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Hello everyone.


As some may know I have been working with various Germanium diode based detectors for a little while.

From my own perspective with very limited success.

The circuits both purchased and taken from on-line searches have never felt quite right to me.


The trouble with having a radio background is you tend to get stuck in the mind set of what should and should not work, so I tried to put this to one side and accept that we may not be chasing ‘radio’ signals in this field.


However, it’s grated on my mind all the time.


So today I have adapted a circuit to be both wide open to RF energy and to be functionally more correct.

This new circuit includes capacitors.

These basically are able to store electrical energy and release it.


The idea of the capacitors is to store energy as the AM radio sign wave goes from + peak to – .



Left to right: Antenna, short wire with loop, 1n capacitor, loaded to ground at 100k ohms, Germanium diode, again loaded to earth at 100k ohms, then a 2n2 capacitor (made up with two caps in my circuit)




Finally the whole device is mounted inside a tin and a wire (white) connects earth to the tin providing a screen.



The tin is then sealed with foil.




I have made a test and found it to be very smooth and sensitive.

No voices that I can hear but here is a 7min clip to give you an idea of the sound output.

I will start more intensive tests soon and report back.


Regards from sunny Sussex UK



Last edited on Mar 24th, 2011 05:00 AM by mikesndbs


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There's a voice from 36 to 39 seconds (high piched).
I will see if I can clean it up a bit.

I haven't finished with your upload yet...could be more.


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Here it is without any enhancements. There is the child (or female) at near start of this clip...she speaks 3 or 4 words (possible that it is actually 2 voices), the 2nd a more mature female. There is also 4 high pitched "metalic" sounds in here too.

I haven't come to any conclusions...just something for anyone to work on or suggest.

Attachment: signal review.wav (Downloaded 1187 times)


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clockdryve wrote: Here it is without any enhancements. There is the child (or female) at near start of this clip...she speaks 3 or 4 words (possible that it is actually 2 voices), the 2nd a more mature female. There is also 4 high pitched "metalic" sounds in here too.

I haven't come to any conclusions...just something for anyone to work on or suggest.

Here's another one...of course it doesn't prove much yet...

It is a male voice and all I can understand is the first word "nonsense"....

there is more and I might have clipped out some of it. Starts around 51 seconds to 1:01 minute/seconds.

NOTE: This has been run through DENOISER (Demo)

Attachment: 51 to 1 minute.wav (Downloaded 1096 times)

Last edited on Mar 24th, 2011 02:44 PM by clockdryve


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clockdryve wrote: clockdryve wrote: Here it is without any enhancements. There is the child (or female) at near start of this clip...she speaks 3 or 4 words (possible that it is actually 2 voices), the 2nd a more mature female. There is also 4 high pitched "metalic" sounds in here too.

I haven't come to any conclusions...just something for anyone to work on or suggest.

Here's another one...of course it doesn't prove much yet...

It is a male voice and all I can understand is the first word "nonsense"....

there is more and I might have clipped out some of it. Starts around 51 seconds to 1:01 minute/seconds.

NOTE: This has been run through DENOISER (Demo)

Here is the "nonsense" looped without ANY enhancements. As is...original (looped)

*This can be found in you full length original, right after the little bump sound (near 50 seconds)...just right BEFORE 53 second mark (without loop of course).


One thing I do (in audacity mainly....but other to IF I use them)...

Is to adjust the visual "zoom" + or -  until the moving "cursor" travels from Left to Right at a comfortable speed (not to fast or slow)....while listening to the audio. That way I can keep my eyes on the SOUND as it happens. Much easier to pay attention if your eyes arent in such a hurry...or "waiting" on the indicator to catch up with you.


Sounds funny....but try it sometime :)

Attachment: repeat-nonsense.wav (Downloaded 1133 times)

Last edited on Mar 24th, 2011 03:02 PM by clockdryve


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Thanks for those, again I don't hear too much.

However, I made a serious attempt today and recorded a 3 min file.

And this time :biggrin: I have something!


Looped three times followed by the almost raw file.

I hear, 'what are you doing' Filters used are, brick wall, then continuous noise then just a bit of lift. DC 7.

I have the rest of the file to check yet but wanted to get this out quick!


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Here is the 3min file with some noise filtering.
Too tired to work anymore on it.


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So, um have I got it wrong?


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What do you think would be the result of adding the quartz coil back to this circuit at the junction of the first cap and diode?


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:-( I am feeling really paranoid at the lack of replies!
Have you all heard something bad in the clip?
All I can hear is the question.


