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Configuring SeaWave  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Jun 19th, 2012 12:43 PM
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Frank Douglas

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I have used an NCH tone generator to create my 13 stepped tone (no manipulations of the pure signal other than to set it as a triangle wave)

I have also created a disharmonic WAV file and I am running them concurently in 2 open EVP-Maker Sessions.

The graph I am getting looks like rough grit black sand paper. Very much uniform in shading. I am getting variance but not much. I have made adjustments to the real time controls to get the best running image, but I'm not getting anything but a near straight line where the wave form should be showing variance in signal.

I'm thinking my signal into the laptop just does not have enough umph.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Last edited on Jun 19th, 2012 12:55 PM by Frank Douglas

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 Posted: Jun 19th, 2012 02:46 PM
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I've had trouble inputing signals into computer soundcard inputs that are used for headset mics and headphones..the headset mic input had 5volts dc on one channel to power the electret mic internal fet transistor preamp.

Your laptop input is a mic input..usually don't have line input like a desktop soundcard


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 Posted: Jun 19th, 2012 03:09 PM
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Frank Douglas

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Thanks Joe

I figured that might be the problem. Routing audio through a line level usb capture adapter. Hoping this will boost the gain.


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 Posted: Jun 19th, 2012 04:44 PM
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Hello Frank,

I take it you are not using a looped audio file for your experiment.

I will assume you have checked the audio / sound properties on your laptop for any adjustments that can be made. 

Depending on model and operating can toggle between mic & line input along with having the ability to adjust an input volume control.


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 Posted: Jun 19th, 2012 06:09 PM
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Frank Douglas

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I started with multiple loops on multiple EVP-Makers running, but I was not getting a viable signal into SeaWave.

I set SeaWave to read from the Microsoft Sound Mapper, but the signal comes over flat. It appears that all I'm seeing on SeaWave is artifact.

Next I lopped the headphones out and into the Mic jack... same result.

Lastly I ran line level audio from an external source into a usb capture device. Again with the same result.

I tryed loading the wav file into SeaWave and it shows as it should... possible a little hot on the gain.

I'll keep working at it. Next step is to run audio on a tower I use for a weather station via EVP-Maker out and into the laptop via the line level capture.


Last edited on Jun 20th, 2012 06:43 AM by Frank Douglas

"Man should see what is..... Not what he wants it to be"
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 Posted: Jun 20th, 2012 06:52 AM
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Frank Douglas

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I have this about solved now. With the laptop I'm using I have to feed the audio signal in from an outside audio source via a line level to USB-capture device. I have several PCs, one of which will be set up solely for ITC work.


Here's a rough image.

Attached Image (viewed 849 times):


Last edited on Jun 20th, 2012 06:55 AM by Frank Douglas

"Man should see what is..... Not what he wants it to be"
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 Posted: Jun 20th, 2012 06:53 AM
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Frank Douglas

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Last edited on Jun 20th, 2012 06:53 AM by Frank Douglas

"Man should see what is..... Not what he wants it to be"
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 Posted: Jun 20th, 2012 10:22 AM
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If these are bearded faces I have a similar guy carved into my walking stick...supposed to be a nature spirit

The display is rather tiny in the circled areas on my computer.

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 Posted: Jun 20th, 2012 10:35 AM
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Hey Frank,

Glad to see you got it going.

What is your Scan Step setting?  I find 512 works best for me.

On the above image....I like the one at the far right.

I also like the one 3rd from the right in the shaded area.  That face is rather detailed.

Good Job,

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 Posted: Jun 20th, 2012 11:04 AM
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Keith Clark

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Sorry for the slow respone, been so busy. Son is with me at home visiting and work has kept me more than occupied.

Since I have been working with the software for 4 years now, perhaps I can shed some light :)

I'm attaching a picture of the stream settings I used to use. Lately I change the scan step to 384, somtimes 512 to allow for better pictures by spirit (smaller, more time in less space, harder for them to do, but pictures are better) I recommend 256 for starters.

I use a small mixer to raise the volume for anything coming into the computer, particularly for diodes, to control the radio volume if used, etc.

Concerning playing tones and other files on the same computer as what you wish to view, this can be done using virtual cable, a software application.

For example, on the streaming computer the audio input is skype, which outputs to virtual line 1, then the audio goes into my filtering software which takes it in on virtual line 1 and outputs it to virtual line 2. And then the spectrograph software takes it in on virtual line 2 and displays the results of the filtering software.

In addition to that, the streaming software also received virtual line 2 and outputs it to your computers.

Betcha didn't know that was possible, eh? chuckle....

I'll be more than happy to explain this to anyone if needed, or help you set it up, just catching me is hard, that's all.
This allows me to run a stream with multiple programs using one audio feed - when I used to need several computers! It can be routed various ways, it is hard to comprehend setting up at first, but you get the hang of it.

Please consider me a resource, as spirit helped me invent this method of pictures through sound, and I am more than happy to share, and appreciate your interest and endeavors as a result.


Attached Image (viewed 760 times):


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 Posted: Jun 20th, 2012 11:38 AM
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Just for fun, or to help test a set up there are canned sound files available that offer up an image. One such file is available here:

I have attached the resulting image showing the settings used. A good learning tool.


Attached Image (viewed 795 times):


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 Posted: Jun 20th, 2012 11:48 AM
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Keith Clark

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lol, just to throw a little bit of the boggle factor, here's a video I made in 2008 I think, using software for the blind to convert my image to sound, and then recorded the sound as displayed by the spectrograph software.

AT the time I figured "If we can establish sound with spirit, then we can estalish real-time tv, for all we need is sound for both audio and video"


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 Posted: Jun 21st, 2012 11:58 AM
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Frank Douglas

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I have the SeaWave figured out and am working on a random sound signal... tough... Everything I'm throwing at it I see patterning.

