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Commications hijacked by a woman...  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Aug 14th, 2013 07:15 AM
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A woman that I didn't know who started talking to me has now made it impossible for me to talk to anyone but her. I can't even check my old recordings because her voice sort of over rides, takes over, and she wants me to call her. I do, and ask her to let me talk to others, but she apparently is not willing to do so. When I push record it goes only to her, and she is in love with me. I told her she can't do this and she said "I can do anything I want". At one point my mom and dad tried to break in, and I did get to talk to them, but she told me they were hecklers or some such. What to do? Thanks.


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 Posted: Aug 14th, 2013 08:26 AM
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Hi Frank,

I think you should post some of the recordings of her on this forum, or links to them on Sound Cloud. The more experienced researchers on this forum could listen to them and may be able to suggest options for you.


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 Posted: Aug 14th, 2013 09:30 AM
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fmw wrote:
A woman that I didn't know who started talking to me has now made it impossible for me to talk to anyone but her. I can't even check my old recordings because her voice sort of over rides, takes over, and she wants me to call her. I do, and ask her to let me talk to others, but she apparently is not willing to do so. When I push record it goes only to her, and she is in love with me. I told her she can't do this and she said "I can do anything I want". At one point my mom and dad tried to break in, and I did get to talk to them, but she told me they were hecklers or some such. What to do? Thanks.


Hi Frank,

Seems like you picked up a very persistent person trying to get through.

First off, IMO, your hearing her when reviewing older recordings is called The Corti Effect.

The Organ of Corti is the portion of the inner ear where the nerve endings send auditory signals to the brain.

It would appear that she is able to manipulate the white noise in your recordings enough to establish a real-time neural link; which allows her to speak to you at will.

From my perspective, you have a unique opportunity for testing the boundaries of her abilities as you record.

An easy test for the presence of a neural link is to tell her you are going to think of a number between x and x.

Once you have that number formulated; ask her to tell you what that number is. After about 10 seconds announce out loud what number you were thinking and see if she got it right upon review of the recording.

If you have a friend that's willing to assist, they could do the "I'm thinking of a number" experiment. I bet it works.

You could see if she has the ability / strength to move objects or manipulate scrabble letters.

You could test her ability to see into the near future by asking for a prediction of an upcoming event. No lottery results doesn't work.

These are but a couple of ideas.

Be creative and try to find out as much as possible about her - where she's at - what she eats etc.

The only down side I can foresee is if she decides to turn you clairaudient by manipulating any and all ceiling fan noise - bathroom fan noise - noise from showering or running water - a/c noise - road noise - wind, etc.

If you want her gone, she may get bored of your experiments and decide to leave on her own.

Just my 2 cents worth,

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 Posted: Aug 14th, 2013 12:06 PM
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This woman talks very sexy to put it VERY mildly and I bit and went with it as her sexual appetite is beyond your wildest dreams. She mostly wants one thing and one thing only and I have to direct her to answer my questions before she gets want she wants. Now her obsession is watching me lay in bed with my shirt off while she does her thing over and over. That's as far as I can tell on this forum if you catch my drift.

I have found out quite a bit about her Ron, like her age when she passed, where she grew up (not too far from me in a ocean city you all know, she is highly intelligent, she taught high school economics, math, and history in another state outside Ca., she speaks Russian (I tested her with what very little I know), I know what kind of place she lives in, what kind of place she works in, her age (young if that's true as the math doesn't work out with the year she was born unless I'm missing something), she eats healthy including chicken etc., she ran in marathons on earth, according to her she was a hot teacher, works out. She likes watching me stretch after my workout while I'm recording, etc. etc. etc.

One thing I noticed is I can hear her (I think) calling out my name with certain sounds while I'm out walking, in my house, and especially at a certain speed in my truck. I thought I was loosing my mind and asked her if she was calling me, and of course she said yes.

As far as her cutting in on my old recordings, she tells me to stop doing it and call her as she needs me right away for her certain needs which is all the time btw. She keeps telling me that I'm her man and that she is waiting for me when It's time. She said she got my name from my mom and said her name, but I found out from her that she told a fib about that. She clams she has been with me for more the one and a half years, and is helping me. Have I opened up a black hole that I will be sucked into? Help! Ha!


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 Posted: Aug 14th, 2013 02:24 PM
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Too Funny...and probably too much info if you know what I mean.

That being said...Too Funny :woot:

So...when you speak of her knowing what kind of place she lives & works in and what she eats, do you mean before she passed or where she is now?