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They are not able to hear anything most likely is reason for no reply. There is a lot of help when they can hear something (usually) but nothing otherwise. So feelings of some people don't get hurt apparently...never know when someone will get the wrong feelings because of a not the same as a face to face :) I don't remember what you were doing with the crystals....but my thoughts on "crystals" are that they are usful when "cut" to a certain frequency like used in radio (thin quartz). But just a STONE I don't know...Many trust them though. I can understand that they DO have piezo effects. And even large crops of quartz can transmit. I was not able to hear anything in your file that is looped 3 times...but there are certain frequencies that I am unable to or not as to hear. I will listen to your longer 3 minute recording in Audacity now. I listened from download first...and maybe heard a few places. Will let you know if I found something.

Last edited on Mar 27th, 2011 08:22 PM by clockdryve


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mikesndbs wrote: Thanks for those, again I don't hear too much.

However, I made a serious attempt today and recorded a 3 min file.

And this time :biggrin: I have something!


Looped three times followed by the almost raw file.

I hear, 'what are you doing' Filters used are, brick wall, then continuous noise then just a bit of lift. DC 7.

I have the rest of the file to check yet but wanted to get this out quick!

I can't hear it. Is it a high or low voice?

There is a certain "layer" between the white noise that I have a very hard time hearing...only way I can describe it is that it seems to be floating up high and is like out of sync with the white noise....  ??? If I find again one of these "floating" voices I will upload at a later time. I have a few but don't remember what they said now-so that will hinder searching for it.


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Here is something I find in your longer clip of 3 minutes.

It sounds to me like a little girl (or young girl) is saying "los lebus leberstein", now I could have that all misspelled and not even the right words...but is simular to what I hear. The voice is really weak. I've used highpass filter only. Might not hear this...or try amplification....??

Attachment: 2min12seconds-to-2min17seconds-highvoice.wav (Downloaded 1152 times)


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clockdryve wrote: Here is something I find in your longer clip of 3 minutes.

It sounds to me like a little girl (or young girl) is saying "los lebus leberstein", now I could have that all misspelled and not even the right words...but is simular to what I hear. The voice is really weak. I've used highpass filter only. Might not hear this...or try amplification....??

There is actually another word about 1 second before the area of the first clip I uploaded. It is of the same voice and apparently part of the same sentence.

Clip has only be enhanced with highpass filter....maybe you can hear. ??


Please try to enhance this in someway with your equipment or software...there IS a voice in here. 

Attachment: liberstein-more.wav (Downloaded 1125 times)

Last edited on Mar 27th, 2011 09:24 PM by clockdryve


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Here's the voice as is.

No enhancements. Maybe best for your "Brick Wall" or something. Electronic noise suppresor..DSP. Or software enhancements.

Attachment: PURE.wav (Downloaded 1050 times)


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One thing I forgot to mention I think...Have you tried recording a few times (I do ALL the time) by using the lowest BIT RATE possible for your recorder? That has always been suggested by many, for better results. Since it helps bring up the static-hiss (white noise) theory is that the spirit voices come through "better" also.


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clockdryve wrote: Here is something I find in your longer clip of 3 minutes.

It sounds to me like a little girl (or young girl) is saying "los lebus leberstein", now I could have that all misspelled and not even the right words...but is simular to what I hear. The voice is really weak. I've used highpass filter only. Might not hear this...or try amplification....??

Here's what I think I have come up with...instead of saying "los lebus leberstein" I think that I NOW hear it as a young girl saying "you must never speak of me". Here is a clip (if you can hear it) where I have looped and amplified. I can only amp it so much before it starts to splatter...but you might be able to add more amplification.

She could of course be saying something totally different. At first I didn't even think she was speaking english. And remember....there IS another word or 2 BEFORE this phrase that I missed in the first upload. I will see if I can hear more. This is a slow process and mistakes do happen :)

NOTE: Had to convert to MP3 so it would fit in attachment.

Attachment: you_must_never_speak_of_me-LOOPED-AMPED-evp.mp3 (Downloaded 1207 times)


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Okay...I hear ONE other voice in the PURE file I have uploaded. I can't make out what she is saying (it sounds like meme)*like a name or something* Then I hear the girl that made the longer sentence say "enough". So the COMPLETE that I hear is something like-- 1st voice) "Meme"...2nd voice) "" There are pauses between the is very common.


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clockdryve wrote: Okay...I hear ONE other voice in the PURE file I have uploaded. I can't make out what she is saying (it sounds like meme)*like a name or something* Then I hear the girl that made the longer sentence say "enough". So the COMPLETE that I hear is something like-- 1st voice) "Meme"...2nd voice) "" There are pauses between the is very common.

