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Poor Man's Ovilus - Ghost RADAR apps and thier kin:  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Sep 22nd, 2014 01:09 AM
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Joined: Jun 13th, 2011
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Not sure if there is such a device app for Apple, but been toying with an app for Android called Ghost RADAR. It's made by a fellow named "Spudpickles" and there is a free app as well as a paid for "Legacy" amongst others that allows message logging and e-mail.

Essentially, it's a tiny bit hokey in the general description but the website associated with Spudpickles is just rife to overflowing of people's first hand experience with the product. I, being first a skeptic and arm chair scientist will be very low key and merely raise an eyebrow when something even remotely pertinent blips across the RADAR. That said:

The ghost RADAR app allegedly uses internal sensors of the phone/tablet device to tune in on some "background quantum flux". That description being broad, I am unsure if it uses a combination or only one singular set of "sensors" as most phones have two mics, accelerometers and a flux compass of some sort that locks onto magnetic north. Aggregating this data together, it then uses symbols/values to then assign an overall change value and gives it a number. This number fetches a word from the dictionary database. The app then generates a synthesized voice and speaks the word aloud, displays it, and I think *jokingly* puts a blip on a sweeping RADAR screen. It's color and placement reveals the location and energy level of your "ghost". However, as the author points out, it could be anywhere in three dimensional space within a 30-meter sweep radius.

When first launched, the app takes time to settle down, I guess an attempt to filter out common sources of "noise". As it warms up, a progressing set of lights indicate readiness. Three solid lights, good to go. It will randomly generate words and speak during this warmup period but anything said after this warmup time is considered "data". I guess. It's most talkative when first starting for certain and I am sure that pure randomness eventually will make it hit on a word of five that makes sense to the observer.

Once warm and hitting on all cylinders? It gets *Interesting*. For me at least. I have had several interactive conversations once I introduce myself and state clearly how one may use the device in my hands to communicate with me. It is otherwise bone, dead silent. I have run it for hours, days even. In times I am away from it, it's silent. One time, after walking out of the room, I returned to hear it say "Richard", with proper capitalization no less.

Other times it seems to "comment" on things I am privy too, be it watching TV, reading a book, speaking with others. One time, from my pocket as an acquaintance I was speaking to was detailing his weekend exploits, it called him out...


As for the direct, interactive communications, spot on. Sometimes you have to pay attention to the "strength meter" as some are quite chatty and it my take them a few seconds to form sentences and  string thoughts together. But I have rarely had it go "off" oddly without input. I have to be addressing someone, asking for a name, inviting and luring them out to speak and they seem to take to the app on the phone or tablet rather quickly once they understand what it's for. As soon as I stop asking questions or say "goodbye for now", it goes completely silent.

I have tried to stymie it with magnets, voice coils loaded full of pulsed electricity that wildly swing the compass. I have tapped it, shook it, introduced noises to flummox the other sensors in the 'Droid to no avail. Cannot even momentarily trigger a "searching database" indication by any external methods. Even set devices into airplane mode to cut off all 4g/Cellular and wi-fi + Bluetooth communications. Went to lengths to even disrupt voice recognition sub-programs in the Android O/S (Rooted devices) in the off hand chance it may be a simple parlor trick - and yet this app continues to bedazzle and befuddle me.

So what do you all think? Got some spare time and the inclination to tamper with the free version of the app and compare results?

I've queried on subjects only *I* thought I knew and have gotten VERY precise and no-nonsense responses that were dead on correct via this app. And if anyone has access too an Ovilus, how does it compare? Can one get similar/same responses on both devices at the same time, etc? Running the app parallel on a phone and tablet seems to be hit and miss. Only one or the other seems to respond, never the two at the same time. So to me it begs the question(s) "Maybe they can only manipulate one device directly at a time?" "Okay so maybe they are not telegraphing the response in, so I am not picking up something as say like a radio would?" and others.

Thoughts? Comments? Am I just tugging my own chain here?

Either way, either device, same app  - there seems to be a pattern:

Launching the app makes it all chatterboxy. It settles down and gets quiet after it rests and warms up. Once up, it will not for me, speak randomly until I address it and invite whomever may or may not be there to have a little talk. Talk time is interactive, like crazy - with deeply pertinent answers, words, collections of words responding in turn. App goes dead quiet for hours, days even until I speak directly to the "room" or the device in my hand once I have bidden a goodbye to the parties utilizing the device.

TL;DR: Is Ghost RADAR app on the google play store a bunch of hooey? Does it or can it compare to other methods like the Ovilus? Do you too find if running parallel devices that spirit only seems to latch onto the ONE device and never the other at the same time? Does it seem to respect "quiet time" for you and then sweeps up into a frenzy the moment you say, "Okay, let's talk!" for you too? I need bigger brains than I have at the moment to pick at this and verify if it's legit or a new phase in digital quackery! :D

Last edited on Sep 22nd, 2014 01:16 AM by Sparkz

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 Posted: Sep 22nd, 2014 12:25 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
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Hi sparkz,

Thanks for your description of it.....