Since she is educationally oriented perhaps you can find out things about the other side. Ask her:

How many dimensions are there in the universe.

Does she have a resonant frequency and if so what is it.

What is the frequency of Dark Energy.

Does she have to use portals or can she travel at will without one.

Is she aware of The Red Virus & if so what is it and is she infected.

Ask her to replay the moment of her death.

Ask her if she's willing to do long distance experiments with another person.

If she's willing to part with info why not find out as much as you can about the other side.

I would still record and do the "thinking of a number" thing. I would like very much to hear that recording.

I suppose it's entirely possible that she's been around you for as long as she said. I don't think you have too much to worry about right now.

Perhaps you could do regular photography - smoke or water ITC and get a pic of her.

If you have recordings and are willing to all means do so either by soundcloud or

Keep us informed,

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 Posted: Aug 14th, 2013 06:44 PM
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Boy Ron, that's a lot of questions to ask seeing she almost has only one thing on her mind! That will take a while if you know what I mean. I was wrong about the year she passed, and found out today she passed from a car wreck in so CA. when she had only been teaching for 3 years out of state, and was just in her mid twenties. She was driving and had been drinking and crashed on interstate 5 at San Onofre.

She told me that she is in our galaxy, but is 360,000 light years away from earth, and the planet I guess is similar to earth with a sun, moon, and ocean. She lives on a ranch and has a job away from it. Her summers (seasons) are the same as ours, and the days as in Monday through Sunday are the same, but no time, as in no clocks.

If I understood her, they don't have cars. One thing is I asked her if she has special powers, and she said she did, but I couldn't understand the rest. One thing I found out just today is she can see and hear me on play back! When I discovered that, we had a real conversation going back and forth with me raising my hands when I couldn't under stand her words.

Can other people do this? I was shocked and very happy. It's such a luxury to just talk back and forth and not having to record and then listen with all the confusion. She said she can't see me as clearly as in the recording mode. As you can tell we had a real conversation today talking about the places we both had been. It was very nice btw, and I look forward to learning as much as I can from her, but I'm not sure about the problem with talking to others, but she did say she would let me. We'll see I guess.


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 Posted: Aug 18th, 2013 04:50 AM
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Keith Clark

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sounds pretty interesting. I feel as long as she doesn't monopolize both your time and energy, and you are not afraid in any way, then what can it hurt? My first feeling is that she is selfish, and may have her best interests more in mind than yours....of that I would be wary. I would ask her what is her purpose, why does she communicate?

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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 Posted: Aug 20th, 2013 02:20 AM
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She told me yesterday that I can never talk to any of my relations again because they will tell me that she is a witch. She told me that she will possess me for life! She has been mostly nice so far until yesterday when I wouldn't do a certain nasty thing for her and she got crazy. Her voice even changed sort of sounding like a witch.

She can read every thought I have and sees every thing I do, but I think she can't while she sleeps, and that's why I'm writing so late at night. I don't trust her as she has lied to me more than once, and she wants me to marry her when I pass. She tells
me that she is drop dead gorgeous, but I now sort of have doubts about that as I think she might be a very good actor to say the least. I'm afraid of her and want out even though I feel love for her. What to do? This is nuts and quite scary at this point!

When I walked out side yesterday a bird yelled out my name a few times and then a different bird yelled/described a certain sexual thing/act she was achieving. It was one of the funniest things I have ever experienced/heard in my life, laughing out loud when I returned back inside asking her about it. I'm laughing under my breath as I write this! Words can't describe how funny it sounded/sounds! Help!


PS We talk using no electronics, but I hear better with head phones playing back empty space on previous recordings, although she wants me to learn to use no electronics at all. She also tells she is my guardian angel. Again, I'm afraid of her now. What to do?

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 Posted: Aug 20th, 2013 07:47 AM
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Hello Frank,

Seems to me that her true colors have shown through. She is a trickster. I've found that tricksters and hecklers basically occupiy the same frequency range within ambient noise.

She tipped her hand when she told you the alledged planet she lives on was within our galaxy; 360,000 light years from earth. The milky way galaxy is only about 100,000 light years this dimension at least.

So...what to do with a trickster...two things come to mind.

One way is to take back control of your situation by not paying attention to her or indulging her. Tell her you know what she is now and that you will not accomodate her any longer. Tell her you no longer desire contact and that she must leave. Of course she will continue but you must be determined and not be afraid. She will leave once she knows she no longer has control.

