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ITC Bridge > Build a Bridge > Listings for people seeking to work together > Propose to start A "spirit world crime solving site" |
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Propose to start A "spirit world crime solving site" | Rating: |
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Posted: Jun 22nd, 2012 04:08 PM |
41st Post |
pol Member
pol wrote:VERY HARD to comprehend how a husband could murder the mother of 3 young girls - no matter for what reason or provocation. "He's evil" (female) .. was looking at his photo online. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/queensland/accused-wifekiller-gerard-badenclay-denied-bail-20120622-20s73.html One could be forgiven for thinking the guy connived to construct a self-incriminating scenario ~ through a wealth of circumstantial evidence .. with the aim of profiting through compensatory damages ?
Posted: Jun 22nd, 2012 05:11 PM |
42nd Post |
EVP-ITC Research and Development Member
Will you post these EVPs so that we may hear them? It would be interesting to listen to. Jayne
Posted: Jun 25th, 2012 03:38 PM |
43rd Post |
pol Member
Still have to learn how to post EVP's, have been instructed (but being taught -& learning, can be 2 different things!) - as well as EVP's unfortunately commonly quite faint - & so time consuming to repeat play over & over to be personally satisfied on the accuracy. Would love to see the day when serious crime is as easy to solve as to perpetrate!
Posted: Jun 25th, 2012 03:52 PM |
44th Post |
pol Member
pol wrote:Haven't gotten very far with this unsolved crime .. although the parents remain firm in their belief the girl is still alive, which I much doubt . (along with the detectives working on case). Messages received after author of "Missing You" (a book on Aust's missing persons) appeared on TV & spoke about this case... (I hadn't asked any questions pre- or after switching on recorder) "American" .. "American" "His name is Rock" "His name is Eugine" (female) (Eugine Rock? .. sounds like someone involved in the 'child sex trade') Returning.. might, in July (Eugine Rock returning from America?) "She's dead" (female) (prev. told several times over she was dead) "The mother is in pain" (female) - "of loss" (male) Last edited on Jun 25th, 2012 04:49 PM by pol |
Posted: Jun 27th, 2012 12:23 PM |
45th Post |
dkenda Member
Hi everybody! My aunt and I worked on the Caylee Anthony case here in Florida...Aunt, who's an incredible (though private) Spirit medium, started getting info right away -visions, feelings, direct communication- She 'saw' the whole thing down to the disposal of the body. The investigation led us to a cemetery with a bacterial filled, stagnant lake (she felt absolutely certain the child was submerged in it). While there, she found buried clothes...called the police who collected the clothes (incl a sports bra, size 2T Winnie the Pooh undies, shoes, a plastic eye-drops bottle etc.) and promptly dismissed her urges to dredge the lake. She went online and told what she knew- The cash reward being what it was- Well, let's just say it came as no surprise the final bacteria report suggested the body was relocated. (It was in the police report she filed that day that they would find the body in a black plastic bag, the head wrapped in duct tape- and something about a 'sacred heart'...Casey had placed a heart sticker on the duct tape over Caylee's mouth.) The fact remains- several good psychics got clues galore and it didn't really affect the outcome. When you have these abilities, it's nearly impossible NOT to use them when so much is at stake. She got vivid clues as to the whereabouts of a girl in another state who was held captive and alive when she 'saw' the situation (from the girl's point of view), but was later found dead. Each case can be a complicated and emotionally wrenching endeavor- Kenda Last edited on Jun 27th, 2012 12:26 PM by dkenda |
Posted: Jun 27th, 2012 01:23 PM |
46th Post |
pol Member
siteseer wrote:
Came across this answer- recorded some time ago .. "Dead .. he'll be found dead"
Posted: Jun 28th, 2012 05:40 PM |
47th Post |
pol Member
Police Investigating the "Bung" Siriboon case announce a "breakthrough" in the case ... consisted of a new reported sighting of the girl 130 metres from the school gate on morning she disappeared... Golly gee! (I expected they actually arrested a suspect). http://knox-leader.whereilive.com.au/news/story/breakthrough-in-bung-case/
Posted: Jun 28th, 2012 11:31 PM |
48th Post |
pol Member
dkenda wrote:
Kenda .. it sounds very odd - for don't know how testing of a septic lake can determine the presence or absence / or relocation of a body ??