One more thing before I pack up for bed. I used DENOISER and found that at the very end of the clip "leberstein-more" there is a "layered" evp voice that says "wait for me". Now remember that the "leberstein-more" is just a different enhancement (little longer) than ALL these from above posts...they are all from the same 5 or 6 second area on your original. *los lebus leberstein...ended up NOT being what was said.

NOTE: CLR at the end of the file name is what is added automatically to the name of the file when you use DENOISER (unless you change it).

*In about the middle of this recording I "THINK" I can hear a boy saying something like "walk off and leave you"...but this whole clip is sorta mangled because of the Denoiser removing alot of sound...and adding the near "whistle" sound effect. The ending is pretty clear though.

Attachment: liberstein-more_CLR.wav (Downloaded 1039 times)

Last edited on Mar 27th, 2011 11:23 PM by clockdryve


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clockdryve wrote: clockdryve wrote: Okay...I hear ONE other voice in the PURE file I have uploaded. I can't make out what she is saying (it sounds like meme)*like a name or something* Then I hear the girl that made the longer sentence say "enough". So the COMPLETE that I hear is something like-- 1st voice) "Meme"...2nd voice) "" There are pauses between the is very common.

One more thing before I pack up for bed. I used DENOISER and found that at the very end of the clip "leberstein-more" there is a "layered" evp voice that says "wait for me". Now remember that the "leberstein-more" is just a different enhancement (little longer) than ALL these from above posts...they are all from the same 5 or 6 second area on your original. *los lebus leberstein...ended up NOT being what was said.

NOTE: CLR at the end of the file name is what is added automatically to the name of the file when you use DENOISER (unless you change it).

*In about the middle of this recording I "THINK" I can hear a boy saying something like "walk off and leave you"...but this whole clip is sorta mangled because of the Denoiser removing alot of sound...and adding the near "whistle" sound effect. The ending is pretty clear though.

Looped ending attached to upload

Attachment: wait_for_me-LOOPED-evp.wav (Downloaded 967 times)


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clockdryve wrote: clockdryve wrote: clockdryve wrote: Okay...I hear ONE other voice in the PURE file I have uploaded. I can't make out what she is saying (it sounds like meme)*like a name or something* Then I hear the girl that made the longer sentence say "enough". So the COMPLETE that I hear is something like-- 1st voice) "Meme"...2nd voice) "" There are pauses between the is very common.

One more thing before I pack up for bed. I used DENOISER and found that at the very end of the clip "leberstein-more" there is a "layered" evp voice that says "wait for me". Now remember that the "leberstein-more" is just a different enhancement (little longer) than ALL these from above posts...they are all from the same 5 or 6 second area on your original. *los lebus leberstein...ended up NOT being what was said.

NOTE: CLR at the end of the file name is what is added automatically to the name of the file when you use DENOISER (unless you change it).

*In about the middle of this recording I "THINK" I can hear a boy saying something like "walk off and leave you"...but this whole clip is sorta mangled because of the Denoiser removing alot of sound...and adding the near "whistle" sound effect. The ending is pretty clear though.

Looped ending attached to upload

Now if you really want to get funky...

here is the clip "leberstein-more" after it is REVERSED (nothing more) and about the middle of the clip I hear a little girl saying (same voice as forward) "I can't sing"...then there is a much lower volume (girl voice) saying (I think) "that's okay".

The part "that's okay" could be near IMPOSSIBLE to hear, because I am not certain that is exactly what is said...but it rolls off that way.

Attachment: REVERSED-liberstein-more-I_can't_sing-that's_okay-evp.wav (Downloaded 952 times)


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Haha :) The more I listen to it after I LOOPED it...I hear it different

 1st voice)) "You can't sing"

2nd voice))  "Shut up" (this voice is more shallow and hollow sounding).

This is from the "reversal" of the file I called "leberstein-more".

I looped it and then had to convert to MP3 to fit the size limit.

Time for me to close down. It's 2:05am


Zzzzzzzz :closedeyes:

Attachment: CLIPPED and LOOPED-you_can't_sing--shut_up-evp.mp3 (Downloaded 913 times)


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Hi wow, a lot to work with there, I can hear most of the clips you sent but not the last three.
I am very surprised you can't hear the 'what are you doing' clip.
I played it to dad over the phone and he could hear it.
It sounds like a male voice.
What I have done here is drag some more noise out of it, see what you make of it now.

