or how they did it.

A cousin who also lives in Scotland knew someone in the The Scottish Society for Psychical Research who said there was a group (same one?) a couple of years back making very suspect morse and evp tapes.

Anyway, I'm always a bit wary of using radio, there's so much weird stuff for the unwary to misidentify.

Keep up your experiments.



Last edited on Apr 30th, 2014 04:47 PM by Jan

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 Posted: May 2nd, 2014 04:54 AM
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Innes Smith

Joined: May 2nd, 2014
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Hi Jan,
My name is Innes Smith & I'm the Vice President of the SSPR. I don't know who your cousin was talking to, but I'm happy to set the record straight as regards the SSPR's position in relation to the investigation that I think you're referring to. Especially as I was the investigator!

Here's a copy of my interim report which states my opinion so far. It hasn't changed. Unfortunately due to work and other commitments I have been unable to work the group again.

Anyway, here it is:

An Open Letter Regarding the EVP/ITC Work of Capaldi, Kirkbride et al

To whom it may concern,
I am writing in my capacity as an investigator for the Scottish Society for Psychical Research on the work of Mr. Domenic Capaldi and Mrs. Alison Kirkbride. Mr. Capaldi and Mrs. Kirkbride have asked me to write a brief interim report and I am happy to do this with the proviso that my opinions may change when I have further opportunity to assess the evidence. So, this statement should in no way be taken as the conclusive or final word of the SSPR investigation into the work of Capaldi, Kirkbride et al.

On the 23rd of June 2012, I visited Mrs. Kirkbride at her home accompanied by Mr. Capaldi. Several EVP/ITC sessions took place during the day, with Mrs. Kirkbride operating a digital recorder and a laptop computer, with Mr. Capaldi sitting opposite her and remotely filming the sessions with a remote digital camcorder. Mrs. Kirkbride would play a foreign language as a background noise (on her laptop), and then record a question, leaving approximately 30 – 40 seconds of noise on the file. This file would then be bounced into a basic sound-editing programme and Mrs. Kirkbride would check through the recording for messages.

It was my intention to simply observe the session without introducing any controls. Mrs. Kirkbride had already expressed nervousness about being observed and stringent controls may have affected her ability to produce psi/elicit an anomalous recording. I was more concerned with observation, interviewing the participants and getting a ‘good result’, rather than obtaining evidence under controlled conditions. This was in part due to the SSPR’s previous observation of Capaldi & Kirkbride working, which produced results which all parties regarded as disappointing.

The SSPR had previously co-opted an investigator, Mr. Bryan Saunders to sit with Mr. Capaldi & Mrs. Kirkbride, on the 12th of November 2011. I reproduce an extract from Mr. Saunders report, which sums up his opinion on the messages received: (My) initial assessment would put these into the category of natural white noise, stray cross modulation, apophenia and apophenic bias. The playing of a language sub text whilst attempting to find voices on a recording is fraught with issues and considering that some of the EVPs presented are due to replaying the file backwards and you get a rather large perceived bias. Logic would say a Russian language would not be conducive to receive English language evps but consider phonetic pronunciation and phonemes of words and already an apophenic bias can be raised as a valid concern for misinterpretation of results.

From my own observations – and assessment of the messages received (at this point) - I agree with Mr. Saunders. The methodology compromised the messages, and in my opinion – in regard to messages received in a spoken language against a spoken language background noise – apophenia, expectancy and experimenter bias are responsible for the so-called messages.

It was with some interest that the final session was an attempt to record a message in Morse code. Back in September 2011, I recommended to Mr. Capaldi and Mrs. Kirkbride that they ask for messages in Morse code, as this would eliminate the ambiguity of the messages received in the spoken word. Since then they have had a promising response from the alleged spirit communicators and Mr. Capaldi and Mrs. Kirkbride have also expanded their research group to include specialists who can translate Morse code.

After several aborted attempts to analyse the recordings made (they were accidentally deleted by a tired Mrs. Kirkbride), the audio was played back: interlaced between the foreign language backing-track was Morse code – loud and clear. This message, translated by Mr. Eric Cole, is as follows: WE WELCOME INNES TO PROSSIDA. ‘Prossida’ according to the experimenters, is the name of the ITC Communication Group/Laboratory ‘on the other side’.

The last session provided a clear message – one that is convincingly beyond the possibility of apophenia. This leaves only two possibilities: that it is a genuine paranormal communication – or fraud.

This is a most encouraging result, because if such results can be replicated, experimental controls can be introduced to remove the possibility of fraud – and quality evidence can be obtained.

The experimenters may feel slighted that fraud is something that must be controlled for, but psychical research has a long history of fraud – and if there is an opportunity for fraud, then sceptics will merely assume that fraud has taken place. I do not believe as many of my colleagues do, that ‘there’s no point in convincing sceptics’. In my opinion, convincing the sceptic is what makes psychical research a scientific endeavour. Every other branch of science has to argue its case: psychical research should be no different.

In short: I look forward to continuing to investigate Capaldi, Kirkbride et al. I already have in mind several simple controls that can be introduced to exclude the possibility of fraud – and thus silence those who would accuse them of fraud.

I am glad that ‘Prossida’ have rolled out the welcome mat. I only hope that the most hospitable Mrs. Kirkbride and the affable Mr. Capaldi are equally welcoming of further experiments with stringent controls.

Innes Smith
SSPR Senior Investigator

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 Posted: May 2nd, 2014 12:52 PM
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Location: Inverness, Scotland
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Hi Innes and thank you for supplying the detailed information. I find your report fascinating. It’s so heartening to read of a serious investigation that appears to show a genuine phenomenon and I wish you luck in your final report. I hope it will encourage members of this forum to continue with their EVP experiments.