Posted: Jun 29th, 2012 04:01 AM |
49th Post |
dkenda Member
Hi Pol, Testing makes it possible to identify specific strains of bacteria in any one area- but that wasn't the issue... Aunt was sure the body was within reach, just under the water- she could 'see' the little girl's remains; In fact she told police officers she could easily wade in and pull her out. The ranking detective dissuaded her, "This lake's so full of bacteria- put one toe in that water, you'll die!" Luckily all psychic clues were included in the police report and after much prodding, they sent her a copy. It gets 'worse' -Aunt has a good friend who's an investigative reporter for a major market in Florida- Over the years she's shared several predictions with him- all of which came to fruition. She asked him to question police about developments in the area she slated, his response- "No body, no case." Brush off.(???) People are just flat-out afraid of this stuff (especially in the 'Bible Belt') During the Caylee case there were many Blog threads dedicated entirely to psychic predictions- complete with aerial maps with specific 'zones' delineated, etc. -Aunt uploaded the entire police report on one of them. (There are sites for this purpose dedicated to finding missing persons) The other very real consideration- if you were to lead authorities to a crime scene, guess who they are most apt to investigate? I'm not saying "don't" but it isn't as cut and dried as it seems- We found out the hard way. Kenda P.S. On a hunch I recorded a Jailhouse phone conversation between Caylee's mother, Casey, and her grandfather, George Anthony- the little girl's energy is speaking over the phone to George- interesting. You can see the video of the call (There are 3 EVPs -each plays 3 times; The second one is the most prominent): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Wv0CgZxv_U Last edited on Jun 29th, 2012 04:14 AM by dkenda |
Posted: Jul 1st, 2012 06:06 PM |
50th Post |
pol Member
Kenda.. I'm curious how you came to record the phone conversation ? - incidentally you reminded me of the 9/11 phone calls (some calls were played on radio here), in which some background voices appear to be EVPs. Unfortunately the radio station hasn't issued online audio of the particular calls, -which were amongst thousands. I reckon time is ripe for psychics/ psychic mediums everywhere (if they have genuine ability, like your Aunt) to shake-off any qualms about 'asserting their powers' .. may require more inventive ways of getting their message out /relaying info, perhaps. Ideally, there should be worldwide- official panels of psychics & psychic mediums collaborating on major unsolved crimes. As for those who would be "afraid" contemplating the 'unseen realms' - I consider them immature & ridiculous.. and just let the jibes wash over. Last edited on Jul 1st, 2012 06:19 PM by pol |
Posted: Jul 2nd, 2012 03:40 AM |
51st Post |
dkenda Member
I stumbled on the phone video by accident- Walking through the living room -the TV happened to be on- I heard Spirit talking within the conversation! Got my attention- I grabbed the recorder. It was another phone call between Casey/Cindy/George Anthony- On that particular tape other spirits talk about Casey's character, etc. in very basic terms. The call in the video was presented as evidence immediately following the first- Caught it all. A direct recording is available online, or at least it was, other people recorded it and confirmed the EVPs. Caylee speaks throughout- although too blended to decipher in most instances. Also noticed she could be heard playing, singing in the open courtroom- too late for crime solving purposes, but really interesting. Have noticed another aspect that might be of interest- I ask about the 'quality' of an individual's "life force" and Spirit can indicate the health or lack thereof of said person (dead or alive). Though results have been accurate in all the cases that they answered, sometimes they'll withhold the info stating, "it isn't beneficial for the (person's) family" -in terms of working through separation issues(??) Just because someone 'sees' a crime taking place or even knows exactly who the perpetrator is doesn't mean the evidence will be there to make it stand up in court. When I was young a wonderful medium brought a message from a deceased friend of mine from High School. The friend identified her killer (she was shot point blank range) and asked me specifically not to let his father "get him off again" (His Dad is a very high profile attorney). This was the 3rd time this guy had tried to off a girlfriend, the 2nd girl lived right next door to me- he burned the house down hoping she would perish. Loved hearing from my friend- at a total loss as to what to do with the message! Kenda
Posted: Jul 12th, 2012 08:26 AM |
52nd Post |
pol Member