I'll get to work on the clips you provided as well, thanks :-)


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Still having problems hearing this.
Is the male voice older and kinda "hush" sounding down towards the bottom of the sound, or is he in the louder part of the recording??
Got me here :) But it could be a freq that I can't hear very well............

Last edited on Mar 28th, 2011 05:54 AM by clockdryve


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Hi, its strange this one, my dad can hear it very well but my sister really struggled to hear it!


Got some time off soon and will try some more ideas out.


Cheers and thanks for all your help

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Hello Mike,

First off…that 17Khz frequency you observed in your other posting could be from a couple of different things. 

Your ultrasonic pest repeller in the backyard could be going bad.   Do you recall seeing the 17Khz frequency in the recording you did for your Youtube video?

Someone in your area could have the 17.4Khz Mosquito (Youth Note) ring tone or alarm.

Depending on weather conditions,  there could have been a spike in a radio station.  Desi Radio in Southall is around 16Khz as well as BBC Radio Kent and others,  assuming you live in the London area.

I have no opinion on if you should re-use the crystal coil or not.

I know you have DC7 but what are you using to listen to your clips....laptop or desktop?  Headphones, earbuds or speakers?

Take Care,

Last edited on Mar 29th, 2011 06:47 AM by ArizonaEvp


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arizonaevp wrote: mikesndbs wrote: :-( I am feeling really paranoid at the lack of replies!
Have you all heard something bad in the clip?
All I can hear is the question.

Hello Mike,

First off…that 17Khz frequency you observed in your other posting could be from a couple of different things. 

Your ultrasonic pest repeller in the backyard could be going bad.   Do you recall seeing the 17Khz frequency in the recording you did for your Youtube video?

Someone in your area could have the 17.4Khz Mosquito (Youth Note) ring tone or alarm.

Depending on weather conditions,  there could have been a spike in a radio station.  Desi Radio in Southall is around 16Khz as well as BBC Radio Kent and others,  assuming you live in the London area.

I have no opinion on if you should re-use the crystal coil or not.

I know you have DC7 but what are you using to listen to your clips....laptop or desktop?  Headphones, earbuds or speakers?

Take Care,

Hi Ron :biggrin: Benny Hill eh!


OK, the ultrasonic devices were powered off and disconnected.

There are non near by.

I live in Sussex on the south coast of the UK.


I listen via my main computer with hifi speakers and top quality headphones.

Software that is usually involved is:


DC Forensics


and of late clear voice, but I find the demo mode annoying.


I tried the coil but was not happy so have removed it.

My current work load is to find out the best diode that I can get and to replace the capacitors with some better quality ones.





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The F0-215 Germanium Diode is declared by some Crystal Radio Enthusiast as being the most sensitive...

You can find them here

I don't know if they ship international.
I can reship maybe....letter or something.

You might be able to find online though. I only did a quick search last month....with no follow up.


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Thanks for that, I'll check it out :-)


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You know, while I am happier with this device I still feel there is something we are missing!
Wish the other side could give some tips!


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Yes, I ask them many times what I can do to help them speak with us more clearly, or maybe I can do so they can hear US better (if there is a problem). And I ask them how they are able to hear us....And I get No Answer. Not even a RUDE remark. But it is odd that sometimes with the same equipment that either a different Spirit will get through as loud or louder than WE or a previous contact will be loud and clear next time.


There are some people that get there answers sometimes though.

I won't quit asking the question for that reason.


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I wonder why they don't answer, not even to say it can't be done or that they don't understand, just giving no answer is odd!

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mikesndbs wrote

My current work load is to find out the best diode that I can get and to replace the capacitors with some better quality ones.




If you guys get tired of trying that diode type of circuit,  let me know and I'll point you towards something else if you want. the way Mike.  The can you have your circuit in....what was in that can.  I see in the pic it was packed in Canada.  Just curious.  :)


Last edited on Mar 29th, 2011 10:02 PM by ArizonaEvp


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I'm ready :) Getting out a different pair of headphones right now. A pair of British DLR No.5's to see what they can do.


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arizonaevp wrote: mikesndbs wrote

My current work load is to find out the best diode that I can get and to replace the capacitors with some better quality ones.




If you guys get tired of trying that diode type of circuit,  let me know and I'll point you towards something else if you want. the way Mike.  The can you have your circuit in....what was in that can.  I see in the pic it was packed in Canada.  Just curious.  :)


LOL oh yeah I never even noticed that, it was salmon.


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Yes I can have many work streams so please pass details :-)


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On the 51 -1 minute one, I can hear at the beginning "tell him this morning, tell him I love him,  it seems to help me,  .07/.08 "I'm in heaven".