Every once in a while I'm tweeking the graph, look up and see a great image, but by the time it registers and I go to grab a capture it's gone.

I'm getting there though.


Last edited on Jun 21st, 2012 03:56 PM by Frank Douglas

"Man should see what is..... Not what he wants it to be"
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 Posted: Jun 21st, 2012 01:30 PM
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Keith Clark

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That's great, definitely takes a lot of tweaking :)

Some things I would recommend trying are mixing with white,pink,brown noise, if you have resources, in the future try sending through a messaging app like skype. There are a thousand variants to try, let me know if you're trying to work through a problem. Computers is my day job :)


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 Posted: Jun 21st, 2012 03:57 PM
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Frank Douglas

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Thanks Keith.

Skyping yourself? Interesting. My only beef with that is the Skype server issue hidden down in the Agreement.

Using 2 PCs is not an issue.The issue is Skype using them for hopping servers.


Last edited on Jun 21st, 2012 04:01 PM by Frank Douglas

"Man should see what is..... Not what he wants it to be"
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 Posted: Jun 21st, 2012 08:12 PM
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Frank Douglas

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Almost there.

I have a single audio loop running through EVP-Maker, but I don't like the signal randomization. I am still adjusting settings in SeaWave.

No voice audio. Mixed and filtered tones only.

Here's a first test effort.


Attached Image (viewed 760 times):


Last edited on Jun 21st, 2012 08:13 PM by Frank Douglas

"Man should see what is..... Not what he wants it to be"
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 Posted: Jun 22nd, 2012 09:30 AM
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Frank Douglas

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I have my rough settings for SeaWave, am getting a good random non-vocal audio fed into it via EVP-Maker.

I just need to fine tune things a bit and I'm about ready to start.


Here is the last capture before this post
201206_1220 EDT

Attached Image (viewed 831 times):


Last edited on Jun 22nd, 2012 09:34 AM by Frank Douglas

"Man should see what is..... Not what he wants it to be"
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 Posted: Jun 23rd, 2012 02:54 PM
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Frank Douglas

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Starting to get things dialed in now.

Mixing 2 random non-verbal audio files through 2 open sessions of EVP-Maker

One file is a 1 minute WAV file of car horns in a traffic jam, and the other is a 30 second WAV file of a gaggle of Geese flying over.

No people's voices and no Phonems.


Attached Image (viewed 1715 times):


Last edited on Jun 23rd, 2012 10:41 PM by Frank Douglas

"Man should see what is..... Not what he wants it to be"
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 Posted: Jun 23rd, 2012 03:25 PM
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Frank Douglas

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Here is the figure in the upper right corner pulled out.

Boy in glasses, in a collared shirt.

NOTE: This is the first figure I've captured that is smiling!


Attached Image (viewed 651 times):


Last edited on Jun 23rd, 2012 03:25 PM by Frank Douglas

"Man should see what is..... Not what he wants it to be"
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 Posted: Jun 23rd, 2012 10:12 PM
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Keith Clark

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Hi Frank,

Pretty cool, this area ia pretty much considered unexplored.

Concerning Skype I did see the notes about their proprietary sharing of bandwidth...I intend to move to another non-popular app for udp streaming at some point.


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 Posted: Jun 28th, 2012 09:08 PM
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Frank Douglas

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Is there a way to set the floor frequency in SeaWave?

Instead of 0 Hz I would like to set a slot to monitor.

Example being from 3kHz to 10kHz. Allowing for a greater height to images.

I'm noticing a trend in images falling in this frequency range in my setup.


"Man should see what is..... Not what he wants it to be"
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 Posted: Jun 29th, 2012 02:10 PM
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Keith Clark

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hi Frank,

I am not aware of a way to start the bottom of the graph at a particular frequency...

It seems the higher the frequency, the better the images.


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 Posted: Jun 29th, 2012 05:08 PM
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Frank Douglas

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That's why I am trying to filter the lows.

I'm looking for alternatives to SeaWave for just this purpose.

I'm used to using sonographs for fishing, and am able to set "depth levels" I would love to experiment with this same principle for viewing.

I'm trying out alternatives. If I find one that allows the slot frequency I'll post it up.


Last edited on Jun 29th, 2012 05:08 PM by Frank Douglas

"Man should see what is..... Not what he wants it to be"
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 Posted: Jul 3rd, 2012 04:38 AM
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Frank Douglas

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I have found spectrographic software that does allow you to set a floor frequency, and am testing it out.

So far the output is not as good as SeaWave.


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 Posted: Jul 8th, 2012 09:19 AM
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Keith Clark

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Hi Frank,

Thanks for the update. I searched high and low when I began this work, don't know if anything better has come out. This software was developed by a man in Italy, and it is now sold by another company. It is definitely unique.


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 Posted: Jul 10th, 2012 08:15 AM
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Frank Douglas

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Abandoned the other Spectrograph... nice features, but poor images.

OK. Here's where I am in my endeavor.

I am now only using the car horns, no geese. Same wav file running through 2 iterations of EVPmaker. All my settings are Identical in both, except 1 is running backwards.

I am finding the most images and the best one down in the 1Hz - 6KHz range.

A friend commented in passing as I was setting it up, that it sounded like a crowd chattering at a party, but distorted.

I am posting images from today up in "Spectrogram ITC"


"Man should see what is..... Not what he wants it to be"
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 Posted: Jul 13th, 2012 04:20 AM
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Frank Douglas

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Now down to just the one instance of car horns though EVPmaker.

Much better and more frequent images now.


Last edited on Jul 13th, 2012 04:20 AM by Frank Douglas

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