It's good to see TV programs increasingly showing interest in covering the topic of spirit communication ie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFMrblsSTWE In relation to murdered/missing children -& others, it can be useful to study past photo's to glean something of "a history" (or otherwise) from the projected 'state of mind' of the person, for instance -the person's composure/expression may (commonly) suggest being ill-at-ease/angry/sad .. in which case one could reasonably point suspicion towards foul play (by someone closely related) or otherwise suicide. I gleaned a history with Caylee Anthony. Last edited on Jul 12th, 2012 08:30 AM by pol |
Posted: Jul 12th, 2012 04:12 PM |
53rd Post |
pol Member
We have a crime reporting service in Oz.."CrimeStoppers" .. I have no hesitation in passing on whatever info. I receive from spiritworld... perhaps at some point police may be persuaded to see fit to incorporate inquiries with Spirit whenever they set up a police caravan at the last known sighting of missing persons. Would love to see the day when police publicly acknowledge assistance in solving crimes from spirit. I have also used Google Earth - Streetview as another tool, guided by spirit. Last edited on Jul 12th, 2012 04:15 PM by pol |
Posted: Jul 14th, 2012 07:36 PM |
54th Post |
pol Member
Who killed Donald MacKay ? "Gangsters" .. "Bazley" .. "He did it" (sounded like "Paisley" however) (referring to the Mafia, involved in marijuana trade) James Frederick Bazley was charged with Mackay's murder. (according to Wikipedia) Can't recall a large reward prev. offered to find a person's remains~ http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/true-crime-scene/k-reward-for-the-recovery-of-griffith-businessman-donald-mackays-remains/story-fnat7jnn-1226425129837 Last edited on Jul 15th, 2012 03:48 PM by pol |
Posted: Jul 15th, 2012 07:38 PM |
55th Post |
pol Member
pol wrote:
For example- This woman projects something seriously discomforting in her life: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/police-divers-join-missing-woman-search/story-fncynkc6-1226426390621 http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/case-of-missing-warwick-grandmother-gail-lynch-is-suspicious-police-say/story-e6freon6-1226424391880 Spirit says "she was murdered" .. along with "cut legs"... "She will cross" (cross-over to appropriate dimension) Most likely by former boyfriend. Last edited on Jul 16th, 2012 08:14 AM by pol |
Posted: Jul 22nd, 2012 10:43 AM |
56th Post |
pol Member
Violent Crime! - I'm OVER IT!! I wonder if the situation was reversed, that is- the overwhelming majority of crimes were being perpetrated by females, how do you reckon the world would react ? It would be safe to say that both the male & female population simply wouldn't stand for it... I dare say we'd even have marches in the street demonstrating over the situation. Unfortunately it seems there still remains remnants of the 'excuse' of "boys will be boys" in relation to male engagement in violence. Greater gravity needs to be ascribed to violent crime of all sorts - reflected in harsher sentences (it's time a referendum was conducted re. introduction of death penalty in those countries which don't currently have it.. Aust being one) The ever-increasing incidences of violent crime (together with an escalation in magnitude of violent events) cannot but have a major impact upon the collective morale of societies. Last edited on Jul 22nd, 2012 06:26 PM by pol |
Posted: Jul 28th, 2012 07:52 PM |
57th Post |
pol Member
pol wrote:
Ex-boyfriend charged with her murder.. What does it say about human bonding when a preponderance of murders (besides mass murders) are being perpetrated by persons closely associated (at one time) to the victims ?? Last edited on Jul 28th, 2012 08:19 PM by pol |
Posted: Jan 24th, 2013 02:29 AM |
58th Post |
pol Member
Police have cleared the "friend" (42 yo male) of involvement in this missing woman's disappearance... however spirit say "he's lying" with his version of events.... http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/2013/01/24/08/00/grave-fears-for-missing-vic-woman How I came upon the message "he's lying" .. I was looking to erase an old recording (not an EVP recording) so I could have recording space to record response by spirit in relation to this woman's disappearance... (after watching night-time news) however at the start of the old recording -I hear "he's lying" - which would seem to pertain to her friend's version of events... This scenario happens quite frequently - where I don't have to actually record at all - the (relevant) message just mysteriously appears at the start of old recordings. However police report the friend is not a suspect ? Last edited on Jan 24th, 2013 04:20 AM by pol |
Posted: Jan 24th, 2013 06:59 AM |
59th Post |
eyewave Member
looks very interesting!! I get names, numbers, places , faces etc in dreams but I dont know if they are real.however I keep all the information when I dream about murders----- the last one was 2 weeks ago.