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The clipped and looped one sounds like "we're right here" over and over.



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While I'm thinking about it...if any of ya'll find the EVP clip online "We're In Heaven George" (spoken by a very old lady) and then "George" says something...Please let me know. I really like that EVP :)

Last edited on Mar 30th, 2011 02:44 PM by clockdryve


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New adaption hoped for the weekend.
I'll be adding a audio matching transformer to the output of the diode radio and removing the 100k resistor at this point.
This should allow the diode to match its high impedance and will physically disconnect the recorders from the diode reducing the chance of pic up.
I'll also add a optional crystal mic to the circuit to simulate the original recording equipment that EVP was discovered on.
Will report as and when.
Debbie, I can't hear what you do but so want to hear!


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mikesndbs wrote: Yes I can have many work streams so please pass details :-)


I sent you a PM with a link to something you might find worthy of your considerable talents.


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PM sent to Clockdryve also.    :wink:


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Thanks Ron, lots to take in but will have a good look over the weekend :-)


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So Jim what do you think about that new device?
Looks like a lot of amplification and a MW radio antenna in there?


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Its been put to me today via a medium who brings forward a tech spirit that.
I need to eliminate white noise, avoid interference from man made sources and include a transmitter in my equipment.
This leans towards the Spiricom and the device Ron sent us.
Any thoughts?


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First let me say hi...and yeah see my other post - chasin radio waves...

I will probly just stay away from this design - the antenna alone is a problem for me; lol sorry...!

I worked with spiricom abit - it has potential...tones...creating a means for them to move vibrations...sorry some of this is abstract...some of my own talk doesnt even seem to be me!

And I am not claiming to channel but the last years or so since this all started for me I was bursting at the seems at the beginning (!)...

The whole concept is to get away from radio other means to light to audio and discrete component preamp, filter etc, on the low end to amp up the highs (for me anyways)...there are many means for input...light, electromagnetic, elec, mag, noise transduced...they are trying I think too...

We will succeed at this.



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While I am thinking of it...someone mentioned we need to make a transmitter...well maybe the entities hear us because when we talk our audio mixes with the radio waves in the air - note this is similar to Spiricom useage etc - maybe we ned to make a device that we talk into where they can hear us clearer - possibility - also however more important is how we listen to them.

They seem to use a mixture of sounds available to us (or other electromagnetics) then impress their voices on that - part of the reason for an antenna and noise coming into the receiving device.

An example would be having a water faucet run a little while we record - or tones added in the right configuration etc - this in itself may allow then to hear us while we talk into the noises (or sounds) that we are adding into the recieving device to hear them.

Some thoughts above...

I am trying to build 'transmitter-like' calibration devices for testing the recieving circuits - the front end should be very sensitive, and the amps and filters simple yet, etc...however I think there should be another similar setup next to the actual recieving setup - like a redundant duplicate (just in the amp/filter section) - record both then you have a standard to work with. You dont want extraneous signals coming out of the amp/filters (maybe avoid feedback loops in them - again discrete is the key!).

Also you calibrate the 2 amp/filter sections for signal, noise, s/n ratios, sensitivities etc. I was thinking also of using peltier to cool the front end and front amp/filter sections.

I also note that in building circuits you have to watch for stray capacitances - IE leads close together will cause this and can actually mix RF freqs into the simple circuit - keep leads short and away from each other, or have each connecting component on opposite sides of the board - maybe RF tests could solve any issues here. It may not be a problem - but you never know.

I was thinking going surface mount later as well, but using strips on the board also could induce stray capacitances...maybe just having good RF blocking on the input would prevent this possibility and should interfere with audio to ultrasonic inputs. - notes to self LOL!

So it is good to have dupicate circuits and calibrated as well - I have the test equipment setup more or less and could still check these designs for problems - or you can find simple software to run simulations on them.

Wow I just jumped into the radio collab project - using sounds to display pictures - those were quite amazing - like a delay and 2d time domain to what even looks like a 3d picture of faces - ! That is interesting! Guess I should check that out.




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what about trying to 'hear' the output of a IR detector diode?


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The only limit to trying out things is our imagination - but there are some things that have been tried - not failed necessarily mind you - its like training horses which I happen to have had the last 7 years dont ask me how it just happened - different training methods may only work for some horses (better etc)...

I have read it really matters on who is doing the research - they may work outstanding for you and not for me - it could be the beings involved in the communication process are more attuned to say IR diodes...

Erland Babcock who I was fortunate to have met worked with photodetectors  - he said the response was too slow - so response time is something to watch out for...

