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The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec's Film in Brazil  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: Oct 24th, 2011 01:53 PM
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Joined: Apr 4th, 2010
Location: Canoas, Brazil
Posts: 64
The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec's Film in Brazil

[url=[/flash]  Movie Trailer of Spirit 07102011 debut in theaters in Brazil Bruno Alves (Reinaldo Rodriguez) is about 40 years after the death of his wife and more job loss, depression came hard, hopelessness and suicide took care of him seemed to be the best way. But to get an unknown "The Spirits' Book," the spiritual doctrine of fundamental work, changed his mind, everything changed for him, all hope is renewed, and can then better understand the meaning of life, he begins a journey in search of their happiness from understanding the mysteries of spiritual life.Read The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec.Help me my friend Keith, the posting of this movie trailer of the Spirits, and I'm sorry, maybe I did not do the right post. God is good.]


Movie Trailer of Spirit 07102011 debut in theaters in Brazil

Bruno Alves (Reinaldo Rodriguez) is about 40 years after the death of his wife and more job loss, depression came hard, hopelessness and suicide took care of him seemed to be the best way. But to get an unknown "The Spirits' Book," the spiritual doctrine of fundamental work, changed his mind, everything changed for him, all hope is renewed, and can then better understand the meaning of life, he begins a journey in search of their happiness from understanding the mysteries of spiritual life.

Read The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec.
Help me my friend Keith, the posting of this movie trailer of the Spirits, and I'm sorry, maybe I did not do the right post. God is good.[/url]

I wrote all captions, and posted the trailer for this film with legends in English, to facilitate the comprehension of my friends from the United States of America.
Jota Pedroso Brazil



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 Posted: Oct 31st, 2011 03:04 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
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Hi Jota,

I embedded the video for you. Where's the captions/subtitles that you mention?



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 Posted: Oct 31st, 2011 05:05 PM
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Location: Canoas, Brazil
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Keith Clark wrote: Hi Jota,

I embedded the video for you. Where's the captions/subtitles that you mention?




Response friend Keith, translation into Portuguese of Brazil, made by the translator frengly online:

``Oi Jota, eu embutido o vídeo para você. Onde está a legendas ocultas / legendas que você mencionou? Obrigado, ´´ Keith


Friend Keith. Answering the question what makes me, I answered; Below the video screen which says: `` CC '', Keith can give a click on `` CC '', then the drive is to make the subtitles. After trigger `` CC''will be `` CC '' in red, and the captions will appear automatically, like in the movies, and I have English subtitles for my friends understand the United States. Then tell me if he could see the subtitles.  Subtitles for captions, click on a `` CC''.  Sincerely, from southern Brazil Jota pedroso his friend, announcer of radio station.


Last edited on Oct 31st, 2011 05:08 PM by JotaPedrosoBR

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 Posted: Nov 3rd, 2011 09:47 AM
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Location: Canoas, Brazil
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*Céticos são pessoas bitoladas, normalmente patéticos com ares de cientista. Que expõem seus argumentos direcionados a um publico não menos patético, e que sabem tanto quanto os tais bitolados, mas que os admiram como geniais, dentro de um universo de burrice. * Jota Pedroso           Brazil, América do Sul

Translation by the translator frengly:

* Isometric Skeptics are people, usually with an air of pathetic scientist. They expose their arguments directed at a public no less pathetic, and who know as much as such narrow-minded, but who admire as ingenious, in a universe of stupidity. * Jota Pedroso               Brazil

* Sceptiques isométriques sont les gens, en général avec un air de science pathétique. Ils exposent leurs arguments destinés à un public pas moins pathétique, et qui savent autant que ces bornés, mais qui admirent aussi ingénieux, dans un univers de bêtise. * Jota Pedroso      Brazil


Gli scettici * isometrici sono persone, di solito con l'aria dello scienziato patetico. Espongono le loro argomentazioni rivolte ad un pubblico non meno patetico, e che sanno quanto tale di vedute ristrette, ma che ammirano come ingegnoso, in un universo di stupidità. * Jota Pedroso

