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Spirit beacon  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Sep 15th, 2010 05:46 AM
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Joined: Nov 21st, 2009
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It struck me today that we spend a lot of time attempting to get spirit communications on various electronic devices.

Spirit has to attune to these devices that is for sure.

Given that fact, what can we do to make it easier for them to attune?


Well, in radio a beacon or channel marker is very common.

The beacon or channel marker will be broadcasting for a given time (sometimes weeks) on a set frequency.

The intended receiving station then has time to tune up so as to be ready for hear messages and send replies.


So why not with spirit?


So today I have recorded a tone and voice loop of 9 mins stating that "this is a spirit beacon" and then giving some personal information and a request.

The message repeats about 20 times and ends with tones.


My intention is to connect the audio output of my tape recorder directly to the connections of a Mobius coil I have on order.

This will be wound around clear quartz initially.

I hope that this special emission (maybe Scalar waves) will be heard by spirit so they can tune to it.

After the tape beacon ends I simply connect the same coil to the microphone socket and record for a while to see if my intended spirits have been able to leave a message.


OK, sounds all well and good but I have some questions.


In connecting the audio output to the coil, should I include a Germanium diode and or 4 ohm resistor?

Resistor to protect the audio amplifier, diode to part decode the signal to the coil.

And for reception, do you think I need the diode?


The coil will be six foot wound, I wonder what its impedance would be like?





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 Posted: Apr 26th, 2011 10:17 AM
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Bravo Paranormal

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I am very curious about this project. It sounds like an awesome Idea. I would try all variables you mentioned never know, one way may be  better than the other. This sounds like a novel concept though.

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 Posted: Apr 26th, 2011 10:19 AM
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Bravo Paranormal

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I am also wondering if you connect one of those IR to Headphone jack plugs into your line out and play a sine wave or pulsing sound to make your ir light up like a beacon of some sort? May be worth a try.

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 Posted: Apr 26th, 2011 01:06 PM
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Think I'll give my LED spiricom a try in reverse?

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 Posted: Apr 26th, 2011 02:55 PM
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Bravo Paranormal

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I cant wait to hear results

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 Posted: Jun 14th, 2011 02:12 PM
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I *honestly* believe such things make it work for *US*. Like how, pet food is marketed not to the animals, but to their human caretakers - think about it. :) NOT disrespecting or discrediting at all. As there is no hard proof/science that says "IT WILL WORK". Got to fly with your guts and with your buttocks seated firmly in your Levi's.

I find that *INTENT* is everything in our field of interest. We're dealing with beings in a medium and a state of existence where thought is every bit as tangible as the desk I now sit before.

The "spirit" and mindset of cooperation and harmonious existence is what pulls them in like a magnet - sometimes very HARD to push them away afterward so one may go back to their physical lives.

So in short summation? Do it Mike. Do it like no tomorrow and BELIEVE it will make a change for positive results and draw in helpful, curious agents. Just keep notes and logs and share with us the results, even if negative or ineffective.

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 Posted: Jun 14th, 2011 05:33 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
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A very concise, correct, and encouraging statement. We need more people who think in this manner, I am in total agreement.


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 Posted: Jun 15th, 2011 12:44 AM
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Sparkz wrote: I *honestly* believe such things make it work for *US*. Like how, pet food is marketed not to the animals, but to their human caretakers - think about it. :) NOT disrespecting or discrediting at all. As there is no hard proof/science that says "IT WILL WORK". Got to fly with your guts and with your buttocks seated firmly in your Levi's.

I find that *INTENT* is everything in our field of interest. We're dealing with beings in a medium and a state of existence where thought is every bit as tangible as the desk I now sit before.

The "spirit" and mindset of cooperation and harmonious existence is what pulls them in like a magnet - sometimes very HARD to push them away afterward so one may go back to their physical lives.

So in short summation? Do it Mike. Do it like no tomorrow and BELIEVE it will make a change for positive results and draw in helpful, curious agents. Just keep notes and logs and share with us the results, even if negative or ineffective.


:-) thanks for the nice reply! I feel you are right.

So far there have been no results at all :-( and I have lost my faith a lot so have stopped the tests until I am in a better mind set, because like you I think this is vital.

I will get back to it, but I am now thinking that this project may not be the way forward.

Next plan is to build a low power AM transmitter and see if that will work.

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 Posted: Jun 15th, 2011 02:46 PM
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Joined: Jun 13th, 2011
Location: Florida USA
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Remember that you cannot put your mind or spirit in a do-dad - press the button and stand back. As much as I do not like to paint this mental picture - think of conjuration. What would a magician or a hardcore spiritualist in this modern age do? They carry the tools of their trade. A bell, candle, crystals, incense - etc. Take them away and strip them of such affectations and they are still just as good as any medium would be, though now they are self doubting and performance will slacken off. Yet that "power" is still there, inherent in themselves with that gift of mediumship. The tools and devices to them are of no to little significance.

Now - place the pile of tools in a room arrange them and set them up and "press play" and what happens? Bet you a dollar against my one last donut that not much will. It's missing the key, vital ingredient of a human will, consciousness and spirit to make it effective.

So, review your mindset. Check, double check and give thought to your equipment, and reserve yourself. Make sure that your equipment "feels right" to you and you spent time with it to make sure that every lead, trace and component is functional. And with a huge, healthy dose of "Here we go, ready or not - hello world!" turn the switch. ;>

You have my respect in that you understand that your mood and emotions play a deep connection in your labors. Under no circumstances do I wish to see or hear someone that is depressed and nothing short of being "Alright, let's make this go!" is attempting this sort of work.

Like = Like

Go in with a foul, down mood or with impaired mental facilities and you may not ever be the same again...

Last edited on Jun 15th, 2011 02:48 PM by Sparkz

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