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Houdini and the Circle of the Silver Chord  Rate Topic 
You have chosen to ignore Dr Lewis. click Here to view this post

 Posted: Apr 10th, 2007 11:32 AM
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Vicki Talbott

Joined: Jan 20th, 2007
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Hi Dr. Lewis,

I just googled Houdini and his accent and it seems there is already discussion on blogs and such about the accent being off in his communication from the other side.  Victor Zammit has said something to the effect that he believes this might be because it was his first attempt and he was getting help from a speaker from the south.  If I find anything else on it, I'll let everyone know.  Also, I'd also like to hear about the code, relative lack of female communicators and such in the future.  Vicki

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 Posted: Apr 11th, 2007 02:16 PM
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Vicki Talbott

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Hi Dr. Lewis,

I've been thinking about this.  First, if the medium were a fake, I would assume he would have done his homework and listened to Houdini speak or have a NY accent at least.  Why was his accent from the South?

As I see it, there are at least two other options.  One, we could have an impersonator on the other side who wants to confuse us and can't rid himself of his southern accent:), or two, as Victor Zammitt suggests, this entity received help from another, much like an inexperienced dancer would hold hands and be guided by the more capable in a waltz, the expert imparting to the dance a unique imprint.  I don't know--there are other options, but I am interested in exploring this further.  Thanks for bringing it up, Vicki

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 Posted: Apr 13th, 2007 02:34 PM
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Hi Dr Lewis and Vicki
I think the discussion has to be divided into 2 questions:

a)      Are the Silver Cord materializations genuine?
And if so:
b)       Is it in fact Harry Houdini that came through, or an impostor?
To question whether or not it was HH, does not have to call into question the validity of the materializations.  It is possible, I have heard, for spirits to impersonate.
I personally feel that the answer to a) is yes, after hearing many of the recordings and reading testimony by Victor Zammit and others.
The answer to b) I am not so sure of, because of the accent, which even sounded Australian at times to me.  However, it could be Houdini, and if it’s not, it doesn’t mean that the Silver Cord materializations are not real.  I think it’s important that we don’t simplify the discussion into “is it or isn’t it a fraud”.

Last edited on Apr 13th, 2007 02:35 PM by JT

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 Posted: Apr 13th, 2007 02:39 PM
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Hi Vicki
I just read your post more carefully and saw that you alread covered the idea. :)

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 Posted: Apr 13th, 2007 02:50 PM
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Vicki Talbott

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Hi all,

Last night, I heard George Noory on Coast to Coast talking to someone (I woke up to hear it, so I can't remember his full name, although I think his first name was Larry) about Houdini and his possible murder.  I was in and out of sleep and don't have access to his archives, but it might relate.  He spoke of Houdini's quest for afterlife confirmation along with his debunking when he found it necessary.  Vicki

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You have chosen to ignore Dr Lewis. click Here to view this post

 Posted: Apr 17th, 2007 03:31 AM
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Dr Lewis wrote: Hi folks,

Some time since I wrote here, but the Houdini contact leaves me with a number of questions. His accent is very much Southern USA, when I believe he came from New York State ?..I know this has been raised, but it may be an important point, and perhaps you folks from the USA could comment for this Brit !!.

From the Houdini historical center site: "Houdini claimed to have been born on April 6, 1874 in Appleton, Wisconsin, he actually was born on March 24, 1874 in Budapest, Hungary. Recently discovered ship's logs indicate that the Weiss family moved to Appleton when Houdini was a toddler. The family came to America because of a job opportunity for Houdini's father, Rabbi Mayer Samuel Weiss, who became Appleton's first rabbi. While Houdini wasn't born in Appleton, he fondly referred to it as his hometown. "

I can tell you with all certainty that folks raised in Appleton Wisconsin have an accent very much like folks in Milwaukee. Not a hint of a Southern accent here.


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 Posted: Jan 10th, 2008 04:50 AM
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David Thompson has admitted that he is NOT a materialisation medium so therefore all claims made by Victor Zammit are worthless.

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 Posted: Jan 10th, 2008 10:38 AM
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zerdini wrote: David Thompson has admitted that he is NOT a materialisation medium so therefore all claims made by Victor Zammit are worthless.
Where does he admit this?  Is it available online?


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 Posted: Jan 10th, 2008 10:55 AM
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Jeff wrote: zerdini wrote: David Thompson has admitted that he is NOT a materialisation medium so therefore all claims made by Victor Zammit are worthless.
Where does he admit this?  Is it available online?



Hi Jeff

On this site.

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 Posted: Jan 10th, 2008 06:14 PM
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Thank you Z.  I'll look it over.


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