Brasile, Sud America

* Ισομετρική σκεπτικιστές είναι οι άνθρωποι, συνήθως με έναν αέρα αξιολύπητο επιστήμονα. Θα εκθέσουν τα επιχειρήματά τους απευθύνονται σε ένα κοινό όχι λιγότερο αξιολύπητη, και οι οποίοι γνωρίζουν όσο τέτοιες στενόμυαλες, αλλά θαυμάζω ως έξυπνη, σε ένα σύμπαν της ανοησίας. * Jota Pedroso                Βραζιλία Νότια Αμερική


Attached Image (viewed 590 times):

humming_bird 3 voando mao.jpg

Last edited on Nov 3rd, 2011 09:53 AM by JotaPedrosoBR

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 Posted: Jan 18th, 2013 06:06 AM
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Location: Canoas, Brazil
Posts: 64
Text Inglês , ( Português Brasil ):
I was on Wednesday, 07 November 2012, around 11 am in front of my computer, in prayer, little had comforted a young, neighbor named Evandro, who came here crying telling me your grandma died, that was created, it was like a mother to him, explained that his grandmother, still alive, now in the spirit world, and he now has one more angel in heaven to watch over him, then , the web, when talking about conversations with spirits, with the Spirit world, through, tcm, tci, EVP, Portugal with a friend named Jane, something unusual happened here, came up to my house a few birdies, and a these landed on my window, where I was, and began to sing, and I then tried the camera and filmed this diálogo.É by these and other, I am Spiritist, and also by many sloths studying, not understanding, judge and condemn the doctrine of spirits, without any knowledge, without reasons, but out of ignorance, not knowing the truths of the infinite world around them, the Spirit world. Thank the Lord of Heaven, thank Spirits of Light, thank you Jesus, our Christ. Thank you for everything, for this visit so enjoyable. So be it. JPedroso. Canoas city, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Visit my web page: Dialogues with the side of it.

Eu, estava nesta quarta-feira, dia 07 de novembro de 2012, ao redor de 11 horas da manhã, frente ao meu computador, em oração, a pouco havia confortado um jovem, vizinho de nome Evandro, que aqui veio, chorando me dizendo ter morrido sua Vó, que o havia criado, que era como sua mãe para ele, lhe expliquei que sua vó, continua viva, agora no mundo dos espíritos, e que ele agora tem mais um Anjo no céu a zelar por ele, em seguida, pela web, quando dialogando sobre diálogos com os Espíritos, com o mundo Espiritual, através das,tcm, tci,EVP, com uma amiga de Portugal, de nome Jane, algo inusitado ocorreu aqui, veio alguns passarinhos ate minha casa, e um destes pousou na minha janela, aonde eu estava, e começou a cantar, e fui então, busquei a câmera e filmei esse diálogo.É por essas e outras, que sou Espirita, e também, que muitos por preguiças de estudar, não compreendendo, julgam e condenam a doutrina dos Espíritos, sem conhecimentos algum, sem razões, mas por ignorância, desconhecer as verdades do mundo infinito que os cercam, o mundo Espiritual. Muito obrigado ao Senhor do Céu, muito obrigado Espíritos de Luz, muito obrigado Jesus, nosso Cristo. Muito obrigado por tudo, por essa visita tão agradável. Assim seja. JPedroso. Canoas Rio Grande do Sul. Brasil . Visitem minha página na web: Diálogos com o lado de la.

Diálogo com os Pássaros 07 11 2012

Site in USA,Friend Joyce:

FERGS: Federação Espirita do Estado do rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. FERGS: Spiritist Federation of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Site,...Bird

Last edited on Jan 18th, 2013 06:12 AM by JotaPedrosoBR

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 Posted: Jan 18th, 2013 06:24 AM
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Joined: Apr 4th, 2010
Location: Canoas, Brazil
Posts: 64
DVD The Spirit's Book , [Allan Kardec], BRASILIAN MOVIE PICTURES, IN INGLES SUBTITLE. This is a movie of great quality, launching in Brazil. Here, ha this movie on DVD with sub titles in English, is a film made according to the book by Allan Kardec. It can be easily bought here, great to develop our learning about the Spirit world. :

I keep a group on facebook, with the majority of people are scientists, doctors, medical Brazil and abroad:
Grupo de Estudos Espíritas Científicos Acadêmicos (Group of Spiritist Studies Academic Scientific )

My site:

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