Posted: Jan 24th, 2013 07:53 AM |
60th Post |
eyewave Member
I would like to make a website about my dreams in case any details are important to others as I often have names etc that for me mean nothing. I get lost when I try to look online as not all the news are put online. no idea where to start and if I should do this --what help could it do etc------ the murder site is a good idea
Posted: Jan 25th, 2013 06:44 AM |
61st Post |
eyewave Member
similar website -- look down there is a section/video of murder cases http://www.victorzammit.com/week13love/
Posted: Jan 28th, 2013 07:23 PM |
62nd Post |
pol Member
eyewave wrote:similar website -- look down there is a section/video of murder cases http://www.victorzammit.com/week13love/ Amazing accuracy of detail from this psychic medium, also amazed by report of still "fresh organs" of murdered woman after over 3 months dead. A tear-jerker at the end.. elicited by the poignant messages: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H_NiTwyJ8o
Posted: Jan 28th, 2013 07:28 PM |
63rd Post |
pol Member
pol wrote:Police have cleared the "friend" (42 yo male) of involvement in this missing woman's disappearance... however spirit say "he's lying" with his version of events.... Guilty as charged!
Posted: Jan 28th, 2013 07:41 PM |
64th Post |
pol Member
Missing teenager Bonnie McSweeney http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/concern-over-teenage-girl-bonnie-mcsweeney-who-went-missing-in-castlemaine/story-e6frf7kx-1226563720953 Grandmother of missing girl goes on radio this morning very distressed, fearing the worst... Spirit tell me "she's alive" ... She was found safe & well... although likely she was already in police custody even before grandmother's call... (our police can be tardy with relaying info.) Last edited on Jan 28th, 2013 07:44 PM by pol |
Posted: Jan 29th, 2013 12:47 PM |
65th Post |
eyewave Member
how does spirit contact you? what do you do with the information you receive?
Posted: Jan 29th, 2013 04:08 PM |
66th Post |
pol Member
eyewave wrote:how does spirit contact you? what do you do with the information you receive? I just use a digital voice recorder, -also found it not necessary to be accompanied with other equip. emitting 'white noise' either. (maybe EMR's -electro-magnetic radiation, around the home aid their communication ?).. also found having used EVP for obtaining answers relating to crimes & missing persons for some years, the accuracy seems to have improved -maybe the passage of time has helped spirit world get their act together in this regard I usually pass the info. onto our Crimestoppers (a community crime prevention & reporting service).. & sometimes the media- primarily as a prompt to get media taking the tool of EVP seriously.
Posted: Jan 29th, 2013 04:33 PM |
67th Post |
pol Member
pol wrote: Amazing accuracy of detail from this psychic medium.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H_NiTwyJ8o Given Debra Martin's outstanding ability (one of the best psychic mediums I've come across (well going by her efforts in this one murder case alone) .. am wondering why she isn't more well known? - hadn't heard of her previously. Wondering if she has at all endeavoured to solve some of the world's famous murder & missing person's cases such as that of JonBenet Ramsey & Madeleine McCann ?
Posted: Jan 30th, 2013 10:48 AM |
68th Post |
pol Member
pol wrote:Missing teenager Bonnie McSweeney Possibly this common occurrence I exp. could be considered psychic in nature.. for instance - prior to hearing of this girl's disappearance, it occurred to me how the general serious crime rate seems to drop at times of natural disasters, etc... (we've lately had bush fires & floods in parts of Aust).. hence having the preceding thought actually allayed my fear of the girl having met with foul play. Another noteworthy instance concerned a time of being urged (from somewhere?) to get on radio & speak about the bushfire hazard during the summer of 2009 -incl. a message for potential arsonists... However I regretted that I didn't get around to it (not that I thought my message would have had any great impact!). Subsequently our State incurred a most severe bushfire resulting in Aust's highest ever loss of life from a bushfire ( & as I recall at least one person convicted of arson). At least now I've learnt (somewhat) to pay attention to my thoughts & ideas.