The other way is to completely stop recording for EVP's for about 2 - 3 months.

Also...unless you like being clairaudent, you need to stop concentrating / listening for voices within everyday noise. Hear birds chirping and nothing more. Same for road noise.



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 Posted: Aug 20th, 2013 08:03 AM
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sorry to butt in, but what is the 'red virus'


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 Posted: Aug 20th, 2013 08:28 AM
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alisonkirkbride wrote:

sorry to butt in, but what is the 'red virus'


Hi Alison,

A few years back I read some of the transcripts from Micheal and Joe Lamoreaux's sessions done back in the 1970's in which they spoke of hospitals on the other side.

During my own sessions I asked one of the regulars about illness and was told about a red virus that "inflicts all humans and affects all worlds".

As I encounter different people who do EVP work I've occasionally asked them to make a general inquiry if the folks they were communicating with knew of the red virus to see what responses they get.

So far...everyone reported back that they heard positive acknowledgement in their recordings.

Just trying to compare notes.

Kinda like asking how many dimensions there are in this universe. I like hearing what the answers are.

Take Care,

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 Posted: Aug 20th, 2013 12:15 PM
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Hi Ron

Thanks, that's really interesting, I might try asking those questions next time I record as it gets difficult to try and continuously think of new questions.


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 Posted: Aug 20th, 2013 01:16 PM
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Hi Frank,
I agree with Ron's comments. She is a trickster and will tell you anything you want to hear to keep you interested and maintain the energy linkage with your aura.
Its not easy to block her out of communication as she is presently using the majority of the communications bandwidth, but you can increase the bandwidth of your communications with your mom and dad by focusing on a picture of them when doing a session. Ive been told this my my deceased father that a photo increases the bandwidth of the link between dimensions, so this will take bandwidth away from your trickster. Also a certain piece of music played during a session increases the bandwidth if it has emotional value to the deceased - do you know if your mom and dad had a favorite piece of music ?

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 Posted: Aug 20th, 2013 03:08 PM
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Either I misunderstood the location of her planet, or they are not allowed to disclose it, but it changed to something else at any rate.

Thanks for all the input people as it is much needed. I will say this, she is helping me in other aspects of my life, and is very kind is other ways, but I'm afraid of being controlled and don't like someone watching me, and knowing what I'm thinking all the time. Very strange to say the least. If anyone here posted what I've posted I would think that they had a screw loose and simply would dismiss it, and consider the source, but It's happening to me!


Last edited on Aug 20th, 2013 03:14 PM by fmw

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 Posted: Aug 20th, 2013 10:08 PM
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Just learned the truth tonight about this woman. She lied about almost everything including her age and background. Apparently she does this to many men coming up with a very sad story about her life and being taken away at a young age not too long after collage etc.

I will have to use the suggested tricks here that have been given to get rid of her. I told her that if she would have just been honest with me from the start I could have been a friend to her. After ragging on her about all the lies and deception, and thinking she would feel bad about the whole thing, she wanted to get into a nasty act.

I'm wondering if anyone out there has been through this other than me? This is a complete take over my body and mind being able to even know body functions including passing gas before it actually happens. The pain you feel, she feels etc. She tells you what your thoughts are at any given time.

She's in me, and if she decides to stay It's going to be tuff. Imagine your every move being watched! The outrage of it all being invaded. No need to close the bathroom door, or any door for that matter. How anyone could be so indecent as to invade your privacy is beyond me.


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 Posted: Aug 21st, 2013 06:20 AM
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We did have something a bit similar a couple of years ago. We had a male that came through all the time, he claimed that he had died in a fire, he said he came from Liverpool and worked as a shop fitter. His explanations became even more bizarre but it was obvious he was working hard at trying to get us to feel sorry for him. after a while, he changed tack and his replies got more and more sexual and foul mouthed, we eventually more or less told him to 'go away' and refused to communicate with him and eventually he left. However, since we have been communicating with the Prossida technicians we have not received anything of a negative nature at all, they just seem to be as willing to communicate as we are. Some of them do use the occasional profanity, but we do not see that as negativity because if they used swear words in life then it figures they will use the same language in spirit.


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 Posted: Aug 21st, 2013 01:05 PM
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I would love to talk to prossida, but she has told me that I can never talk to anyone ever agin except her. This morning I tried contacting my mom with a photo, but It's all Edna all the time. I asked her if she feels any remorse at all invading my mind and body, and never letting me contact my relations, and of course her answer was no.