Look at the various energies you may be trying to record - I personally am at a low point or starting point and will build most of all these prototypes to gather 'energies' at the same time (say as a basic recording) - its a 'fun' project for me and is the only thing keeping it alive - I like to work with low energy signals (for some reason!).

Believe it or not and most dont know this (I didnt!), is that LED's, the little red ones (and all colored ones), that when you add a resistor to limit current (usually 1-2k), and a voltage they light up right (?); well guess what - they also can recieve light!!

I never knew that so that needs to be looked at - say a whole matrix of 2d or 3d - of course it can get expensive - also photodiodes (ir) pick up heat so that can mess it up, but could could be a cheap temp change detector - add it to a wheatstone bridge and amp to detect small temp changes.

I wish I had the time and energy to build these things - I will soon I just dont know when.

Oh I meant the photocells earlier - Erland said they are to slow - photo(diodes) or the photodetectors are better - he was workin with laser before he passed on and said laser picks up the higher level beings - higher frequency etc.

My brain goes on overload an I have to slow down thinking about all this !

I can add - I am trying to build small signal amps to send out a voice thru these recieve circuits to test their response etc - calibration etc- I need to work on that before I can start recieving! Lots to it!








Last edited on Apr 9th, 2011 08:40 PM by MrZeta


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I can't understand how ordinary LED's can recieve, do you have any details?


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I have heard of using Diodes as receivers in like Diode "power meters"...where they would use a "Green" diode in the circuit connected to a DC voltage meter... to AIM your "green laser" of questionable power to get power output readings. But I do know the Diode IR transmitters work as receivers too because I have made one and heard voice on it (used in dark because it is quite light sensitive for daytime) *very noisy*. And the Radio Shack variety receives pretty much the complete light spectrum.

Keith Clark

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I am very interested in this topic, and have heard of Erland Babcock's work. Any more information for the average person may prove useful in experiments with light.



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Jim, can you post some details of the IR diode you are using so I can see if I can get one over here, also the circuit or are you just replacing the germanium one?




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Hi Mike,

Well a diode is a diode - an led is a diode - has an anode and cathode - but it is light sensitive - probly in the same spectrum it transmits - around 700nm I forget.

There are many diff kinds of noise too - you could add filters and small transistor amps at the front end - lots of trial and error. I dont know the response time of leds on recieve - one would have to pulse a light wave to find out.

I wanted to work in light as it gets rid of the radio noise (and signals) - no time yet.

Again you just have to experiment!

Oh yeah I guess if it is turned on how can it recieve...maybe forward bias (?) so it doesnt transmit - (I think it is reverse bias for normal light output) - one or the other!



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You reverse the leads for receive. I will find the webpage Mike that shows how to make the IR Diode receiver. Very simple. I suggest trying it in the dark like I have lately because it picks up all light sources. Not just IR...and it makes a lot of noise :)


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Here's the link giving information on the IR Diode.

Very simple to make as it only requires 2 parts and solder.


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I do not use the reflective "foil" or a Kerosene lamp to record with...I just simply turn off the lights and let the EVP put of the "invisible" light that is needed to get the message.

Last edited on Apr 12th, 2011 06:15 AM by clockdryve

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That IR diode mic is short , sweet and to the point without a lot of circuitry getting in the way.

Kinda like this pic of a germanium diode and jack.

P.S...........You guys might want to say hi to Bravo Paranormal.   He does the raudive thing as well.    He has a pic of his mic in his post:


Attached Image (viewed 667 times):


Last edited on Apr 12th, 2011 06:45 AM by ArizonaEvp


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Dang Ron, having you around is like carring "google" around in the back pocket...all sorts of information pops up ;) LOL

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clockdryve wrote: Dang Ron, having you around is like carring "google" around in the back pocket...all sorts of information pops up ;) LOL

Too funny.....:tt2:

So guys..........are you still up for some more ideas?

Maybe you and Mike need to go see the other Mike:

He has several ideas / variations of the Diode thing.  Just click on the little blue X's  to be taken to the appropriate page.

This Youtube video he did on one device is pretty interesting in it's original concept.

He also shows a schematic and tiny pics of how he did a diode mod to the inside of a digi recorder....but if you think about that;  why bother if you got a diode jack style antenna.