You have chosen to ignore Rachel EVP Voices. click Here to view this post |
Posted: Feb 3rd, 2013 07:14 PM |
70th Post |
pol Member
I've abandoned the 'spirit world crime solving website' idea - however had never intended it to be regarded with total seriousness & certainly never with the apprehension that EVP could be considered a viable, reliable source of evidence... basically just intended as an experiment to begin. Presently I just pass whatever I get onto police /others, (no matter how brief) & if in the case the info. proves correct, then can only aid in assuming added credibility to the phenomena. And if the results aren't currently exactly brilliant .. then what's to say the passage of time won't yield improved results .. for refinement must surely also take place on the other side, one would expect. Last edited on Feb 3rd, 2013 07:18 PM by pol |
You have chosen to ignore Rachel EVP Voices. click Here to view this post |
Posted: Feb 6th, 2013 04:52 AM |
72nd Post |
pol Member
siteseer wrote:
Came across the info. "murdered" .. & something about "nasty people".... the recording was made some time ago when I enquired with spirit re. this missing fellow, but may have missed the response at the time ?... (unless it was added on later - which seems can strangely occur ) .. now can't immediately locate. ~ If these spirits are in fact just taking (lucky) guesses, well it doesn't portray them as very positive - optimistic souls! .. most often the responses aren't good. Last edited on Feb 6th, 2013 05:18 AM by pol |
Posted: Feb 8th, 2013 08:10 PM |
73rd Post |
pol Member
Rachel EVP Voices wrote:Hi Pol Hi Rachel I don't pass audio's of my EVPs onto authorities, I only send texts -& only when satisfied (as much as can be) I'm hearing correct So far have remained anonymous, -so can't say what their response / treatment of info has been. (probably if I incl. contact details, I doubt I'd even get a response) The idea of using EVP at crime scenes entered my mind -consequent to having received many EVP's relating to matters in my immediate environment which were in fact quite spot on... hence extending to crime scenes ~ may yield similarly accurate 'eye-witness' results ~ from spirits attached to those locations.
You have chosen to ignore Rachel EVP Voices. click Here to view this post |
Posted: Feb 10th, 2013 04:11 AM |
75th Post |
eyewave Member
and what about the girl Isabele celis ?http://abcnews.go.com/US/isabel-celis-missing-girls-mom-defends-embattled-dad/story?id=16385286
Posted: Feb 11th, 2013 02:52 PM |
76th Post |
pol Member
"Novy's Dead" http://www.goldcoast.com.au/article/2013/02/11/447007_gold-coast-news.html Don't think I've ever had any cases where I've been told they are dead -but was wrong. Who killed Novy? .. "her husband" Last edited on Feb 11th, 2013 03:25 PM by pol |
Posted: Feb 12th, 2013 09:27 AM |
77th Post |
pol Member
http://abcnews.go.com/US/isabel-celis-missing-girls-mom-defends-embattled-dad/story?id=16385286 "She's dead".. How I came upon the message . I was looking to erase an old recording (not an EVP recording) so I could have recording space to record response by spirit in relation to Isabel's disappearance... (whilst having her photo on screen) however at the start of the old recording I hear "she's dead".. This scenario happens quite frequently - where I don't have to actually record at all - the (relevant) message just mysteriously appears at the start of old recordings. On a separate recording .. "She is dead" .. "Bill" ... "Bill Hurt" (sounding like "Hurt" / or could mean Bill hurt her ? My feeling is same as the investigators, that is she was taken by someone known or local to the area - who likely saw her / was in her company the previous day.
You have chosen to ignore Rachel EVP Voices. click Here to view this post |
Posted: Feb 18th, 2013 06:45 AM |
79th Post |
dkenda Member
Amen Rachel. Law enforcement has a tough time dealing with PHYSICAL evidence...they can't/won't change direction or approach an individual as a suspect on a sparse psychic tip- impossible to present in court or make it "stick" (Not saying I agree, but it's the way of the world) On the subject of contaminated or misconstrued EVP: I've gathered clips which, at first pass, appeared to relate to a current crime investigation- but, in fact, were actually related to a long passed situation in a nearby area... Then there are the communications that refer to a MOVIE or TV SHOW (only becomes glaringly apparent upon viewing!) I'm of the opinion telling someone their Loved One is dead causes more harm than good- They go through the grieving process naturally anyway and there's always the risk of repeating "the Sylvia Browne syndrome"- it's horribly awkward when they find the person alive. Kenda Rachel EVP Voices wrote: I'm curious as to why we would take EVP seriously in the context of crime. Unless it's recorded in a secure environment in front of witnesses and has very specific information, surely it couldn't count as evidence?
Posted: Mar 19th, 2013 05:33 PM |
80th Post |
pol Member
siteseer wrote:
Again.. "he was murdered" (after his sister appeared on TV) Through experience, have to credit where there's consistency in response... esp. when from more than one respondent.
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