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Vicki Talbott

Joined: Jan 20th, 2007
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I like the EVP gotten with the newer quiet recorders (like the DS-30 Olympus and no background noise at all the best! Vicki

Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
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my experience is the same as whisper....perhaps it depends partly upon the energy present with the experimenter - some people require more background noise than others...


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This is often what is knows as "Transformative EVP" - an intelligence is wrangling energy from sound itself into it's missive. Using older tape systems with an external mic seemed to make the voices jump out when a mild source of white noise was nearby. Like a 20" box fan on low on the other side of the room, facing the wall so to not buffet the mic with wind noise. Electronic pink noise portable devices work wonders too, when they are *barely* an audible whisper to your own ears from the position of the mic.


Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
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agreed. energy is energy, and spirit will try to use it no matter what it is. It could be the sound of a fart (bad example), or an opera. If they can squeeze a few words in there, they will :)


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Been tinkering with EVPmaker from a 30 second loop of "white noise" generated from a window air conditioner approximately 2 meters away. The responses are curious sounding whispers but they're there! I have yet to capture anything "strong", definitive even - but there are so many things to attempt it with. (A tiny bit of an audio nut helps) Though I seem to be experiencing a touch of the doldrums at the moment. I suspect my fractured mood since my father's passing is part of it. :(


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Though it's not optimum, I'm of the opinion you can record in almost any "noise-scape" and pick-up great EVP- the only condition really necessary is Spirit wanting to communicate. Spirit seems to employ particular ways of 'speaking' to be heard -hard to miss (they might sound 'sleepy' or like one of the 'Chipmunks' etc.)
**Love Keith's admission he records fart messages (my luck that'd be the one that goes viral!!) :-)

I've experienced the bird chirping scenario as well- excellent. Easily discernible- (Dog barking too)

Yes, everybody'd like to record in a lab under controlled and repeatable conditions...but sometimes it's just really interesting to hear Spirit's observations under random conditions.

Cheers! Kenda

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Yes, definitely. Had both living individuals out of body and Spirit speak loudly on recording without introducing a carrier wave. When the energy is just right (and they're determined to 'get through') they don't seem to have a problem.

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NYevp wrote:
Hello R.E.V & All,

I feel that every night when we sleep and dream, we take a visit to the otherside or afterlife even though we remember it as a dream upon awakening.

Thoughts are things and consciouness continuing after death is just that, a dream, thought or memory.

How far does the rabbit hole go ?

Interesting Dan-

After my grandmother crossed, her comment on recording, "Nothing is familiar here-"

Philosophically speaking, she'd expect the conventional "Heaven experience." -She didn't elaborate.

Regards, Kenda

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I suppose if one exists as pure consciousness, functioning beyond the temporal, every thought could be experienced/understood as an artifact or memory...I recall hearing Spirit refer to a future event (our perspective) as a "terrible memory." -begs for more time "on the vipassana cushion" ...couldn't hurt. -K

NYevp wrote:
Hello DK,

I feel that a person creates what their vision of the afterlife is going to be for themselves when they are still on this side of the veil. The thought becomes a thing, which is a memory. If they expect nothing to be there when they pass over, there is a good chance that is exactly what will be waiting for them. :wink:

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Yeah, the process after "waking up" is the clincher apparently...The Bardo Thodol, Tibetan Book of the Dead, is pretty overwhelming reading -don't know if you're familiar with the narrative written by Jean-Claude van Itallie? "Tibetan Book of the Dead for Reading Aloud" Descriptive and direct -he wrote it as a performance piece. Also the Dalai Lama's manuscript about the dying experience, "Mind of Clear Light" -each and every physical and mental sensation discussed in detail...
Have heard Spirit refer to death as "birth" (360 degree senses? -weightlessness) -reflects the disruptive/disorienting effect of the human birth experience(??)

Unexpectedly it was a cup of peppermint tea that encouraged my grandmother to communicate (Peppermint discs being her favorite confection) -Hence her enthusiastic response, "My favorite candy!" Quite a gift, the first recognizable voice I'd heard. I guess food aroma is another 'cue' similar to the period music you play during recording sessions.

Is your friend at ease?


NYevp wrote:
Case in point, I just made intial contact with a close friend who passed over a little over a year ago. We both spoke of the coaching that a friend or family member should assist in at the moment just before passing and the continuation of the same even after he was cliniclly dead by gentle whispers to walk them through the scary moments of the transition. His background had a slight Buddhist slant to it all.

I honestly feel that it took him "time" in getting used to where he woke up. Waking up dead might take a bit of adjustment to the new process for some, and for others that time might never happen due to their beliefs or because of the type of life they chose when living.

Death is the easy part, waking up dead and accepting it for what it is , that's the shocker and some take longer to adjust than others and again some never will.

Regards, Dan

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