View single post by JT
 Posted: Jan 17th, 2007 08:17 AM
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Joined: Jan 10th, 2007
Location: Toronto, Ontario Canada
Posts: 45
Offline sounds like you're actually scraping the guitar strings with a pick or something and they are using that sound as a carrier, am I right?  Hendrix would be proud.  I have also found that they can come through any kind of sound.  Many have noticed that evp voices often bounce off incidental sounds as if using their energy.  One time I was eating while recording and a phrase came through at the exact rythm of my fork hitting the plate.  I also get voice thru anything in my house using a fan, eg the bathroom ceiling fan, the microwave, etc.  You have really refined this idea with the Vocitar it seems to the point where you can hear some words in real time.  I look forward to your site update.
John T