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Video Audio: Friedrich Jurgenson father of EVP singing  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Mar 11th, 2012 09:00 AM
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Joined: Apr 4th, 2010
Location: Canoas, Brazil
Posts: 64

Hi" TARGET="_blank">">Hi my friends, my brothers. I'm posting something curious. Friedrich Jurgenson, who is considered by many the father of eletronic voice phenomena, was also: A producer of documentary filmmaker, painter, singer. In this video I posted on youtube, Friedrich Jurgenson heard singing one of their songs. and he sang very bem.Fica here in our forum, this recording, so beautiful musical interpretation of Friedrich Jurgenson. I hope that my friends, brothers enjoyed this postagem.Com a fraternal embrace from the south of Brazil, South America Your friend, brother researcher of EVP, ITC.  J Pedroso


Friedrich Jurgenson canta musica de sua autoria.wmv

 Friedrich Jurgenson sings his song. wmv[/flash[/url]] 

*** If a friend, or girlfriend, brother, sister, like, is my invitation to visit my simple page in southern Brazil,is about EVP, ITC. Doctrine of spirits, reincarnation, and related topics, and this in several languages ​​is multilingual, If you do not know me, I also would like to be your friend, and collaborate. I am Brazilian, Study the doctrine of spirits from the 70's, along itc, evp, I know very little of his English language, but I labor, study, and use various translators, for better comunicar.  I want to say good things, converças of friends, brothers, if a word does not go well, it was because of online translator, and I ask you to forgive me, for I am learning their lingua.I wish you well my brothers and sisters, we are all spirits, immortal sons of God. J Pedroso

Diálogos com o lado de la ( Dialogues with the side of it )

Sobre TCI - EVP ( FVE )Eletronic Voice Phenomenon - Metafonia - PVE ( 03 de setembro de 2011 )


Please correct the video is mi.Muito thanks, but I'm learning how to do, not well understood, such as posting their collaboration with vídeo.Contarei amigo.Esta otimo posted the address of the video.

If by chance, I could not, properly posting this video, with audio. Please correct the video is mi. Thank you, but I'm learning how to do, not well understood, such as posting their collaboration with vídeo. Contarei amigo. Tell her collaboration with my friend. This one posted the address of the wonderful interpretation of audio video Jurgenson.
Jota Pedroso , Brazil

Last edited on Mar 11th, 2012 09:17 AM by JotaPedrosoBR

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 Posted: Sep 5th, 2012 07:19 AM
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Joined: Sep 5th, 2012
Posts: 1
Olá meu amigo brasileiro!
Thanks for your great post, that song was new to me. I myself am Swedish and therefore understand the lyrics. A stanza is as follows:
"No one knows if our life is a dream or reality" (here in Google translated português) "Ninguém sabe se a nossa vida é um sonho ou realidade".
He was trained by one of the best baritonsinger that existed, Tito Scipa (
In the year 1943 he emigrated to Sweden from Estonia. Here he lived until his death in year 1987.
Brazil is an amazing country with so many spiritists. I was there last October. I visited the healer Joao De Deus at Casa De Dom Inacio in Abadiânia-Goiás to get help for my chronic pain.
Greetings from Sweden

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 Posted: Sep 5th, 2012 04:18 PM
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Joined: Apr 4th, 2010
Location: Canoas, Brazil
Posts: 64
Hello my friend, Swedish, named Chester. I sent invitation by face book, where we also have a group of scientific studies. I was happy to read your writing, your text, I did the translation by google translator .. I was born in 1957 in spiritualist medium, the study has many years teaching in the books of Allan Kardec, I have witnessed many phenomena. My youtube channel: pedrosortv. Sending you and your family a fraternal abraço.Cordialmente his brother Brazilian friend Jota Pedroso

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