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ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

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Brian Jones from Seattle says hello plus ITC news  Rate Topic 
 Posted: Jan 16th, 2007 02:14 AM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
Hello people. I found this website by doing a Google search of my name and ITC. I saw that Keith had noted a recent interview I was part of, where we had evp interruptions during the show. One of the two hosts accurately interpretted the longest of these verbal interruptions.... we verified this once we had access to the audio archives of the show. Personally, I really believe that Dr. Stephen Rorke, who had been on in the beginning, but then dropped off, was definitely an integral part of this strange circuit. I have documented numerous interrupting voices while speaking with Dr. Rorke, as he is on his cell phone driving home from college nearly three thousand miles from where I am stationed.

I am going to be taking a whole new approach to my ITC work now.. I've been quite frustrated over my nine years of intense work in audio analysis and creatively experimental ITC work.. I will be more serious about presenting what I am part of achieving, as well as work to let go of my reactions to the resistence that quite often comes with attempting to enlist others in positions of being able to assist in my work.. I do not work with groups much.. I've consistently found that my concentration levels are much higher when I am alone or very close to it. I very often hear the short messages as they occur, and if I had the means to be able to access the resources, I'd very much like to pursue aiming at building a system to increase the communications.... I can't help but think that there's got to be a way to build instruments to enhance the signals to significant levels.

I suppose that's been my driving cause for years, but maybe I'm better of taking it as it comes, and focus on bettering the smaller steps along the way, and letting the bigger ones follow. Pretty soon, I'll get back to building my website, and I'll focus mainly on the " ITC Chronicles " section of 

I want to go have a look around the ITC Bridge website now, So thank you for reading this, and I'll look forward to visiting you all again soon ! ALSO, if anyone has any leads on radio programs that might be interested in hearing some of what I've been up to.. please let me know.. you can reach me through my website if you like. I am going to share one short soundfile I documented from the other night.. Jan. 12, 2007's ITC session. I think it will be obvious that I do hear many of these messages as they occur. I have a feeling things are going to break open much more at any moment.. this particular instrument produces many many more messages than it did three years ago when I put it on the shelf. I figure it's the fact that I personally have grown my connections during this time, and the instrument is just following along.

   Thank you again for reading this !

          Brian J.  Seattle,Wa. :thumbup1: 

Attachment: work - F.wav (Downloaded 1223 times)

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 Posted: Jan 16th, 2007 01:39 PM
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Joined: Jan 10th, 2007
Location: Toronto, Ontario Canada
Posts: 45
Hi Brian,

Welcome, it's exciting to see this forum becoming a place for current ITC experimenters to come together.

I heard some of your Ghostly Talk show with the sounds coming through, some or most clearly sounded like voices to me.  (As I wrote that, I got a similar sounding fast distorted sound through my headphones that I get now and then.)  The clip you posted is true two-way dialogue.  Can you explain what the instrument is you're using?  A radio of some sort?


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 Posted: Jan 17th, 2007 02:41 AM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
Hello guys.. thanks for the greetings ! To answer John's question... the device.. or instrument I used to document the soundfile I attached to my post, was basically a small custom built lay down style electric guitar I built just for itc audio communications. I'll be posting pictures of a number of wacky instruments I've built.. all of which I've received voices through. Over the past nine and a half years of audio investigation, I've built up a fair amount of energy between these amazing voices and myself. I can literally document evp messages referring to me by name, pertinent subject matter etc... out of a squeaky door hinge, rubbing objects together, and nearly all ambient sound sources.

I would rather not say too much here right now.. it's going to be a bit of work finally putting these things on my website.. which I'll work on this weekend.. so I'll save it for that approach.... I am getting ready to conduct a serious experiment in a moment here.. where I am going to see if I can access information about an object an associate of mine has placed on his desk. We are both curious to see whether or not this network will come through. I'll be sure to come back and let you know when I've put together some material regarding ITC on my website.. I'll also be back to check out what people here are up to and sharing...