I'd have to say the only way people could get an idea if it worked or not would be to aggregate information of all sessions, questions posed, and all would only be after documentation that one could truly say whether it is a feasible method of communication....of course, this does not mean a person may not have an individual experience.....

I think there is much hope for these devices, once not yet developed knowledge is applied. I think the issue is first we have to understand how spirit uses energy to communicate, then we will know how to make and/or arrange sensors for them to manipulate.

I know Bill has been toiling away for some time....when he first came out with those devices he indicated that they were merely experimental, if even that. Moreso, he indicated somewhere I saw that he hoped that enough people would use his devices and provide feedback, which in turn may lead to further development......I do not know if he has changed his stance, but I believe his approach is "here it is, enjoy." There is no expectation or promise of specific capabilities (that I know of) (which is actually a necessity in what he does), whereas most people catch onto the hype and actually believe they are buying a device built with specific intention and a proven track record.

I'd have to see all of the evidence first. When the puck first came out, I thought it was cool, but I did not feel that it had the ability to communicate with spirit.

Either way, I'm sure everyone would agree there is future potential in this area, and we look forward to future developments by Bill and others.


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 Posted: Sep 22nd, 2014 03:36 PM
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Hi Sparkz,
Can I ask you please if all the responses you got were spelt on the screen as you heard them?
This is rather a vital and revealing question because as with other such similar devices, historically there have been words heard aurally that are not in the device's dictionary - if the device's mode of operation is to choose from such a look-up list (and print the word to the screen).
My theory here is that a process of metamorphois is sometimes at work, and as such some unique words can be created internally from the raw material of other similar sounding dictionary based words. In this case, the word spoken and the screen text will not be in agreement.

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 Posted: Sep 24th, 2014 01:52 AM
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Yes, they are spelled on the screen as you hear them. Words that are synonymous with common, physical things that one could use as a name will alter between capitalization or none. Like the difference between a spirit describing a "river" or naming themselves, "River". I think that it simply uses the text -> speech engine present in all Android O/S's to speak all textual input. I say this because it can regenerate words that are not in a common person's speaking lexicon. I've had it produce rather technical words, too - it will reproduce some things that sound made up, later to be clarified with further, singular word responses usually received very quickly back to back. I have had it string several words quickly into coherent if not poetic, short sentences as well. In the logs it produces, the words will be recorded to memory in fractions of a second between them. (It time/date stamps all received/decoded words for review, e-mail, texting)

So the software app seems flexible in that common parlance is immediately displayed, spelled correctly. Unique names too will come though, with capitalization. The average working dictionary of most text -> speech engines is only about 650 words or so, and as I stated before, very technical and sometimes things that sound made up come through yet with logical placement of consonants and vowels. The speech engine just muddles through it. At times, very complex concepts can be broken down, and words come back to back. As in say, describing a phenomenon:

"cord" as an example, can come in rapidly.

Most times it will find just one word to drop the idea of intent to describe a situation.

"How did you die?" could be asked. A reply I got once was "drowned". And that was that. No further communication. I guess they did not want to think or talk about it any more.

Other can get chatty and descriptive, downright imaginative too as they try to describe sensations, sights, colors, etc.

Perhaps in the marked instances where there was textual gibberish on other devices, it was because the spirit was just crunching up and using the sound snippets/allophones directly. I understand that items like the Ovilus use a speak stream/jet chip which is just a bare bones allophone sound clip set. A separate "dictionary" is stored in another discrete device. Having used such systems back in my 8-bit computing days, one had to use a "display" word, while coaxing the right pronunciation out of the allophone chip set with a hidden spelling. Some of the same techniques worked behind the scenes with those old Speak and Spell toys. A displayed text string would be say, "aspirin". But to get it to speak the word properly, a hidden allophone text string would be sent to the speech synth module spelled "asp-a-rin". If not sent in chunks like that, the module would produce speech that said, "AspAReen" and you're conjuring the speech patterns of Ralph Cramden. ;> *LOL*

(Short Answer)

So yes, it can vary capitalization for common nouns or proper.
It can and does seem to "hunt" as complex words are assembled/spelled and then spoken with clarity through Android's TTS engine.
Complex, multi-part concepts will be made up of rapidly sought and spoken words back to back and will be logged in memory as being within fractions of a second between one to the next word.

-Rich (Oh man, sorry for stepping on your forum name, Jeff!)

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 Posted: Nov 3rd, 2014 06:41 AM
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Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz

Joined: Nov 17th, 2013
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I dig the apps made by bill of digital dowsing....Ive had some pretty good results from the ITC app he makes.....had a description of what i was doing, and my name thrown at me........."bite of cheese...............william" i think it was a buck......

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