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Panasonic RR DR60  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Apr 4th, 2017 03:21 PM
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Ive had the issue with data missing before. It actually happens more often than people think, especially with Spirit Box sessions and older EVP recordings.

One trick I found is to video tape the play back of these recordings i.e. listen back immediately, on camera. This creates a backup, and the potential for more evidence.

I have proof that a response has changed over time by doing this method (which is freaky af).

Also John Huntington on YouTube has experienced this before with an upload he did a few weeks ago.

Spirits/Entities/Demons can and will erase data if they see fit!

Check out the most (((EPIC))) Paranormal evidence here :
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 Posted: Jun 3rd, 2017 06:06 PM
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Hi - hey is there any way to record on the RR-RR60 WITHOUT having the voice activation come on?  I want to use it for EVP sessions, which require stopping after I talk giving spirits several seconds to reply, while still recording in case they do.  If the recorder stops recording in silence every time, I have no use for it at all, which is a shame.  So far i have been unable to get it to record after i stop talking....

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 Posted: Jun 6th, 2017 11:13 PM
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onionman wrote:
Hi - hey is there any way to record on the RR-RR60 WITHOUT having the voice activation come on?  I want to use it for EVP sessions, which require stopping after I talk giving spirits several seconds to reply, while still recording in case they do.  If the recorder stops recording in silence every time, I have no use for it at all, which is a shame.  So far i have been unable to get it to record after i stop talking....

Hi Onionman, To my knowledge the DR60 only works with voice activated setting.
After you speak, and leave a silent space, it should start recording when spirit speaks or when a noise is heard? Have you got the mic setting on High sensitivity, this should help?
Hope this helps, Lance.

Last edited on Jun 6th, 2017 11:14 PM by lance

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 Posted: Jun 7th, 2017 01:02 AM
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Thanks!   Yes I do have it set to high, and the odd thing is I HAVE sometimes had it record entire EVP sessions of several minutes with out stopping recording even in silence. But now, it won't do it and I have no idea why...  Haven't changed anything that I am aware of! I must have gotten really lucky since now I can't duplicate that.  I'll be selling it for sure if it won't let me record sessions where recording keeps going even as I am silent.  Have no use for it otherwise. NO idea why it has sometimes but not others. Thanks for your input though :)

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 Posted: Sep 9th, 2017 12:52 AM
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Figured it out (at least on my DR60). To PREVENT voice-activation from coming on, I make sure the playback volume button (black wheel) is turned all the way UP before I start recording.  Voice activation has remained off 100% of the times I have done this, and in the process I am also capturing some fantastic EVP's  (mic sensitivity set to level 5) :)

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 Posted: Sep 16th, 2017 09:54 PM
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Yes, that is the way to activate (lower volume) and deactivate (higher or full volume) of the VOX (voice activation) feature. I also had to find this "the hard way" since it was overlooked when they printed the short user manual; Good luck with your DR60. Mine hardly ever lets me down :-)

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 Posted: Sep 17th, 2017 11:29 PM
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I have captured several amazing EVP's now with this recorder!  And transferring them to PC for cleaning in Audacity has been huge... 

SO glad I figured out the way to disable the voice-activated recording.. I was about to sell the recorder lol

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 Posted: Sep 17th, 2017 11:51 PM
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There were later models that you are not able to reduce/stop the voice activation feature and is not helpful for quiet EVP work. I have 2 of the good DR60's and one of the "bad" DR60's. Luckily the one new model that VOX cannot be disabled only cost me $250 a few years ago.

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 Posted: Nov 9th, 2017 08:06 PM
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Hello -

Is there a definite difference in the EVP capturing ability of DR60's with different serial numbers, particularly the first 2 digits?  My understanding is that the serials FA - FF are the ones which are desired since these were before the "fix" was made to the DR60's. 

Is that correct, that serials AFTER FF are not the good ones?

Also, is the FA (very first) series any better than the others?

Just curious.. and thanks in advance!


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 Posted: Nov 9th, 2017 10:40 PM
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The "fix" was a change in software that makes that DR60 less sensitive. If you have the microphone all the way turned up AND volume control all the way turned up - in a quiet location....the recorder will cycle into the VOX (voice activated) feature, and the recording will STOP until the background noise level increases to allow recording to start up again. You can tell if voice activation is happening because the red light will flash on and off in a quiet area (like a closet or something). *Be sure you have the mic and volume on max or even the older "non fixed" DR60's will VOX. Reason being not as good is because the EVP's are mostly very near the static levels - most silent areas of the recordings.

You can tell if you have the non fixed DR60 a different way too (or same to determine the other) and that is to have microphone on maximum, volume turned up to maximum...

Now push record - if you have the older variety you will hear a HISS sound (white noise) coming out of the DR60 speaker - not out of the "fixed" variety.

You MIGHT get better results with the less sensitive DR60 by putting a low volume white noise source close enough to not be to loud, but enough to just keep the recorder from tripping into voice activation feature.

I have 2 of the older DR60's and 1 of the FIXED. I bought a random white source generator and had planned on trying what I mentioned above -- but I moved twice and don't know where I put the newer recorder. I'm well aware of where my two older units are tho.

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 Posted: Nov 9th, 2017 10:46 PM
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As long as you hear the HISS "FA-FF" there should be no difference.

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 Posted: Nov 13th, 2017 01:36 AM
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The responses I've heard on HOPE Paranormal & Huff Paranormal using the DR60 haven't impressed.. expected better for the price

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 Posted: Nov 13th, 2017 11:28 PM
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Great info! Thanks!  I have two in the FF range, and both DO have that aforementioned "hiss" when I set mic sensitivity to high, and then max out the playback volume wheel. So, I'm relieved :)

Hey another question!  Do you know if the Japanese market version (Japanese letters on the front) is any better or worse for EVP?  Or is it the same as the US version?

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 Posted: Feb 4th, 2019 04:13 PM
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Hello :) I'm just checking to see if there is any new info out there regarding the different serial number ranges of DR60's, in terms of their ability to capture EVP's. I'm hearing different stories regarding this. Some say that at one point Panasonic began redesigning and actually reissuing the DR60 due to the "unknown voice" issue, meaning that only DR60's up to a certain serial number range are one's that will get results. Others have said the DR60 wasn't ever redesigned, but instead Panasonic replaced it with the RR-QR80 and asked people to return their DR60's. Does anyone know the real story?

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 Posted: Feb 7th, 2019 03:34 AM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
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Hi Scott, I have been using my Panasonic RR-US360 for about fifteen years.. captured many phenomenal sound energies using it. This Panasonic recorder is about the only audio recorder I need to use the Panasonic Software in order for my computer to recognize it. I am thinking you need to simply get the proper software and install it on your computer.   

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