View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Mar 15th, 2008 04:57 PM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Hey that would be great :biggrin:
The main problem is indeed the quick spin past of images. Ustream's service runs at a frame rate of 3 per second, at the slowest setting. I asked the guys if it could be returned back to 1 frame per sec, as they used to have it before an upgrade, but it seems people want speed, not slowness ! Damn technology eh lol.
Much like when I first set the cameras up and everywhere I asked about multiple cameras, they couldn't see why anyone would have more than 1 webcam. The result from that was the once in a lifetime type find of our CCTV system at a thrift shop...$25 all in, if I remember correctly. 4 cameras, not webcams and through the same lead..voila 4 cams.
One of those is set on the TV now, which gives 1 ITC frame per 40 seconds (10 seconds view of each camera) and that's too slow!

There are free progs to record some screen video though, so recording for a couple of minutes and then stepping through is one method.
One such prog is: