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ITC Bridge > Members > Introduce yourself > Open Letter to Keith Clark

ITC Bridge and are now VARANORMAL.COM Please visit: This site does not allow new registrations, and is now an online archive of a decade of Paranormal and ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) experimentation from 2007 - 2016 We thank you for a wonderful decade! ~ Keith Clark & Ron Ruiz

 Moderated by: Vicki Talbott, lance, Keith Clark, Deborah, ArizonaEvp  
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Joined: Aug 11th, 2010
Posts: 209
It sure has been quite dead around here, that's for sure.

I'd post more, but it seems no one is here anymore to listen.

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Hey Ty~~

Good idea!  It would discourage spammers, that's for sure! It's a pain when I see I got notification by email there is a reply to a posting, and then go see it is nothing related, and all spam.  That's what I hate!  I know sites like this have high's and low's, that is to be expected, but we need some definite direction here.  It seemed we had some great exchanges going on,  Is it possible that people have jumped ship here and gone to that one site,  Check it out and see if you recognize any names on there.

Frustrated or not, this site has gone down, and we need to get it back up again, with some assistance, I think.  A bit of a shakeup never hurt anyone!!


Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
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While I think the comments in this thread could certainly have had more tact and good taste and didn't evoke the warmest reaction on my part, I can relate to your expression of the spam issue.

It should always be remembered that nothing other than positive energy will be upheld here, regardless of the difficulties encountered - whether it be spammers, difficulty with the forum, difference of energy with another poster, etc. One of the biggest lessons I've learned interacting with others on the internet is forgiveness, and patience. And I recommend that everyone open their hearts to the same.

There are several things people need to understand.

Spam is a new issue, and it has fallen through the cracks because I haven't been checking my email as much as I used to, so I miss it. In order for me to invoke a manual process, someone has to be there to answer the emails. I work a full time job, and I have just moved for the 5th and final time in less than 20 months. If people wrote me and volunteered to assist with this, I would be more than happy to give this responsibility to the proper people, those who expressed patience, and longstanding sufferance and love. At the same time, I will not ask this favor of those who do not volunteer it. It has to come from within. But I must feel that the person has the understanding of what is expected of them, and I must trust them.

ITC Bridge was the first free forum in the United States. Please realize that it was pioneering for its time, but it is also a reflection of my stages of learning and spirituality. It was also created to be open to search engine spiders, designed that way specifically to provide a "live" document and provide searching power for the years ahead. You can search for ITC on various topics, and I guarantee you will find hits on ITC Bridge.

ITC Bridge is only one very small facet of the work I am here to do, it is like the first painting a painter paints. Of course, they continue to paint, and as they continue one day they look back at their first painting with fondness, but also with an experienced eye, realizing that their consciousness has shifted since that time.

This website is here for those to take advantage of it that desire to do so. It is not here to entertain, it should not require the constant "breathing of life" into it from me, that should come from those who have that burning desire within them, those that develop past the first stages of ITC into leaders and carry the torch - not of "proving it to the world", but of "teaching spirituality and soul improvement". ITC is one of the paths to that goal.

Rather than expecting others to "pick the site back up again", those that have the desire will automatically give of themselves for this purpose by undertaking the characteristics of those who have progressed past one of the first stages of working with ITC and spirituality - dropping the need for seeking approval from others, and in turn becoming a leader and then giving encouragement to others to develop in a forward motion.

Thoughts must shift to a point where everyone realizes that they themselves are individually empowered to contribute to the whole, and to help others.

If anyone disagrees, by all means please get fired up and start your own website! How do you think ITC Bridge got started? lol Diversity is a beautiful thing, and out of it comes even more beauty. Those that can see that will truly grow.

With love,


Joined: Aug 11th, 2010
Posts: 209

This was not a personal attack on you, so please forgive us our frustration.  If I had known there was a way to handle these spammers, trust me I would have done it ASAP!  The mention of the other site was premature on my part, it was just brought o my attention that it appears to be on off shoot another site that a lot of us use to belong to, but sadly had to depart from.  I have just found out who the moderator is, so that'one more reason to try and stay here, and not go there.

We all have a common goal I think,and that is to share knowledge as we learn it.  But it felt like no one was home here!  I guess we all pretty much looked to you for basic direction, maybe that was too much to ask?  It can be hard moving from place to place as many times as you have, I sure wouldn't want to be in your shoes.

But, now that we have gotten your attention, let us try and work things out, please!!  This site has gotten so quiet, it doesn't even seem to be the same place as it was when I first joined!  I am not sure you were aware of the personal interactions between members off site, and that is where we have exchanged a lot of ideas and information.  I think some of us felt that we were pretty much on our own lately.

We are just human,  and how easily we become bored and distracted.  It is good to know this place is here, so we all should try and take advantage of it as much as possible, Moderators and members alike!



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what? explain


Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Europe
Posts: 291
Hi to all,

I felt the frustration you guys are having now. Haven't been here for a while but i remember those times i wrote to Keith about it.

I think it's got to do with growing. And i think it means good news, it means that we're growing up from a dream.

I can't tell how many layers of dreamworlds we have to transcend but ITC sure seems one now.

Well at least to me it looks like that. I'm 22 now and i think i wasted too much time with this. It hasn't been wasted of course, that was the quantity i needed then to be able to see differently now.

And one more thing to correct myself. I'm not through yet with it so that's why i came back. And it's not just itc. It's the whole "paranormal world" that is also dying. Of course it's not for those who are still starting to get in touch with it now, but for us that's the reflection we get.

I can't explain it better. You've got to feel it, you've got to breath the fresh air.


Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
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and here's a song i like :)

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