View single post by alisonkirkbride
 Posted: Aug 21st, 2013 01:32 PM
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Joined: Mar 27th, 2012
Posts: 126

First of all, here is a file where I ask technician Louis what he thinks about the use of an Ouija Board to try and make contact, he makes his thoughts very clear.
With regard to you wondering why God would allow such a negative energy to contact you - well, you have to understand that one of the greatest things God gave man was free will. It is our decision to try to make contact with spirit energies so before we start we should be very aware that there are malicious entities out there who love nothing more than to cause mischief and fear. If you do have the misfortune to contact one and if they do not go away, even after you have told them to, then the best thing that you can do is to stop recording for a few weeks. Their energy is built up with your contact, so if you withdraw this energy source they will eventually fizzle out and move on. You can then move on to communicating with energies of a higher plane that are willing to help you advance away from the negativity.


Attachment: keep away.mp3 (Downloaded 1091 times)