My background is in electronic engineering so my interest in the paranormal lead me to EVP as it really appears to have a tangible element, but I also understand how sounds and signals can find their way into equipment and mislead the unwary.

Unfortunately my cousin is no longer with us, but I’m sure she would have loved to have read your findings; it now appears she may have got “the wrong end of the stick”!

Kind regards,


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 Posted: May 2nd, 2014 03:20 PM
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Keith Clark

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Hi Innes,

It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and thank you for taking the opportunity to share this information with us. We appreciate everyone that contributes here, and also elsewhere in our global (and beyond) communities.

On one hand, I would like to mention part of my experience pertaining to those conducting the work mentioned in your report, and with the other I will do it gracefully to ensure that this thread remains informational, rather than biased, defamatory, etc.

When I was asked to listened to files containing Morse Code, related to the work you reference in your report, it contained a message identical in both translation and audio representation as a message from the sinking Titanic. I have a record of this email and information, the youtube video has now been removed. I did not comment publicly, as there was no need, nor is it my area within which I work-it serves no purpose in my role. As a side note, I served in the ARMY as a Morse Code Interceptor for 3 years. Shortly put, this file at one point was procured as communication by spirit. Likely, if work has been questioned by people at some point, this is one of the reasons why. If legitimate communications were received, it was mixed with questionable, which muddied the water.

Frankly, we'll leave it to experts such as yourself, Jan, and others elsewhere to independently verify and research such endeavors - as well as publish them through your own channels.

That being said, I want nothing more in the world than for everyone to experience a pinnacle of communication with spirit and personal development. I know it is possible, the potential is inherently within us all, and we are quickly reaching a new dawn where technical will help bridge the gap.

Of course, personal spiritual development is paramount, rather than tantamount to technical evolution, as seen from my personal perspective.

Thanks to all,

In the light,

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 Posted: May 2nd, 2014 05:19 PM
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Joined: Nov 17th, 2008
Posts: 119
Hey Lance
                       I would love to give DRV a shot.  At night to sleep I use a Sonic white noise box, sometimes the voices will use the white noise to try and communicate. I have politely told them to please keep it down.
                                                            That's how I initial got into evp, not out of any interest in the 'Paranormal' but because I was hearing 'Voices' in the white noise. One day i just Goggled 'white noise voices' read a few article abour pareidolia and one about EVP, and the aa-evp web-site, and that was that
                                                              Remember seeing you posted there and Kare Mossey, and I was off and running.
                                                                        Take Care Neil

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 Posted: May 3rd, 2014 07:45 AM
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Hey Neil....
Yea I used to post alot on the AAEVP website, Haven't heard from Kare Mossey for a while or Vicki Talbott, good old days lol
Take care, Lance

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 Posted: Feb 14th, 2015 02:37 PM
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Does anyone know what Innes Smith from the SSPR has concluded from his continuing work which he described in post 5 above early last year?

It looked promising and I expect many of us would like to read the follow up.


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 Posted: Jun 27th, 2015 08:54 AM
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Lance the above links are not working.

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 Posted: Jun 27th, 2015 09:18 PM
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Ahh sorry about that..... The links are for my old website, which I closed down this year.
Take care, Lance.

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 Posted: Aug 2nd, 2015 08:47 PM
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In the past year or so I have found time to teach myself Morse code - receiving at 15 words per minute and sending on a hand key at very nearly the same speed. (Why I chose to do this is another story!)

I have been testing myself recently using the various online sites and also the ARRL HF transmissions. I'm rather pleased with myself as I thought at my age it would be almost impossible. It was hard, but with perseverance I got there!

I'm particularly proud of the fact that I can read weak Morse through quite heavy interference - something that I was told by my husband (and other radio communications experts) was really worth while if I wanted to read Morse at all!

So... if there are any Morse EVP files available, I'd be very happy to listen to them. Does anyone know if any of the groups claiming to have EVP Morse files have them publicly available?

In the unlikely event of anyone thinking of learning Morse for any reason, may I offer some advice?

1) You need to practice - there are many online sites that can help.
2) You will probably have 'sticking speeds' that are hard to get past. For me these were seven and 12 words per minute.
3) Morse code is still in use on the airwaves!

As an unambiguous, no-nonsense method of communication with 'The Other Side' I should think it is hard to beat as there are no vague sounds open to interpretation. There must be lots of telegraphists who have passed over willing to help. There are even free online decoders that will read the Morse for you if it is fairly clear.

Is there any real on-going EVP research in this area? I'm assuming not or we'd have heard all about it - at least if it were successful - but I may be wrong.


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 Posted: Aug 3rd, 2015 06:03 PM
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Jan wrote:

Is there any real on-going EVP research in this area? I'm assuming not or we'd have heard all about it - at least if it were successful - but I may be wrong.


Hi Jan,

Other than the people you already know about,  I have not heard of anything recent. 

A couple of years back I did a few experiments using morse code. 

I used a website for text to morse code conversion and played the audio during a few EVP visits.  I really didn't get anything definitive because the response section was too faint. 

Maybe I'll give it another go.

I agree morse code would be a great way to communicate with the other side.  Like you ambiguity.  Its either there or not there.


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 Posted: Aug 5th, 2015 09:05 PM
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Hi Jan,
Hope you are well?
This Sounds very interesting, please keep us posted on your progress,
Take care, Lance.

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