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Joined: Jun 4th, 2013
Location: Mountain Center, California USA
Posts: 34
Rachel, I'm hearing "we caught it" on #1 "ignite it". Don't know if that helps as that is just my ears.



Joined: Mar 27th, 2012
Posts: 126
Hi Rachel,

Brilliant captures again - the only one I hear differently is number 5, in that I hear 'Was she dead?'.


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Joined: Jul 25th, 2009
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Rachel, I hear..

1. Is magic

2. The police moved me

3. Yeah I'll try to help you out dude

4. You want the common stuff - Grandfather

5. That is your goal Louise - Ready, I'm wanting to do it

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Joined: Mar 27th, 2012
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Hi Rachel,

Hope you are well. I look forward to seeing your presentation, I know it will have gone well.


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Joined: Mar 27th, 2012
Posts: 126
Hi Rachel,

Well done! that was really amazing and your examples are first class. As you know, we use a totally different method to you and have also noticed the wide variety of accents from Scottish to Indian. I know that we will never change the minds of a lot of the dedicated sceptics out there but videos such as this really should go a long way to help people understand that physical death is certainly not the end. I am so thrilled for you, excellent job.



Joined: Feb 10th, 2007
Location: Aberdare., United Kingdom
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Hi Rachel.... I really enjoyed your presentation and your EVP were brilliant!!
Take care, Lance

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Domenic Capaldi

Joined: Jun 30th, 2013
Posts: 21
Hi Rachel,
                            Thanks for sharing your your presentation a great piece of work backed up with impressive evidence.
Best wishes


Joined: Jul 25th, 2009
Posts: 483
Looks very interesting Rachel / the clarity of EVPs!.

Need to set aside adequate time to watch.

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Super Moderator

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Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
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Excellent Presentation Rachel!!

I enjoyed hearing the impetus of your work and the manner you carried it forward by way of research.

I also liked the different accents you picked up in your EVP examples.



Joined: Jun 5th, 2012
Location: Inverness, Scotland
Posts: 85
Hi Rachel, I've just watched/listened to your video. Fascinating, particularly the voices captured on two devices simultaneously. You seem to have some very promising developments.

Thank you for not prompting listeners with your voiced interpretation first. I think this is very important.

I have some questions and observations:

1) Is it possible to increase the sampling rate of the digital recorders? This would reduce/eliminate the metallic-sounding voices of the 'real' people and the EVPs, although will reduce the length of recording time.

2) Do you have access to a reasonably good quality analogue tape recorder and microphone that you could use simultaneously with the other two?

3) Do the voices only ever speak in the gaps of your conversations?

4) If you are able to get frequent, reliable EVPs, I think it would be an important experiment if you could have at least one recorder with the microphone disconnected, or a dummy one of equivalent electrical characteristics (so the recorder's electronics 'thinks' a microphone is connected). The test may give clues to how the voices are 'getting in'.

As in most of these recordings, the peculiar fragments of the voices are frustrating. I mean, if they can do that, why not something a bit longer - I think there's a clue there if we did but know it!

BTW, did you ever confirm the existence of Percy in your house?



Last edited on Sep 17th, 2013 08:36 AM by Jan

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Last edited on Sep 17th, 2013 04:18 PM by Jan


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Last edited on Sep 17th, 2013 04:19 PM by Jan


Joined: Jun 5th, 2012
Location: Inverness, Scotland
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Hi Rachel and thanks for the detailed reply.

Q4)If you are able to get frequent, reliable EVPs, I think it would be an important experiment if you could have at least one recorder with the microphone disconnected, or a dummy one of equivalent electrical characteristics (so the recorder's electronics 'thinks' a microphone is connected). The test may give clues to how the voices are 'getting in'.

Q4 Ans. Umm. Scratches head. Are you thinking to rule out an electrical anomaly or PK or to confirm the sound as a wave? It's a very good idea and I'm more than happy to give it a go on our next sitting and report back.

It would rule out that the actual voices are produced as sound waves. But that's more or less already ruled out as you don't hear them at the time they are recorded. If you had a stereo recorder (digital or analogue) you could use one normal mic and one dummy mic. (The spec. of the VN-2100 looks like it's just a mono voice recorder.)