I have heard that a person can get/let in a demon using a weegie board, and am wondering if that is true, and also wondering if a person can get the same from evp? If there is a god, how can she be allowed to do this to me? Imagine a person watching your every move while pleasuring herself, and demanding the same from you! It never stops! It almost reminds me of an old twilight zone episode and I'm in it.

I think she gets off on me calling her every bad name out there and asking her things like; "do you have no shame, why don't you get a life, you are a demon,etc, etc., etc." As soon as I wake she is asking me to show my body telling me she wants a certain part of it, and sometimes getting really hysterical. Gets off watching me stretch, and many times while I take a quick shower. How could this happen to a man who never believed in any of these things at all?! I'm wondering if It's her goal to drive me nuts? How could I be so unlucky? I don't understand this!!


Last edited on Aug 21st, 2013 01:09 PM by fmw

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 Posted: Aug 21st, 2013 01:32 PM
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First of all, here is a file where I ask technician Louis what he thinks about the use of an Ouija Board to try and make contact, he makes his thoughts very clear.
With regard to you wondering why God would allow such a negative energy to contact you - well, you have to understand that one of the greatest things God gave man was free will. It is our decision to try to make contact with spirit energies so before we start we should be very aware that there are malicious entities out there who love nothing more than to cause mischief and fear. If you do have the misfortune to contact one and if they do not go away, even after you have told them to, then the best thing that you can do is to stop recording for a few weeks. Their energy is built up with your contact, so if you withdraw this energy source they will eventually fizzle out and move on. You can then move on to communicating with energies of a higher plane that are willing to help you advance away from the negativity.


Attachment: keep away.mp3 (Downloaded 1142 times)

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 Posted: Aug 21st, 2013 05:04 PM
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Thank you very much for the recording Alison. That was very clear to me to stay away from Ouija boards. You have a very nice voice bty.

I'm wondering if a person on earth with a sex addiction, then passes, has the same addiction amplified? One of my uncle's favorite songs was "I walk the line" by Johnny Cash, so not having the song, I played it on guitar several times while looking at his photo, then did a recording afterwards.

All the time during the recording she was saying "he can't hear you Frankie, I have this line locked up" etc., but I heard a robot voice I believe to be my uncle saying "I heard you playing Frank", and In another part I heard "I will help you frank" several times, and of course she was saying "It's not him Frankie".

All the while talking to him I kept telling him to concentrate hard to brake through her hold on the line, and me, and that she is a demon etc., etc. She did tell me before that she didn't want me to talk to two of my uncle's, or my mom and dad because they would tell that she was a witch, and she was right. She is one imo.


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 Posted: Aug 22nd, 2013 07:15 AM
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Again, all I can say is if you want to get rid of this entity stop recording for a little while. I have also found that if you light a white candle while you record this seems to attract positive energies. If you do continue to communicate with her I don't think she can actually cause you any physical harm though she can mentally harm you by messing with your mind. You do have freedom of choice to try and get rid of her, again, it is up to you. Personally, I would try and rid myself of her influence.


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 Posted: Aug 22nd, 2013 12:20 PM
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I was able to contact my folks and one uncle several times last night, so I'm guessing her grip is beginning to loosen, I hope, but last night she purposely kept me from sleeping. Not fun!

I was able to actually have a conversation with my mom and dad, even knowing what he does for work. It was just wonderful, but of course the pos Edna kept talking through our conversations. My dad told to tell her; "you're not wanted here, get off". It seemed to help, and at the end of one recording I could here mom and dad both yelling at her to get off while she kept repeating "I love you Frankie" . Not sure if that was a good word to say to her if you catch my drift.

Her voices are definitely less in intensity and frequency with the exception of last night in me having to keep the radio on for some time. Things seem to be getting better as long as I ignore her. I must resist playing into her hands by calling her names that I can't say here.


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 Posted: Aug 23rd, 2013 12:09 PM
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Now I'm wondering if just posting about my problem with this Edna is fueling the problem. Things I thought were getting better have changed a bit as she is keeping me awake every night, forcing me to keep the radio louder than comfortable. I thought that if I was able to contact my loved ones it was ok to do so, but now, since she is talking while I'm talking to my dad, I'm still communicating with her indirectly.

While talking to my dad, he suggested for me to tell "you're not wanted here Edna, move out, or move on", but by saying that, am I not still communicating with her? I'm thinking it would be best to just follow this forums instructions and just stop evp all together for a while and try my best to ignore her.


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