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 Posted: Feb 6th, 2011 06:35 PM
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Keith Clark

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I have not received text messages, but I have seen many other attempts by spirit to communicate in whatever way they can. I have no doubt that text messages are possible, as is just about anything - if the situation is right, and the individuals on both sides of life have the right energy.



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 Posted: Feb 7th, 2011 08:43 PM
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Keith Clark

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Hi Rasta,

Your discernment in realizing that not many people will be able to understand or know how to reply to your posts is a wise one. In fact, you posted this exactly as I was sitting here pondering how to reply to your post - I sense that you knew that.

Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, we are all on different paths, all headed in the same direction, taking many roads. At this point I think it very foolish to count anything out, as in the larger picture we are all part of the same one and single consciousness, are we not?

Talk to you soon,


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 Posted: Feb 9th, 2011 06:34 AM
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I... am your father!

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 Posted: Feb 10th, 2011 08:49 AM
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Hi Rasta,  Well I believe you about the text messages.  I have gotten voice mail messages, but never text messages yet! (notice I say yet) LOL   I did  have something happen this morning that no one will probably believe but that's okay.  I turned on the kitchen faucet and could hear my best friend, Teresa,  saying "Big Circle".   So I started to listen more closely and I heard " we are all friends in the Big Circle"  sort of sing-songy if you know what I mean.  I had no recorder on so I cannot prove it.  I have told loved ones in the past to go to the Big Circle and ask for Debbie Caruso and she will help them to learn to talk to us.   Well it worked for me and hopefully it will work for you too.   Good Luck to you !


p.s. the Darth Vader joke is old.

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 Posted: Feb 10th, 2011 03:21 PM
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I have gotten answers before I have asked a question.  They just seem to know what you are thinking.


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 Posted: Feb 19th, 2011 04:32 PM
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I just came across this grouping of posts, I have not been on as much lately, nor contributed much in a very long time, so I aplogize for not seeing this sooner!

For myself, you relaying your experiences did not cause me to think we have some sort of nut case here, quite the contrary!!  My attitude is one of total belief because I myself have experienced so many interactions,  that some would consider me certifiably insane.  Direct Spirit Communication has become a routine part of my every day existence, and to a point now so common, I no longer react with shock or disbelief when someone relays an incident involving the spirit world.  And each and every interaction is just as surprising and gratifying as the first, and for this I feel honored to be able to be a part of it.   Way back, I had spent a lot of wasted time and  energy, trying to convince others of what had occured with me was indeed real.  I am grateful now for the core group of friends I have met on this site, and from a previous site we all had been on and left from.   drhh is one of those beloved friends, and so is Ty!!  I do not remember if Linda is on here also, but she is another person who lives and breathes this as part of life.  Outside this forum, I have friends and family that know of what I do and experience is real, as some of them have been with me and experiencing it right along side of me, especially my son Len whose perception and abilities grow each day.  I have had the pleasure of mentoring 2 people who are now hard at work with Direct Spirit Communication.  Yes, to a lot of the 'outside' world, this is all hokey and not at all possible, but it is what I know to be the truth, and I believe in myself, and that is all that counts to me!

  My EVP work is extensive, ongoing and has become extremely intimate in some instances.  I am grateful for all the encouragement I receive from both sides to continue what I am doing.  drhh had mentioned hearing her friend Teresa while water is running, and I myself am able to hear within all types of external noise, hearing people speaking.  I have utilized all sorts of things to create different tones in which to help them facilitate speech, and a lot of them are everyday objects.  I am then able to ask questions and receive answers. It may all sound quite unorthodox, but there are all kinds of back ground noise at our disposal, you sometimes have to be creative!

When what you encounter involves a deceased loved one, it becomes a very powerful experience, not easily discounted, and hard to ignore or forget.

I had an incident with my computer, at one point in the midst of an email I was writing, the cursor took off and started writing random letters, would stop and pause, then continue.  I called my son to come and look at what was happening, and he suggested that I try and 'talk' with whomever was doing this.  I figured what did I have to lose by trying?  I asked some rudimentary questions, and it seemd that just random letters were being spewed forth when all of a sudden,  after every third and fourth grouping of letters, the words started to appear, and words were being 'spoken' in a phonetic way.  It was a female, talking of being betrayed by a husband, and of the money he receievd as a result of her death.  It was amazing to watch, this went on for a good hour or so, it would stop and seem it was finished when it start up again.  I was vey hesitant in shutting down that window, I was afraid to lose the connection.  I tried to get information as to where she was at, where she was from, but the only thing specific was her first name, and her saying how hurt and betrayed she felt.  Dollar amounts kept coming up sporadically thru out this episode.  It started to slow down to a trickle, and then finally stopped.  It was when it was all over that I realized that I should have had my recorder going while all this was going on.  I was so disappointed at myself for this over sight!!  Who knows what I may have picked up.

It all boils down to having absoloute faith in yourself and enlisitng the help of what ever your higher power may be, and do this with love and good intent.  There will always be those who try to sneak in and be what they are not, the power of discernment is essential, it protects you and those you come in contact with.

I hope your continuing journey will be a fulfilling one. They are just waiting for someone to talk with and understand what they are going thru.

Thank you for your time.



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 Posted: Feb 19th, 2011 04:52 PM
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Lisa that about sums it up!  There is no right or wrong way to experience contact as I am learning lately.  My friend Gary tells me he and Teresa are always with me.  And as I said before my cat, Mr. Morty,  was sitting on the floor in front of me last evening and staring just to the right of me.   They are always on the right for some reason.  I would say "Morty, is it Gary?" and he's look at me and look right back to the spot on the right of me he was staring at.  The cats are not alarmed so I know they know my friends too.   It's a comfort to know we are not alone!  I know some, most people are hell bent on proving life after death.  As far as I am concerned, it's already been proven.  To me anyway, everyday and to you too I know!  It's so hard for some to believe in what they can't see.   I had a girlfriend in high school, Robin, that didn't believe in God because she said she couldn't believe in something she couldn't see.   I never forgot that and have lost touch with her, not knowing if she if still alive on this side or not.  I believe she is though or I think I would have heard different by now from her.

Well just some thoughts that popped into my head! Talk to you soon and have a nice evening!

Love, Debbie:biggrin:

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 Posted: Apr 27th, 2011 04:37 PM
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Bravo Paranormal

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I know this post may be old. But I was reading this posting at work today during lunch and kinda texting the wife. All of a sudden my phone rang and it showed on my screen that it was her. As I answered the phone she asked me why I called her. Thinking that she was pulling my chain I told her to stop joking. Awkwardly enough both of our phones rang at the exact same moment, and we both thought the other had called. Funny thing is this has never happened before to us. The day I decide to read this topic this happens. Just thought you would like this coincidence.

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 Posted: May 21st, 2011 10:11 PM
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Bravo Paranormal

Joined: Apr 11th, 2011
Posts: 20
I am definitely interested in this. Any audio?

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