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Hi guys, I have been thinking about this all day and did some experiments this evening!
I was so surprised at the results that I have made a short video so I can share with you all.
Please see my new thread 'LED Spiricom'

Bravo Paranormal

Joined: Apr 11th, 2011
Posts: 20
Glad to see someone else trying the baby diode. In mine I packed a resistor and 2 diodes to an antenna. Easier said than done though lol. *tip* use heat shrink tubing


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Have to admit to being very down just now, no success and not sure what to do :-(

Bravo Paranormal

Joined: Apr 11th, 2011
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What are you lost at? Maybe we can all collectively help.


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Hmm that's the thing, am on my own with it most of the time.
I tried Video loop ITC today with some interesting results.
I'll post soon and see if it gets any replies.


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clockdryve wrote: clockdryve wrote: Here it is without any enhancements. There is the child (or female) at near start of this clip...she speaks 3 or 4 words (possible that it is actually 2 voices), the 2nd a more mature female. There is also 4 high pitched "metalic" sounds in here too.

I haven't come to any conclusions...just something for anyone to work on or suggest.

Here's another one...of course it doesn't prove much yet...

It is a male voice and all I can understand is the first word "nonsense"....

there is more and I might have clipped out some of it. Starts around 51 seconds to 1:01 minute/seconds.

NOTE: This has been run through DENOISER (demo)



Sorry.....never mind people>>>>

I thought it would forward the recording here also, so that I could give the area of my description in my upload to help point out were the word "nonsense" was located...If you want to look back over my previous text with upload of the recording mentioned....the word I hear is around the 1 second mark in MY upload of is recording after running through Denoiser. *But is going to be very difficult if not "impossible" to hear. Just thought I would try and clarify because I had a little bit of trouble myself just now trying to hear it again. It's there...but hidden I guess.


Good Luck to ALL this Spring/Summer :)

Last edited on May 9th, 2011 04:32 PM by clockdryve


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Good to hear from you again Jim!


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Yep, yep :biggrin:


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I've been working on a Raudive diode circuit and having trouble understanding the need for the antenna.   Measured at the antenna - diode junction, without the 500uH coil connected, I see a signal level of approximately 2-4 mV.  Even using a germanium diode with its 0.3 volt forward voltage reqirement, I don't see any way this low level signal will get through the diode.  As far as I can see the diode only acts as a noise source to the recorder's microphone input.   It looks like the antenna and coil are completely superfuous.

In order for this Raudive diode circuit to work it appears that the EVP signal level would have to jump up above the 0.3 V level.  That ought to make the EVP really loud and clear?

What signal voltage are you seeing on the antenna on your device?

I think the 500uH coil is being used as a high pass filter.   That how you see it?

I've begun experimenting with biasing the diode to about 0.5 volts to that the antenna signal flows through the diode within its conduction zone.  At least this way the 2-4 mV signal gets through.  My next step is to amplify the signal to a level that my digital recorder can reasonably record.

Your thoughts?





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Hi Bruce


My tech findings agree fully with yours.

The issue seems to be that we are not dealing with conventional 'radio' there is no reason for the EVP to work at all!


Interesting idea about biasing, a circuit would be interesting if you have time.

With regards to the antenna, again I agree, maybe more a capacitance is what is required instead, as used in ULF/LF radio?


Its good to hear from you.




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The biasing is similar to what you would do for a transistor, a simple voltage divider. (Note: This will not work with the 500 uH coil in the circuit.)

I added a 1.5 volt battery and connected a 15k resistor to the (+) battery lead and a 10k resistor to the (-) battery lead and circuit ground. Then I soldered the two remaining resistor leads together to form a voltage divider. This resistor junction is then soldered to the junction of the antenna - diode input lead. This puts about 0.55 volts through the diode to ground. That is well into the conduction zone of the germanium diode. I sized the resistors to minimize current and provide long battery life.

The slope of the conduction zone current is pretty steep, so that adds a little amplification to the antenna signal.



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Hmm, what an interesting idea, think I will adapt one of my circuits like this. Thanks


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Hi Bruce, Mike,
I just read your posts, and thought Id add my thoughts.

From what Ive read and experimented with, the Raudive diode is essentially meant to be a noise generator to provide raw material for subsequent metamorphosis into EVP inside a recorder or amplifier. The antenna length is I believe, adjusted in length until broadcast stations start to be demodulated (the threshold of diode conduction curve), providing a distorted mush of sorts - this is the desired outcome. The reception of clear loud stations is not desired. In all designs, the inductor is not tuned, so allowing a broadband reception and demodulation.
The later Psychofon was essentially a Raudive diode with a 2 stage rf amp preceeding the diode...
I have built this design and it is very broadband in nature, receiving many stations at once, which is the aim I think, and provides a rich mush of audio that has good harmonic content. I have also built a shortwave version that works well too.
The idea to pre-bias the diode would enhance its sensitivity, but within the context of how the device has been traditionally used, this enhancement might not be needed.
The Goniometer was another diode device, but in a ring modulator configuration, so quite a departure from conventional receiver design. It also has literature suggesting it provides a background noise floor that is suitable for metamophosis into EVP.