In fact a stereo recording set up properly with two normal mics (or better still a binaural recording - you might have to Google that) may give some spacial data as to where in the room the voice is coming from - if it is a voice. On the other hand if there is no spacial data (exactly the same 'voice' on both channels) it may suggest the voice signal is getting directly into the electronics some how.

(I can't believe this hasn't been done years ago. There have been enough EVP researchers over the decades. I've had no success of any type in my EVP research otherwise I'd have done it! Perhaps I'm just not open-minded/spiritual enough...)

You could try different levels of white noise playing from a speaker in the room to act as the noise being 'modulated' by the entities. It's more 'even' and predictable than water-made noises. There are some websites that will generate it and you could play it though your computer speakers. Others may disagree, but I think this method may be leave sceptics to say it's just pareidolia, and I believe they may have a point.

It seems you get frequent EVPs during your sessions (every session?), so that's why I make the suggestions.

I was interested to read that your higher bit-rate recordings give poorer results. Again another clue I suspect.

So, back to Percy... was it Percy Thorne?


PS: Apologies for the blank posts. Trying to fathom how the quoting works here and can't see how to completely delete a post.

Last edited on Sep 17th, 2013 04:18 PM by Jan


Joined: Jan 15th, 2008
Location: New Zealand
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Hi Jan and all,
There has been experimentation done to identify the entry point for voices. The results that have come from my attempts and those of other researchers indicate that multiple entry points are likely, and that an accumulative process is in effect.

Bill Weisensale in the 1980s conducted an isolation experiment that went something like this:
Connect the audio output of an AM radio directly to the line input of a tape recorder. Set recorder to record mode, tune the radio so it is tuned to a blank spot in between stations. Test there is no recorded radio reception by playing back a recording. Then place the setup in a sealed metal drum while the recorder is recording the static. Result: voices on playback are evident once retrieved from the drum. Conclusion: Voices not acoustic in origin (no mic used) and is not a radio signal. Likely to be direct influence within the electronics that shapes internal or radio received/ generated noise into a voice.
Another experiment. A stereo recorder, one line input channel electrically patched to radio output. The other (mic) channel has mic and it listens to the radio speaker. Record while setting both channels to be the same level. Result: both channels record voices but the channel with mic and speaker has clearer reception. Conclusion: the speaker mic interface adds value to reception that is already happening.

Compare the two experiments to see it is a complex question to answer, but some clues are evident.

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Joined: Jun 5th, 2012
Location: Inverness, Scotland
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Hi Sparks,

Thanks for the info. The experiments you describe sound vaguely familiar so I must have read about them somewhere. I'll do a bit of 'armchair research' and see what else Bill Weisensale discovered.

Hi Rachel,

Sounds like you have a plan and a clear method for your research, which of course you shouldn't change while you're getting results.

Good luck,


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Domenic Capaldi

Joined: Jun 30th, 2013
Posts: 21
Hi Rachel,
I have listened to your recording and I must say it is a tremendous capture.
Though I do not believe it to be a song as such as it appears to be on of those sing song responses that we used to get a lot of many years ago.
I have slightly de-hissed and it sounds like " Hello there ? ? in the house" .
Great capture


Last edited on Sep 22nd, 2013 01:41 PM by Domenic Capaldi

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Domenic Capaldi

Joined: Jun 30th, 2013
Posts: 21
Hi Rachel,
In the past I have also received ( as I am certain other researchers have ) responses that I could swear were my own voice despite having no recollection of saying it, this appears to be a typical example of how they are able to transform the content of our words whilst retaining the timbre of our own voices.

It seems that sing song responses are for some reason mainly female why this should be I do not know.

The results will get better ( stranger)as you all continue to work together it was explained to us how hard work will lead to the strengthening of the compatible energies that exist between communicators and experimenters alike.
Best wishes.

Super Moderator

Joined: Jun 26th, 2009
Location: Heart Of Arizona Indian Country, Arizona USA
Posts: 662
Hi Rachel,

I too have heard responses that sounded like my own voice. Pretty cool if you think about it from a trans-dimensional standpoint and the possibility of having a conversation with another you that does EVP's in a parallel universe.


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