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djinni, djinny, jinni  Rate Topic 
 Posted: Dec 18th, 2011 02:17 PM
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Joined: Dec 7th, 2011
Location: ;iverpool, United Kingdom
Posts: 17
Thought this might be interesting to some...

A djinni, djinny, jinni are demonic energy's often formed by peoples negative energy, They stay dormant for a long time until they find a food source, Ive come across many such beings and have found the hardest thing to shift Is the negative energy that gives these demonic demons there strength. Trying to convince a person that Its often there own life that Is causing the problem can be a bit personal and can be taken In a negative way, hence how hard they can be to remove. Often speaking to the individual on a level that the human ear cannot hear.

Often they take over a persons whole personality tricking an individual, It's everyone else's fault but theirs "creating negative energy", which gives It power and control.  In rescue work you do not get involved with a negative being and refuse to engage In conversation but In some cases such as this you may have to draw the energy out and weaken It over a period of time which would depend on the case at hand.

The audible Is a conversation I would have with you for example, Its biggest weakness Is Its own vanity and It can often sound like two children having an argument In the play ground to language I wouldn't put on here. I do have some audible of such a cleansing which I will try and dig out.

I had one dealing with a djinni a few yrs ago which was a test and a turning point for me, It had the ability to look deep In to my deepest fear and try to use It against me, as It happens excepting my biggest fear took all the energy away from It, this demonic energy called Itself Trev and everyone Ive dealt with since calls Itself Trev. We can never truly remove these energy's simply because of the fact there's so much negative energy around the world, they feed slowly but surely and always return yrs after we remove them from this vibration.

Protection Is always needed even when listening to others audible tracks, their are many negative forces out there that are just waiting for a chance to attach to a human light, you can open a door and allow such a being In so please make sure you have protection when ever dealing with audible phenomena.
Blessings to all

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 Posted: Dec 28th, 2011 10:07 PM
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Joined: Dec 20th, 2011
Posts: 2
I've never, ever heard this definition for a djinn. Where do you get your information?

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 Posted: Dec 29th, 2011 07:05 AM
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Joined: Dec 7th, 2011
Location: ;iverpool, United Kingdom
Posts: 17
Hi Frau,
djinn has many names and different cultures do have very similar explanations of what and who they are. Examples would be such as..
 jin-ni, muslim legend suggests they are a spirit often capable of assuming human or animal form and exercising supernatural influence over people.

 Arabic - jinni demonic demon from jinn or janna " to cover , conceal..also known as gnn".  a rebellious jinni who leads men astray...any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings..

 Both are right yet slightly different, what we have to do Is take things for what they are, the Arabic religion also suggest they wait In the deserts for unsuspecting people, what we must do Is look at the words that are used from text wrote many hundreds of yrs ago, "desert" not of this world "a waste land" or I would suggest a different vibration, different to the one we live In now. As negativity builds In this world so do the powers that thrive on such things, evolution expansion life It's self has given energy's such as these reason to move freely around waiting to attach to the bright light of a living human.
The basis of there power comes from the person or persons they have attached to often without the person knowing anything about It, negativity breeds negative energy, so as I said they are very dangerous hard to remove and often over looked when investigation teams go flying In all guns blazing.

My own information comes from experience and those Ive worked with, they are not of human life yet they must have Its life force to survive, boards spells evp are only a few ways of letting them In..
Ive come across many now and all are called to me by the same name, the name comes from my passed, a name they have used to try and gain control of my emotions, to provoke me In to retaliation or to loose my temper, Its very important that you don't.

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