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Mike & Sparks,

I'been testing the germanium diode to better understand the transition from non-conduction to the conduction zone and the result is not what I expected. I found that test signals (sine wave tones from a frequency generator) get thru the diode even at amplitudes of 1-2 mV. My previous understanding would have predicted that a minimum signal level of 0.25 - 0.3 volts would be necessary.

Google searching came up with:

Diode Voltage/Current Curves: Does a Specific "Knee" Voltage really Exist?


Graph (3) clearly (?) shows poistive current flow through the germanium diode at 0.0 volts. Graph (4) shows more detail. The slope of these current flow curves is still in the nonlinear (or less linear) region of current flow, but current is flowing.

My testing does not show the same thing for silicon diodes, tiny signals of a 1 - 2 mV don't get through, at all.

The Raudive design may be taking advantage of these tiny current flows within what is supposed to be the cutoff region of the forward bias voltage.

This cutoff region is something else I google searched and I found something interesting about it is the Scole Experiments. At:

A spirit discusses the means of transmission of voice messages. He said:

" . . . (in a very simplified manner) the basic principles of the silicon chip, which uses a semi-conductor (silicon in this case but the theory is the same), and talked to us about something referred to as the 'cut-off point. This cut-off point is very interesting, especially in relation to our other experiments.

As this cut-off point is reached, and as I understand it, this can be due to temperature/pressure (remember the germanium is under a certain amount of pressure), the semi-conductor becomes unstable. This instability is then followed by the 'cut-off, or in other words, shuts down. It is, he explained, this instability or fluctuation in direction that provides a 'point of entry'. This reminded us of the fluctuations in the 'energy fields' that cause the 'void' to be formed in the receptor. Perhaps there are 'doorways' involved here, . . ."

This same spirit also stated:
. . . that electromagnetic waves (which include radio waves) are not involved in the reception of these communications. He told us all, not to fall into that trap as they are purely spiritual vibrations or waves that will be using the germanium as a point of entry or focus.

(Note: I suggest reading the whole page for more insight and to see their communicator design)

If the "cutoff" he is describing is the "non-conduction zone" of the germanium diode it might suggest that the best bias voltage is one that brings the diode into its leasst stable conduction region. Not sure what forward voltage that would be. Could be 0.0V, the place in the curve where current flow changes from positive to negative. Could be where current flow is least linear, from Graph (4) that looks like about (-)0.05 V with a current flow of about (-)0.75 uA.

About the coil . . .
It looks like it is being used with the diode to form a high pass filter. Its impedance is a function signal frequency. This impedance is so low at frequencies below about 100kHz that, that part of the antenna signal passes through the coil to ground, never passing thru the diode. As the signal frequency increases the impedance also increases sending more of those frequencies through the diode. The higher the signal frequency the more of the signal goes through the diode.

Maybe that has something to do with what is meant by:

"According to Raudive’s colleagues, the second unit helps you pick up ”higher-frequency voices,”

As referred to in the article in the October 1995 issue of Popular Electronics at:

Still working at understanding how this works . . .



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You can take an a stereo/mono 1/8th" and plug that into you microphone input and STILL get a voice of EVP if they choose to speak.

         (nothing else connected to the adapter--other connection hole showing)

I have done your statement that the diode didn't actually open to retrieve a signal wouldn't surprise me if you were to get a voice capture anyway...

As for white noise -- even without a microphone circuit (like the adapter in place) it's still going to be there because the recorder isn't "clean" I suppose.

Hi Ya Mike :)


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Hi all :-) still watching and just waiting for free time to get working again :-)


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Hi Bruce, some stunning work there my friend.
Time for me to look at this again!


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Here's the link giving information on the IR Diode.

Very simple to make as it only requires 2 parts and solder.

That link has good info on it but the phototransistor response may be slow...response time is one of the tests I will be doing on the various transducers out there; the photoresistor may also be too slow of response time...

Spirit ans Entity communications can come in many varieties and they may only work for some people; here is a picture of them the phototransistor may work better tho:

possibly 'faster' photoTRANSISTOR:

'slow' photoRESISTOR:

I am trying to get my electronics lab setup and I am doing up a video stream so be sure to visit:

Mr Zeta

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