     Brian..... :blink:

PS : here's another very recent sample that was received through this instrument I ended up calling the Voicitar ....

Attachment: Bri, this is the breakthrough.wav (Downloaded 1212 times)

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 Posted: Jan 17th, 2007 07:53 AM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
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Hello Brian,

Good to see you here! We're very much interested in your creative experiments and experiences. That was a pretty neat radio interview!

It's rather funny how we all make connections in a round-about way. I don't know who sent the interview to Victor Zammit, but as you came back around to you. I really enjoy it when people across the world link together and make new connections.

ITC Bridge forum is a couple of weeks old, still growing. Correspondence and cooperation is highly encouraged. There's plenty of room here for every kind of researcher, every kind of opinion. I haven't made any special devices, but I also enjoy creative new ways of understanding that those in spirit can be seen/heard in many different ways. Usually I don't share them because they are highly controversial.

Got to run to work now, will listen to your files later.


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 Posted: Jan 17th, 2007 08:17 AM
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Joined: Jan 10th, 2007
Location: Toronto, Ontario Canada
Posts: 45
Offline sounds like you're actually scraping the guitar strings with a pick or something and they are using that sound as a carrier, am I right?  Hendrix would be proud.  I have also found that they can come through any kind of sound.  Many have noticed that evp voices often bounce off incidental sounds as if using their energy.  One time I was eating while recording and a phrase came through at the exact rythm of my fork hitting the plate.  I also get voice thru anything in my house using a fan, eg the bathroom ceiling fan, the microwave, etc.  You have really refined this idea with the Vocitar it seems to the point where you can hear some words in real time.  I look forward to your site update.
John T

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 Posted: Jan 21st, 2007 07:26 PM
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Joined: Jan 4th, 2007
Location: Monterrey/San Pedro, Mexico
Posts: 424
Greetings Brian,

I am so amazed! This is so wonderful what you are doing! I heard clearly with the first file, I heard..were in doubt, work with me and we will work together!

Great! I look forward to see how you have that set up. The next file is just as wonderful...Brian this is a breakthrough.  I do believe things are coming together,

Brian, you have serious researchers here forming a very special group, and we all have special things I think we can contribute. So, what I am trying to say is thru Keith's wonderful insight to produce this forum and pull us together and to work in a private forum to share, leaves me the feeling, that all tho I am in Mexico, with no one speaking English around me lol except my husband a few friends and spirit! I do not feel so isolated or alone now, even tho I work daily alone, I am not alone, with all the people coming together in here to work torwards the one thing we all desire....Proof of Life after Transition!  I look forward to working with you Brian.

Warmest  Blessings,


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 Posted: Jan 22nd, 2007 06:37 PM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
Hello everyone.. Hi Laura, .. thank you for the kind words.... I just also would like to say that I am finally working on my website once again... I intend to get things moving along with this now.. I am tentatively scheduled to be a guest on David John Oates' internet broadcast within the next few weeks.. not sure of the date and time as of yet.. David usually waits til pretty close to show time to officially post his schedule.

Either way, I suppose it's about time I get busy on taking my work in this a little more seriously, and be much clearer on what this actually is for me. I won't be getting involved with much group work, this has never been productive for me. I do appreciate occasional exchanges with people, but I get most of my work done best when I work moreless alone. I find that when it comes to very focused ITC work, it requires MUCH energy and concentration. I know that people talk about it being more powerful to have people work in groups.. I just haven't been part of seeing this as beneficial myself in my personal experience, though I've tried it a number of times.

I do want to also say that I am going to make a point of reading more available material about what other people working with various approaches to ITC are contemplating. In a way, if I find that I am accessing some similar information, this may bring me closer to successful collaboration. Well, I best get back to the website schooling...



Last edited on Jan 22nd, 2007 06:37 PM by Brian Jones

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