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How to record live sessions with DC6?  Rate Topic 
 Posted: May 19th, 2009 04:12 PM
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Joined: May 18th, 2009
Posts: 5
Hi again.

I  read on this board about using DC6 to record live sessions with EVP. I get the general idea and downloaded the program and trying it out.

The thing I can't figure out is how you can record the session with the Live mulit-filter with DC6, so that you can go back and listen later. It seems a bit much if you need to use another program like Audacity or Audition to record it.

Could someone please help me figure out how you get the program to record the session? It feels like it should be possible to record and save a file using the Live mulit-filter, but I guess I can be wrong.

The programs HELP file isn't much help to me in this.


T.C Ninnisen

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 Posted: May 19th, 2009 08:26 PM
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Keith Clark

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Hi Ninnisen,

I always run my audio into DC6/7, and then out into another computer....I know you can filter recordings and live audio, but have never done what you are describing.

The catch-22 that you run into is: if you want to record whats coming out of your sound card, then you have to select wave/stereo out for recording. Problem is, once you do this, you have just unselected the audio source that you want DC6/7 to filter. (line/mic input) The issue is that you cannot select 2 audio sources simultaneously for filtering and recording......

If you do find a way around it, let me know.

What we need is a software app for routing audio through various places on one pc, like in midi.............



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 Posted: Jun 29th, 2009 05:32 PM
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Hi Ninnisen,

Yes,  you can record a session with the Live Multi-filter and review it later.
The manual is a bit fuzzy on how to do it but it can be done.

Is your version of DC6 a demo version or fully registered?  If it is just a demo version you are limited to (I think) 60 sec of recording.  If it is fully registered,  you can record until your hard drive is full.

If you could provide more info on your setup and input device,  I may be able to help you to nail it down exactly.  Do you want to use a microphone or line input device?

Are you doing a straight up evp session or are you wanting to try something different?

How important is it for you to hear the session through your headphones as you record?


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 Posted: Jun 30th, 2009 02:45 PM
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 As I mentioned in the previous post,  you can record using the Live function of DC6/7.
The following is a cut & paste from the AAEVP website (techniques page) on setting up your input device:   (kudos to them for keeping me from having to explain this step)
“To configure a personal computer so that the input sound is directed to DC6, open the SOUND AND AUDIO DEVICES program in the Control Panel, select the AUDIO tab and click on the SOUND PLAYBACK VOLUME button. Select all of the MUTE check boxes except WAVE and PLAYBACK. Click on the SOUND RECORDING VOLUME button and select the MICROPHONE check box.”
Now on to DC6/7
If you are just using the demo version you can only record for about 60 seconds.  You will need to exit and restart the multi-filter window in order to record another 60 seconds.
I you have a registered version;  you can record till your hard drive is full.
Once you’ve opened DC6/7:
Click the  Filter  tab on the taskbar
Select  Multi Filter
A new window opens
From here you can drag and drop whichever filters you want to use
Let’s keep it simple and only use  Continuous Noise 1
Once the Continuous Noise icon is in the Multi-filter window,  double click the icon
This brings up the properties window for Continuous Noise
Make sure the CNF Mode window shows  Normal CNF
Lets keep things simple by using the following settings by highlighting the appropriate box and entering the following values:
Set  Attack  to 10
Set  Release  to 50
Set  Attenuation  to 25
Do Not Click On The Preview Button Of This Window.  It will crash the program and you will have to start again.  This feature is Only for an audio file you already have open.
Click on the  Close  button to return to the Multi-Filter window
From the Multi-Filter window:
Click the  Browse  button
The  My Music  folder of your  My Documents  folder opens up
Give your File a name  (do not use DC6/7LiveLog.wav as your file name)
Your  File Type  should already say  Wave
Click the  Open  button
This brings you back to the Multi-Filter window
You are now ready to record
Do not turn on your speakers.  Use Headphones or Earbuds
Click the  Live Preview button
Say something  (test..test)
You will hear a delay in your voice….this is ok.  It will not affect the recording
When you are ready:
Click the  Log Output  button  (once and only once)
When you want to stop recording Click the  Log Output  button again
Close out the Multi-Filter window
Go to the My Music folder in you’re my Documents  folder and you should see your recorded file.
You can now open your file with an audio program and fiddle with it to your hearts content.
Depending on your computer setup,  you may have to adjust the Continuous Noise settings till you find what works best for you.  Same goes for other filters you may want to play with.   Just make several test files till you’re happy with the result and then begin your sessions in earnest. 
If you’re going to tell me that you want to use your headphones to listen as your record but the voice delay is messing you up when you ask questions….I don’t know what to tell you other than to have someone else ask the questions or just muddle through it by asking your question without stopping.
You can also print out your questions on paper and tape them nearby.  Explain to the spirit your problem and ask them to answer the questions in the order it is written.  They do know how to read.  If you haven’t tried this method;  do so.  It really does work
I sure hope this works for you.  I use DC7 and this method works for me.


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 Posted: Jul 9th, 2009 03:24 PM
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Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
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For those of you pulling your hair out trying to find a decent filter to use when doing a live recording session….may I offer the following recommendation.
The Brick Wall Filter with BandPass engaged.
The reason I like this filter is because it only allows the frequency settings you choose to pass through the filter and onto your computer recording.
There are many paranormal websites that will point out that EVP voices are usually contained within a certain frequency range.  Through the use of a simple 10 band equalizer I have found no discernable voices above 6000Hz.
If you are generating any type noise to help facilitate a stronger voice response,  the brick wall filter may be just the thing for you. 
If you are using white noise upwards of 20,000Hz,  a brick wall filter set to shunt everything over 6000Hz will save you ears from having to listen to unnecessary background noise.

 I would recommend using only the brick wall filter for a live recording session because you can always use your de-nosier when reviewing your recording.
I did both a brick wall and continuous noise and the end result was not pretty.
To access the Brick Wall Filter,  use the steps listed above but select Brick Wall instead of Continuous Noise. 
Double-Click the Brick Wall Icon to bring up the properties of the filter.  

First thing to do is to select the Bandpass button.
Set your Frequency to 50 (or whatever you wish)
Set your Upper Frequency to 5000  (or whatever you wish)
Set your Length to a fairly low number such as 50 ***
 ***Length (Samples from 0 to 4094) - The larger the value of this parameter, the greater the degree of signal rejection beyond the frequency settings you have chosen.  A low setting of length will allow a bit of bleed over above and below your frequency settings but for EVP purposes,  this is not that great of a concern.
Keep in mind the higher the setting of Length, the harder your CPU has to work.  Large values of Length will indeed cause less bleed over but it also takes longer to process the recording, which in turn might make your computer stutter in preview or live real time modes.
Here again you can always make several test runs before you begin recording in earnest.
Just a thought,

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